Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1000 Eight Barren Seals

"Have you learned Huangliang Yimeng?"

"I have successfully cultivated the first level of the second stage."

The Blood Emperor froze for a moment when he heard this.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang's progress to be so fast.

"Do you know how I offended that boss?" The Blood Emperor said after a while.

"I don't know."

"I stole his supernatural powers."

"What magical power?"

"Eight Desolation Seal." The Blood Emperor said in a deep voice, "This seal is extremely powerful. Once it is used, it can be used to fight at higher levels."

Fighting over the ranks?

Zhao Yang's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Do you dare to learn this technique?"

"What am I afraid to learn?" Zhao Yang was interrupted by the Blood Emperor at this point, "Once you practice the Eight Desolation Seal, you will have karma with that person. In the future, if you go to the outer world, that person will definitely find you."

"Can't I stay in Xianyu honestly?"

"I have a feeling that sooner or later you have to go to Heaven." The Blood Emperor said with a smile, "Now think about it, should you learn or not?"

"As long as you learn it, you will be discovered by that person?"

"It doesn't matter if you learn it, the main thing is that if you use it, he will sense it, understand?"

Zhao Yang thought for a long time before saying, "I'll learn."

"Give me a reason."

"I need a challenge and I need motivation."

"Good boy." Hearing what Zhao Yang said, the Blood Emperor laughed and said, "I'll teach you the Eight Desolation Seal right now." After saying that, he put a finger on the center of Zhao Yang's eyebrows.

Zhao Yang suddenly felt endless runes pouring into the sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time those runes gathered into a stunning and eternal seal.

The moment that dharma seal was formed, the eight wildernesses were pushed horizontally.

Nothing can stop it, nothing can counter it.

"The decision to create the Eight Desolation Seal is the existence of shocking ghosts and gods." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

"That's right, the one who is called a giant in Tianwai." The blood emperor patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder and said, "Didn't you master Huangliang Yimeng? While I am not in seclusion, do you have any questions that you don't understand?" I."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Huang Liang's dream can be realized for a year by performing it once.

Therefore, he didn't need to use time bugs or time spar.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Zhao Yang found that Bahuangyin was more difficult to practice than Huangliang Yimeng.

He spent a month under the guidance of the blood emperor and didn't understand much.

Zhao Yang had to use Wudao tea.

But soon he noticed that the effect of enlightenment tea on him had weakened.

"After you took the holy source liquid, your potential has already approached the third level of the emperor's realm. Naturally, this enlightenment tea will not have much effect on you." The blood emperor said at this time.

"Then I can only die?"

"It's fine if you can find the Enlightenment Stone."

"Do you know where there is the Enlightenment Stone?"

"If I have the Enlightenment Stone, I will use it myself."

"Is the Enlightenment Stone so precious?"


"Then I'll die." Zhao Yang said with a wry smile in desperation.

Dead knocking is bound to take time.

And during the time when Zhao Yang died, the outside world had already turned upside down.


The Seven Supremes got hundreds of time worms in the Underworld.

In the end, each family got [-] time bugs.

This news shocked the entire Immortal Domain.

"It is rumored that each time bug contains eight hundred years."

"This means that each forbidden land has gained [-] years for no reason."

"The young generation in the restricted area is about to rise."

"Yeah, how can we compete with the restricted area?"

"I heard that some powerful people from the imperial realm have come to ask for it."

"That's right, the person behind the Hundred Flowers Holy Land went to the Bone Race, and finally the Supreme Bone Race gave five time worms."

"Bi Luo, the emperor of the human race, went to Wuliang Mountain, and heard that the supreme being of Wuliang Mountain gave five time worms."

"Huntian, the emperor of the ape race, went to the Soul Eater, and I heard that the Soul Eater also gave five time worms."

"Why are five time bugs given to all the restricted areas?"

"This number should be negotiated by the seven supreme beings. If it is less, everyone will lose face, and if it is too much, I will feel uncomfortable."

"How great would it be if I could get a time bug?"

"Yes, it's a pity that the time bug is controlled by the restricted area. How can I have the right to have it?"

"It's time for the younger generation in the restricted area to rise up."

"There's a watershed in the younger generation again."

Xu Huier has been very anxious during this time.

Because Zhao Yang has not come back for two months.

Ordinarily, the battle for the time worm had ended long ago, but why did Zhao Yang not return for so long?

Fortunately, Zhao Yang's avatar is still there, which means that nothing happened to Zhao Yang.

But Zhao Yang never came back, she was still worried.

She was worried, and so was Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan learned about Zhao Yang's meddling from Xu Huier.

"Master, where do you think Master has gone?" Tang Yiren's face was full of worry.

Zhao Yang has a lot of cards in his hole.

But this time the Seven Supremes were involved.

"I don't know either." Lin Caihan shook her head.

At this moment, Xiao Luo ran in from the outside, "Miss, a very beautiful girl came outside, she said she is the young master's junior sister."

"Junior Sister?" Lin Caihan was startled.

She and Tang Yiren walked out of the room, and then saw a beautiful figure.

The young girl's three thousand black hair hang down naturally, and her eyes are like autumn water.

She has a graceful figure, she is graceful, and she is in imperial armor.

"Are you...?" Lin Caihan looked at the girl in front of her and said softly.

"I am Ruoxi from Sky Palace."

"Sky Palace? Is your master Senior Biluo?" Lin Caihan suddenly thought of something.

"Yes." Ruoxi nodded.

"Please, please." Lin Caihan hurriedly greeted.

After Ruoxi was seated, Ruoxi asked straight to the point, "Is senior brother here?"

"He's missing." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

"Missing?" Ruoxi was startled.


"what happened?"

"Two months ago, Zhao Yang went when the Seven Supremes teamed up to attack the time zone."

"Is he crazy?" Ruoxi was taken aback.

That is only the supreme being can participate.

How dare Zhao Yang?

Lin Caihan smiled bitterly, "There is no news about him yet, but his avatar is still there, so it should be fine."

"Have you found it?"

"We have used a lot of intelligence personnel, but we haven't found any clues." Lin Caihan changed the subject here, "Is there anything you can do with Zhao Yang?"

"Master asked Zhao Yang to go to the Sky Palace." Ruoxi said softly, "I think Master probably wants to give Zhao Yang a time bug."

"Time bug?"

"My master went to Wuliang Mountain to ask for five time worms."

"Well, I'll tell Zhao Yang when he comes back."

"How soon will he be back?"

"I do not know either."

"Can I wait for him here?"

"of course."

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