Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1014 Lin Caihan Overcomes Tribulation

Lin Caihan took it.

In fact, Lin Caihan refined ten holy treasures of the Great Sacred Realm before.

Of course, the words she is refining at this time must be much stronger than the ones she refined before.

But Lin Caihan didn't think it was necessary.

She only survived the first catastrophe.

Lin Caihan didn't think about the second catastrophe.

And after having ten holy treasures and these twenty formation scrolls, Lin Caihan felt that there would be no problem in crossing the tribulation.

When Lin Caihan was crossing the catastrophe, Zhao Yang let the heaven of the small world block that side of the world again.

first course.

Second way.

The third way.

Lin Caihan chose to resist.

Because if you resist hard at this time, the more benefits you will get in the future.

Of course, the premise is that you can't be injured, otherwise how will you survive the tribulation next?

No.30 Road.

No.40 Road.


When the thunder came to the 120th track, Lin Caihan finally blocked it.

She doesn't have a dark yellow body.

Then there is only hard resistance.

But this has already made the senior officials of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong feel incredible.


Zhundi's high-level and Zhundi's peak are just to cross the 81 major and perfect catastrophe, okay?

220 tracks.

230 tracks.

240 tracks.

Lin Caihan has been stubbornly resisting.

And at 250 points, the energy consumption in Lin Caihan's body is almost the same.

She took a Super Pin Dan.

After recovering to her peak state, Lin Caihan continued to block Tianlei.

Track 270.

Track 280.

Track 290.

After the 310th pass, the energy in Lin Caihan's body was exhausted again.

Lin Caihan took another super pill.

This time Lin Caihan persisted until the 340th thunder.

At this point, the energy in Lin Caihan's body was exhausted again.

"Try Zhao Yang's formation scroll." Lin Caihan threw out a formation scroll made by Zhao Yang.

The array scroll exuded a soft radiance that enveloped Lin Caihan's whole body.

Lin Caihan sat cross-legged on the ground and recovered silently.


The thunder landed fiercely and landed on top of the brilliance.

Guanghui shook slightly and then returned to calm.


After a while, the second thunder came again.

What no one expected was that the formation scroll refined by Zhao Yang would have such a good effect on the ultimate catastrophe.

350th Road.

350th Road.

350th Road.

When the 350th thunder came, the scroll finally couldn't hold on and shattered.

At this time, Lin Caihan had recovered nearly half of her cultivation.

In other words, she has the strength to fight.

But Lin Caihan actually took out another formation scroll and threw it out.

350th Road.

No. 350 Eighth Road.

350th Road.

After seeing this scene, the senior officials of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong realized that Lin Caihan could survive [-]%.

"I didn't expect the formation scroll refined by the suzerain to be so terrifying?"

"When the time comes for us to overcome the catastrophe, we may be able to use it to overcome the ultimate catastrophe."

"Yes, in this way, our upper limit can be further improved."

When everyone was discussing, the last thunder came.

Lin Caihan finally survived the first catastrophe.

At this moment, Tiandao's voice without any emotion rang in the air, "Are you interested in going through the second catastrophe?"

Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang.

"Follow your own ideas." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

After some calculations, Lin Caihan said, "I'll cross."

Immediately, Tianjie continued to gather energy.

Lin Caihan seized this rare opportunity to recover.

She will return to her peak state when the thunder strikes.

After Zhao Yang pondered for a while, he turned and returned to his own small world.

This stunned the senior officials of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong who were present.

what's the situation?

Why did Zhao Yang leave so well?

Could it be that he is dissatisfied with Lin Caihan's behavior?

"Hui'er, where did little junior brother go?" Yuan Jin'er asked in confusion.

She really wanted to say that even if Lin Caihan made her own decisions, she shouldn't have left at this time.

"I think he probably went to refine the formation scroll."

"Ah." Yuan Jin'er was stunned.

"Junior Brother has prepared more hole cards for Cai Han."

"Scroll of Refining Formation."


After Zhao Yang returned to the small world, he summoned Sanqing.

"You enter the time domain to refine the formation scrolls," Zhao Yang ordered.

"As ordered."

"As ordered."

"As ordered."

After Sanqing took the order, he took the materials to refine the formation scrolls.

There are 360 ​​sky thunders, and the interval between each sky thunder is [-] breaths, in other words, it is six hours.

Zhao Yang stayed in the time domain for a year, while the outside world only passed one day.

A day is 24 hours, which means he can stay in it for three months.

Three months is enough for Zhao Yang.

According to Zhao Yang's speed, it would take about a month to forge a powerful formation scroll.

In other words, Zhao Yang and Sanqing can refine twelve formation scrolls.

Zhao Yang felt that these twelve scrolls should be enough.

"Yi Ren, do you want to take advantage of this time to refine some magic weapons?" Jian Chen whispered beside Yi Ren.

Tang Yiren shook his head and said, "My Qi Dao can't reach the realm of Master. If Master's wife can't stop it, neither can the magic weapon I refine." Tang Yiren knew very well that Lin Caihan definitely didn't problem, and the magic weapon refined by Tianlei himself in the later stage is slag.

Ten ways.



The reason why Lin Caihan dared to cross the second stage of the catastrophe was that she was stronger than ordinary emperors; the second was because she had a lot of supernatural powers in the imperial realm.

Whether it is the secret technique of the source or the boundless domain, Lin Caihan has mastered it all.

250 tracks.

260 tracks.

270 tracks.

When Lin Caihan persisted to this point, her boundless realm was broken.

From now on, Lin Caihan could only face the power of thunder.

280 tracks.

290 tracks.

Lin Caihan found that the energy in his body was exhausted again after he managed to last three hundred times.

As a last resort, Lin Caihan threw out a formation scroll.

And she seized the time to restore her cultivation.

A breath passed.

Two breaths passed.

After forty breaths passed, Lin Caihan's cultivation level returned to the peak state again.

She put away the array scroll to fight against the thunder again.

Track 310.

Track 320.

Lin Caihan was crippled again after resisting 22 thunders.

Lin Caihan had to summon the formation scroll again.

And when Lin Caihan used the secret technique of the source, she found that it was useless.

"The secret technique of the source seems to be limited." Lin Caihan sighed softly.

At this time, Lin Caihan had already used the secret technique of the source three times.

Lin Caihan recovered silently after taking a super-pin pill.

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