Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 54 Let's make a break, chop suey!

Lu Wu's current situation is not too good. Dozens of guards in front of him have blocked the corridor tightly, giving him no chance to escape.

At the same time, the guns in the hands of the group were aimed at his chest.

But Lu Wu was not worried at all, he grinned grinningly, exposing his two rows of teeth biting his cigar.

Brand new bullets were stuffed into the shotgun's huge round drum, making a crisp click.

The sound had a deadly deterrent force, and it was so loud that everyone present could hear it. People couldn't help thinking about the effect of this thick bullet hitting a person.

The guards on the opposite side seemed to be frightened by the big man who suddenly opened the door, and were a little overwhelmed. They didn't choose to shoot at the first time.

At this moment, the fat and oily guard captain squeezed out from the crowd formed by his subordinates, and said in a tone obviously relying on the strength of the crowd: "Give up, Graves."

"We have twenty people here, and you have only one."

"Quickly release Dean Sharp, you still have a chance to live."

"That's reasonable!" Lu Wu roared without showing any weakness: "If you want to go home alive today, you'd better call more people."

After that, he took a sharp puff on the cigar in his mouth, and a large amount of smoke drifted around.

"Time to work!"

Leap into the crowd, then roll sideways, dodging the guards' first salvo while throwing a canned object at their feet.

In an instant, smoke thicker than cigars began to fill the corridor, and the pungent smell strongly stimulated everyone's senses, causing the guards to cover their mouths and noses and cough continuously.

【smoke bomb】

[Throw a smoke bomb at the target location, generate a cloud of smoke, last for 4 seconds, slow down the enemies in it, lose vision at the same time, and cause slight damage to the enemies in the smoke. 】

Lu Wu in the dense fog was not affected at all. He knelt on one knee, raised the shotgun to his waist, pulled the trigger with his thick fingers, and the muzzle of the gun spewed out lightning.

And roared: "Chop Suey, let's make a break!"

The deafening gunshots shattered the glass in the corridor, and the fired bullets shattered the hearts of the guards.

Losing their vision, they couldn't even tell which direction the bullet came from.

In the inexplicable panic, he lost his life.

Four seconds later, the smoke gradually dissipated, and most of the guards were covered in holes from shells. They fell in a pool of blood with pained faces, and their eyes gradually lost their luster.

The few who survived were also dying, lying on the ground, rolling and moaning helplessly.

The least injured of the group of guards was their captain. Just now, he hid behind everyone and avoided part of the damage.

Now he was leaning against the wall, looking at Lu Wu who looked like a murderous god with astonishment. There were more than a dozen wounds on his body bleeding, but he didn't know it.

Killing God got up and kicked away the scattered bullet casings, lowered the muzzle of the gun naturally, and walked slowly to the captain of the guard.

In a small space, the already huge gunshots became even more exaggerated.

After picking out his numb ears from the shock, Lu Wu knelt down and said, "Give me the key."

The captain of the guard seemed to be stupefied by fright, and didn't respond to his words at all. He just opened his mouth slightly and stared ahead with dull eyes.

Lu Wu sighed helplessly, and pressed the nearly burnt cigar to his face.


Accompanied by a puff of green smoke rising, the obese guard captain howled like a pig.

He tried to break free, but was pinned down by Lu Wu with one hand and couldn't move.

"Here is the key, get it off my face!" The captain took out a large bunch of keys as if he had just woken up from a dream, and kept shaking them in front of Lu Wu.

After snatching the key that could open the cell door, Lu Wu raised his gun and gave him a happy blow, then turned and went back to the dean's room.

At this time, Dean Sharp was throwing a ladder out of the window that he found somewhere.

Seeing the big man coming in, he quickly returned to the chair and sat down, his face turning blue and then pale, a bit unnatural.

And the ladder was ruthlessly abandoned by its owner, and slipped from the window sill.

A few seconds later, the landing ladder made a dull sound, which made the dean's face even more ugly, but Lu Wu laughed out loud.

However, he was afraid that the dean would be too embarrassing, so he quickly corrected his attitude and said seriously: "My dear dean, it's time for us to go."

Sharp, whose forehead was covered with fine sweat, asked instinctively, "Where are you going?"

"Of course I went to meet everyone in the cell." Lu Wu said.

Anticipating that he would never end well when he entered the cell, the dean shook his head like a rattle while shrinking back continuously.

"I won't go, I want you to go!"

"I'm staying here, I'm not going anywhere!"

He firmly grasped the armrests on both sides of the chair, shouting hysterically, his usual delicate and calm appearance had long been thrown into the sky.

Seeing his shameless appearance, Lu Wu was amazed: "It seems that I was too polite to you just now, which made you a little confused about your situation."

As he said that, he kicked Dean Sharp's lower abdomen fiercely.

The terrifying power directly caused the dean to hit the wall behind him with his chair.

After a loud noise, a big hole was broken in the wall, and the chairs were scattered and cracked. Kuisi Sharp knelt on the ground, clutching her stomach, her whole body was constantly shaking with pain.

Lu Wu put fate on his head, and said coldly: "Get up, follow me."

The dean didn't speak this time, and stood up slowly while clutching his stomach.

The big man who had a fierce face just now suddenly changed his face, and said with a smile:

"Dean, please go first."

Sharp glanced at him blankly, and then stepped out of the room, while Lu Wu was close behind him, apparently using him as a shield.

Except for halfway, the dean took a short rest because of abdominal pain, no other accidents happened, and the two came downstairs smoothly.

The consequences of opening the building door were unforeseen. A large number of guards and guards surrounded the entire administrative building on the third floor from the left and the third floor from the right.

After seeing the two people come out, they quickly pulled the bolt and pointed the gun at Lu Wu behind the dean.

"Oh, I'm really flattered by such a big battle." Lu Wu said in an exaggerated tone.

At the same time, put your hands on Dean Sharp's shoulders and hide the important parts of your body behind him.

Although it may not be possible to hide all of Lu Wu's huge body, as long as the opponent dares to shoot, Sharp must die first.

In the end, the wary guards did not dare to do anything casually, but sent a representative to negotiate with him.

The man timidly stepped out of the crowd, holding a loudspeaker in his hand and started shouting:

"Maxime Graves!"

"We advise you not to resist stubbornly, let the dean go as soon as possible, and be captured obediently."

"Otherwise, the whole of Arkham will not let you go, and neither will Gotham. Your end will be very miserable!"

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