That's right.

Zhao Yang is about to break through.

After reaching this point, breaking through means crossing the catastrophe.

The place to cross the robbery has been found long ago, not far from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

When Zhao Yang went to cross the robbery, Lin Caihan, Xu Huier and other high-level officials all followed.

"Can Dujie block it?" Zhao Yang asked Tiandao of the small world.

"I can help you shield this world." Tiandao of the small world replied.

"Then help me shield it." Zhao Yang said softly.

After the heavenly way of the small world shielded this area, Zhao Yang no longer suppressed his cultivation, but completely released it.

When the critical value was reached, the thick cloud of calamity rolled over mightily.

Zhao Yang is as immovable as a mountain.

He quietly watched the thunder calamity continuously gathering in the midair, his eyes eager to try.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a click, and a purple sky thunder fell towards Zhao Yang.

This sky thunder is too fast.

Everyone didn't even catch the trajectory of the sky thunder.

And after the thunder receded, Zhao Yang stood in mid-air as if nothing happened.


The second thunder came.

Zhao Yang still chose to resist.

The third way!

Fourth way!

When the Thunderbolt hit the 280th stroke, Zhao Yang gradually became exhausted.

He used the Xuanhuang Body.

Track 290.

Three hundredth way.

Track 310.

The body of Xuanhuang improved with Zhao Yang's background.

Now the Xuanhuang Body has become even stronger.

Track 320.

Track 330.

Track 340.

Seeing this moment, the monks present were stunned.


The Zhundi Tribulation is divided into nine small catastrophes, 36 medium catastrophes, 81 major catastrophes, and 360 ultimate catastrophes.

In other words, even if it is the emperor's son crossing the catastrophe, it is the ultimate catastrophe of 360 levels.

But Zhao Yang persisted to the 340 weight by virtue of his mysterious and yellow body.

This is terrible.

Track 350.

Track 360.

After the last thunder fell, Zhao Yang's mysterious and yellow body still did not collapse.

"Is this the end of the ultimate catastrophe?" Zhao Yang was a little confused.

It thinks that Heavenly Tribulation is a bit of a joke?

What kind of test is this?

"Are you interested in accepting the second test?" At this moment, a cold voice rang out in midair.

"Is there any reward?" Zhao Yang asked.

What if he didn't do it without a reward?

"If you can pass the second test, I will give you a seal of heaven and earth."

"Heaven and Earth Seal?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"The seal of heaven and earth has the cultivation base of the quasi-emperor peak, and can suppress the existence below the quasi-emperor peak."

"I'll cross." Zhao Yang said immediately after hearing this.

The next moment, even more terrifying thunder tribulations gathered.

Zhao Yang found that the power of the thunder disaster this time was three times higher than before.

That's right.

three times.

"It's too much." Zhao Yang murmured.

But he has nothing to worry about?

He thinks that there is not much problem in getting through the second thunder disaster.


Thunder struck down again.




Zhao Yang removed the Xuanhuang body.

The reason why he said that the power of Thunder Tribulation is three times stronger than the first level of Thunder Tribulation is actually referring to the same level.

For example, in the second thunder tribulation, the power of the first thunder is three times that of the first thunder.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need to use the Xuanhuang Body now.

110 tracks.

120 tracks.

130 tracks.

After reaching this point, Zhao Yang had no choice but to use the Xuanhuang Body.

The strength of the Xuanhuang Body has been verified once again.

210 tracks.

220 tracks.

230 tracks.

After reaching 260, the Xuanhuang Body couldn't hold on anymore.

Zhao Yang had to fight against the sky thunder in midair.

310 tracks.

320 tracks.

When he persisted to this point, most of the energy in Zhao Yang's body was consumed.

Zhao Yang took out a super-grade elixir and took it, and he recovered more than half before the next thunder came.

330 tracks.

340 tracks.

350 tracks.

After reaching this step, the energy in Zhao Yang's body was almost exhausted again.

Zhao Yang took another super-pin pill.

In fact, the effect of the second super-grade pill is not as good as the first one.

But Zhao Yang persisted until the last thunder.

"Congratulations, you have passed the test of the second heavenly tribulation." When Tiandao's voice sounded, a big seal appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

This big seal is the same as the heaven and earth seal in Lin Caihan's hand.

"The seal of heaven and earth is a gift from God, and it is also your protection." Tiandao changed his voice when he said this, "Are you interested in going through the third thunder disaster?"

"What's the reward for the third thunder tribulation?"

"Imperial seal."

"Emperor Seal?" Zhao Yang exclaimed.

"Any monk who gets the emperor's seal will instantly become the son of the emperor." Tiandao said lightly, "Of course you don't need the emperor's seal, but I think it is still needed for the people around you."

"I..." Zhao Yanggang was blocked by Lin Caihan when he said this. "I don't need the emperor's seal."

Lin Caihan knew exactly what Zhao Yang wanted to do.

"My potential is infinitely close to the third heaven of the emperor's realm. I want to take advantage of this tribulation to increase my potential." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "This time I am not only for you, but also for myself." Speaking Here Zhao Yang changed his voice, "I'll cross."

"You take advantage of this time to recover." Tiandao said lightly.

Zhao Yang sat down cross-legged and recovered quietly.

And in the process of Zhao Yang's recovery, the catastrophes kept gathering, and finally gathered to the point where everyone was terrified.

"I felt deeply depressed."

"My legs are shaking."

"I simply don't have the courage to survive this catastrophe."

"Three Heavens of the Emperor Realm, I wonder if there is such an existence in the Immortal Realm?"

"The main thing is that if you do it, you may be able to push the restricted area horizontally in the future."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"If the president gets the emperor's seal, then president Lin will also become a strong man in the emperor's realm in the future."

While the monks present were discussing, a thunderbolt descended without any warning.

Zhao Yang looked composed.

Even if the thunder at this time has increased by three times on the basis of the second thunder disaster.

But this level of thunder still couldn't do much harm to Zhao Yang.

He still sat cross-legged on the ground and continued to recover.

Second way.

The third way.

There is a certain amount of time between each thunder strike.

So when the No.30 thunder struck, Zhao Yang returned to his peak state.

He stood up and looked at the sky with high spirits.


Let me see how violent you are?

No.40 together.

No.40 Second way.

No.40 three.

When Zhao Yang reached this point, he found that his body was cracked, and he had no choice but to summon the mysterious and yellow body.

With the protection of the mysterious and yellow body, Zhao Yang's physical body gradually recovered.

But the Xuanhuang body only lasted until 86 thunderstorms before it was declared broken.

That's right.


Zhao Yang frowned involuntarily.

"It's a little crazy." Thinking like this, Zhao Yang fought against Tianlei.

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