Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1020 Bullying Huang Qingming

"Joining forces?" Hearing this, Qing Mo and Judge looked at each other, and they both saw the same thing in each other's eyes.

"Kill the emperor and get his good fortune." The beast Qiongqi said bewitchingly, "In this way, the probability of us becoming emperor in the future will be even greater."

The fierce beast Qiongqi just said that Huang Qingming, who was wearing a python robe, came here in a chariot.

"These guys are going to deal with Zhao Yang?" the second general whispered.

"What does that have to do with me?" What the second general did not expect was Huang Qingming's words.

The second god general looked at Huang Qingming dumbfounded, "How can you say such a thing? Even if you have conflicts with Zhao Yang, he is still the emperor of the human race, you know?"

"If it's not for my use, it's better to die." Huang Qingming's eyes showed a hint of resentment.

"Zhao Yang is not weaker than you, why should he be used by you?" the second general asked.

"I am the blood of the Lord of the Immortal Court, and my mission is to rebuild the Immortal Court. As long as you have the blood of the human race, then you should belong to me." Huang Qingming said coldly, "But what did Zhao Yang do? He wants to establish his own family. .”

"When the Immortal Court was so powerful in the world, there were many forces in the human race. The Immortal Court has never prevented a hundred flowers from blooming." The second god general said righteously.

"But the current situation of the human race does not allow a hundred flowers to contend, and all the forces of the human race can only be twisted into one rope." Huang Qingming said here, a chuckle sounded in his ears, "so you think all the human race Should I obey your orders?"

Huang Qingming's face became gloomy, "Who?"

"Me." The moment the voice fell, a girl wearing a pink veil stepped on a peony petal and fell slowly.

"Peony Fairy." Huang Qingming recognized the girl's identity, "This is an internal matter of my human race, it has nothing to do with you, right?"

"It has nothing to do with me, I just don't like it." Fairy Peony said lightly, "What else do you think you have besides the blood of Xianting? Not to mention not having strong force, even the broad No heart. If the human race is handed over to someone like you to lead, let alone being wiped out."

"You..." Huang Qingming was furious.

"Thinking to kill me?" Peony Fairy said that the unparalleled divine sense came to suppress Huang Qingming under the blessing of the power of the world.

Huang Qingming's eyes were full of serious murderous intent.


Under the blessing of the power of the world, his divine sense blasted towards Fairy Peony.

The two divine senses collided fiercely in mid-air.

Huang Qingming only felt a heavy hammer hit his head, his face turned pale, and he stepped back a few steps.

"Emperor, are you alright?" The Second God General asked with concern.

Huang Qingming pushed away the second general, and he looked at Mudan with a solemn expression, "You... how could you be so strong?"

Peony laughed, "It's not that I'm too strong, but you are too weak."

Peony's words pierced Huang Qingming's heart like a thorn. At this moment, he wished to tear Fairy Peony into pieces, but of course he knew that he couldn't do it at this time.

"Trash, you can't even beat a woman." At this moment, a huge figure appeared in midair.

This figure is about three feet tall, and its whole body exudes soul-stirring fluctuations.


"The son of the Titan family."

"This family hasn't asked about world affairs for many years, why did it appear this time?"

The appearance of Mount Tai aroused the ideas of many emperors, after all, this family is very powerful in the restricted area.

"Taishan, what did you say?" Huang Qingming's face revealed a look of shock and anger.

It's all right for Mudan to humiliate him, who makes Mudan stronger?

But why did Taishan humiliate him?

He didn't offend Tai Shan?

"I said you are a waste." Tai Shan slapped Huang Qingming at this point.

The second god general withdrew.

The second god will not be suitable for the young generation's struggle.

Furthermore, if he made a move, the master standing behind Taishan would also make a move.

The Taitan family practiced physical power, which is the so-called one power down ten sessions.

Facing this devastating blow, Huang Qingming roared, and nine golden dragons circled around Huang Qingming.

The power of nine giant dragons was added to Huang Qingming's body.

Huang Qingming chose head-to-head.


Huang Qingming felt that his body was about to fall apart.

He was slapped out by Taishan, and he retreated hundreds of meters before stopping.

The moment he stopped, he felt blood gushing from his throat.


He spat out a mouthful of blood.

He looked up at Tai Tan with a look of shock on his face.

"Why is the gap so big?" Huang Qingming murmured.

Just now he used the Nine Dragon Body, but he was still severely injured by Mount Tai's slap.

"Silly beep." The beast Qiongqi pointed at Huang Qingming and said with a big smile, "The body of the Titans is invincible in the world, even we and other beasts dare not challenge it."

"That's right, what do you think you are? Do you dare to compete with Taishan in body?" Qingmo laughed recklessly.

"It's just you who want to restore the fairy court? Wishful thinking." The judge sneered.

Huang Qingming felt embarrassed for a while.

He was suddenly helpless.

So many emperors are fighting against him, but he seems to be unable to do anything.

"Is everyone happy?" At this moment, a gentle voice rang out in the audience.

Qiongqi shut up.

The judge fell silent.

The green devil was silent.


Zhao Yang showed up.

Zhao Yang shredded the space and appeared in midair.

He looked around the audience with a relaxed expression and frivolous words.

But neither the rebellious Green Demon nor the domineering Qiongqi responded at this time.

"What's the origin of this kid?" At this moment, Tai Shan pointed at Zhao Yang carelessly.

No one responded.

After thinking about it, Tai Shan understood, "Are you Zhao Yang from the lineage of the Guardian?"

"The Titans were neutral back then, I wonder if they are still neutral now?" Zhao Yang looked at Mount Tai and asked this question.

"If the human race can suppress the situation, the Titans will still remain neutral." Tai Shan grinned, showing his yellow teeth.

"Do you want to try?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"I have already tried Huang Qingming."



Huang Qingming's whole body trembled.

There was a look of resentment in his eyes.


How dare Taishan say that about himself?

"Go ahead." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it."

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

Taishan saw absolute confidence in Zhao Yang's face.

"Since you are so confident, don't blame me for not giving you a chance?" Tai Shan said and rushed towards Zhao Yang.


There was a piercing sonic sound in the air.

He is like electricity.

In an instant, he rushed in front of Zhao Yang.

Punch out.

The mountains and rivers swayed, and the earth trembled.

This punch was so brilliant that the faces of the emperors present were shocked.

No one thought that Mount Tai in his peak state would be so terrifying?

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