Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 309 Unbearable past at the beginning of the chapter

America stood at one side in a daze, watching Strange rolling on the floor covering his head.

She wanted to go up and help, but didn't know where to start.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"How can I help you?"

Strange, who was tortured by the will of the void, couldn't answer her question at all, and could only growl in pain.

As the purple-black substance on his head gathered more and more, finally, an eye grew out between his brows.

A fiery red one eye exuding endless malice.

Seeing this, America quickly took a few steps back and asked full of vigilance, "Stephen? Are you still there?"

Strange to say, since the eye grew, Strange's condition has improved a lot.

The chaotic buzzing in my ears also slowly stopped.

A few minutes later, dripping with sweat, he struggled to get up, trying to maintain his balance.

"I'm still here, I'm fine."

"Maybe my body is not suitable for traveling through the universe."

Strange didn't want to tell the girl too much about the Void, so he lied.

"Are you sure?" The girl patted herself on the chest with lingering fear: "Fortunately, you are fine, you just scared me."

"I'm afraid that the witch is chasing you."

The current situation was even worse than that... Strange recalled the vision he had just seen, and his heart became very heavy.

But his mouth was comforting the girl: "Don't worry, Wanda won't come after me."

"If she really has this ability, why arrest you?"

When America heard this, she felt that this was the truth, and she couldn't help being happy: "Doesn't that mean that we are already safe?"

"By the way, what's the matter with this eye on your head?"

"The price of magic." Strange used the same excuse to prevaricate the girl, and then added: "It's not that we are safe, but that you are safe for the time being."

"You can stay here, but you must send me back."

"Kama Taj still needs me, I can't let Wang face Wanda alone."

America subconsciously said: "But the king is dead."

"No, he won't die so easily." Strange pointed to the artifact "Eye of Agomotto" hanging around his neck: "I can still sense his existence."

"Let's not talk about this now, I need you to open an entrance for me right now and let me go back."

As a result, America bowed her head guiltily: "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

"But you did it just now!" Strange became a little excited, because he really ran out of time.

The phantom that appeared in front of his eyes before was not just a phantom. The one-eyed monster told him that the Void was gathering an army at this time. After two days at most, he would use him as a bridge between the two worlds to completely invade this universe.

Strange's conscience told him that he must go back, no matter what, the flames of war must not spread to this peaceful and peaceful universe.

As for what will happen after going back, we can only wait until we go back.

America was a little frightened again, and now this Doctor Strange and the one who wanted to kill her in the last world almost coincided in appearance.

"I...I can't control it!"

"You can, even I..." Strange was stunned in the middle of speaking.

He also realized at this time that he was about to make the same choice as himself in the previous world.

Take away the girl's powers to keep the multiverse safe.

America began to back away slowly, her innocent eyes filled with suspicion for him.

Strange, who realized his mistake, chose to apologize to the girl immediately, and quickly came up with a compromise: "What about you in this universe?"

"Maybe we can ask her for help."

America shook her head in frustration: "This universe doesn't have me."

"There is only one me in the entire multiverse."

Strange's face was a little ugly, and the one eye on his forehead was staring at the girl with a scrutiny: "What, how do you know?"

"Because I have looked for it." America showed a kind of vicissitudes beyond her age: "I have never had a dream."

Strange felt that he must have accidentally brought up the girl's sad past, so he explained, "It's okay, brat."

"We might be able to figure out another way."

"Also, even if you take me back, I'm powerless against Wanda."

After finishing speaking, he turned around dejectedly and looked at the distant scenery.

However, the girl remembered something very important: "Then what if we can find the legendary "Book of Weishandi"?"

"Your avatar, that is, you in the last world, thinks it can stop things chasing me."

"Perhaps it can be used against that witch as well."

Strange hadn't gotten out of his frustration yet, so his tone was inevitably perfunctory: "My clone is really powerful, but it's a pity he's not here."

"I don't know where he is, unless there's another clone..."

His speaking speed gradually slowed down until he stopped.

"You mean, we should find another me in this parallel universe?"

America gave him a "you're not too stupid" look.

But Strange felt that he was really stupid. He had already found a solution, but he kept complaining here.

As long as the "Book of Emperor Weishan" can be found, all current difficulties will be solved, whether it is the void or Wanda.

He was completely connected, and immediately took the girl down the lawn on the roof.

Although it is a parallel universe, New York is still New York, and the basic urban pattern has not changed.

Strange and America's current goal is the New York sanctuary in the city center.

In order to prevent unnecessary panic, Strange deliberately closed the one eye on his forehead, making it look more like a scar.

But even though they were so careful, they still encountered some troubles.

For example, the traffic rules in this universe are opposite to those on Earth. Strange ran through a green light and was almost killed by a speeding car.

For another example, America took food from a roadside stall and didn't pay for it, so she was almost beaten by the stall owner.

For another example, two people walk on the sidewalk covered with lawn, and then accidentally step on a memory playback device called "memory channel".

They showed each other an unbearable past.

What Strange played back was the memory of his first date with Christine, which was beautiful and warm.

At that time, Christine also gave him a watch.

And the watch with the cracked dial and the stopped hands is still carried by him to this day.

As for America's replay, it is the memory of the first time the ability was triggered.

She was a young child at the time, and because she was frightened by a bee, she inadvertently opened the space passage, causing her mother to be sucked in, and the family never saw her again.

It is worth mentioning that America has two mothers, both women.

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