Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 289 Lu Wu: I'm actually a good person!

There are six infinity gems in the universe. Among them, the space gem is in the hands of Loki, and its whereabouts are unknown. The reality gem has been snatched by Thanos, and the soul gem is still on Vision's forehead.

As for the remaining power and time, it has already fallen into Lu Wu's hands.

Not far from the Milky Way, a warship that looks like a tire is quietly parked in the universe.

Inside the battleship, Lu Wu, who was transformed into a shadow, was stepping on the corpse of Doctor Strange, holding a stone emitting green light in his hand.

It took Lu Wu a lot of effort to kill this occult mage.

Although the current Doctor Strange is still a little immature in terms of strength, the endless magic tricks still caused him a lot of trouble.

In the end, in order to prevent Qi Qi from using the time gem, he even used a chance to transform into Lan Kai to completely solve it.

After killing Doctor Strange, Lu Wu couldn't help remembering that when he entered the mission for the first time, he didn't dare to face the mage directly.

Unexpectedly, in less than a year, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

After recalling for a while, Lu Wu shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind, and turned to look at the other person in the spaceship.

Ebony Throat, one of the five black generals, knelt on the ground tremblingly, not even daring to say a word.

Further to the side is the magic cloak that was torn to pieces by Raast.

"Go back and tell Thanos, I took the time gem."

"By the way, by the way, ask him when he will bring the Reality Stone back to me."

Upon hearing this, Ebony Throat simply prostrated itself on the ground: "Your Majesty, I dare not go."

"Oh?" Lu Wu shifted his gaze to him: "Then are you afraid of me or him?"

"I...I'm afraid." Ebony Throat's head was pressed against the ground, buttocks were raised high, revealing his humble posture.

"If Your Majesty thinks highly of me, I'm willing to do my best for Your Majesty!"

Lu Wu put away the time gem, curled his lips: "I think you are lying to me if you surrender so quickly."

Ebony Throat was even more frightened, he already felt a chill coming from behind him.

"Don't dare, absolutely dare not!"

"I sincerely want to submit to you."

Lu Wu waved his hand, and the giant scythe moved away from behind Ebony Throat: "It depends on your future performance."

"Thank you Your Majesty, thank you Your Majesty!" Ebony Throat, who was covered in cold sweat, hurriedly got up from the ground, and asked doglikely: "If there is anything, just give me your orders."

"Throw him on my spaceship first!" Lu Wu kicked the corpse under his feet.

"Obey, Your Majesty!" Ebony Throat, who finally survived, regained his former elegance. With one hand on his chest, he bowed his upper body and slowly backed away.

At the same time, use your mind to control the body of Doctor Strange, and leave with him.

Not long after, Ebony Throat came to Lu Wu again and asked respectfully, "Your Majesty, what should I do next."

"Go back to the capital of the empire and go to Nebula, the consul, and she will arrange it for you."

"Your Majesty, what about you?"

"Me? Of course I'm going back to Earth. After all, I haven't had enough fun yet."

Ebony Throat drove the wheeled battleship to the capital of the empire, while Lu Wu returned to Earth in a Quin-jet fighter borrowed from S.H.I.E.L.D. to join Vision and other heroes.

Because of Lu Wu's previous help, the Vision couple had a good feeling for him, and then introduced him to superheroes such as Captain America, Falcon, and Black Widow who came to support them.

Therefore, Lu Wu has now successfully mixed into the team and become one of his own.

The superheroes didn't doubt his identity. After all, defeating General Deathblade and forcing Proxima Proxima away from the Dark Night, and taking away his Infinity Gems when Vision was extremely weak, is already very telling.

Any undercover agent who would do this would probably be scolded to death by his boss.

Therefore, Lu Wu, who successfully hooked up with the hero of the earth, was invited by Captain America to jointly resist the invasion of Thanos.

After a group of people arrived in New York by plane, Lu Wu pretended to hear the news that Doctor Strange had been arrested for the first time, claiming that he had rich experience in space combat, and volunteered to rescue people.

As the leader of the group, Captain America agreed to his request without thinking about it, and prepared to go together, because both Doctor Strange and the Time Stone are very important.

Of course, this was declined by Lu Wu. He said in a high-sounding manner that protecting what is now is far more important than finding what is lost.

The top priority should be to protect the illusion.

Thanos is bound to get the gems, and it is impossible to let it go like this. He may invade the earth again at any time, and there is a high probability that more than a few people will come.

Captain America thought it was the same reason, so he agreed with Lu Wu to try to rescue Doctor Strange alone.

In fact, there is nothing the US team can do if they disagree. Lu Wu is not his subordinate, and the relationship between the two is not close, so they will not obey his command like Black Widow and others.

After dealing with Doctor Strange, it's Vision's turn.

After discussions among a group of heroes, they decided to go to Wakanda, the hometown of the Black Panther, where there is superb technology and advanced technology, whether it is curing Vision or removing gems from his head, it can be done there.

Another important reason is that Captain America and others are still wanted by the American government.

And Lu Wu, after the rescue is successful, will go to Wakanda to join them.

He did fulfill the agreement and rescued Doctor Strange, but it was a corpse.

In the end, Lu Wu, who landed in the magical country of Wakanda, got off the Quin-jet fighter plane with a guilty expression in his arms, holding the strange corpse.

"Sorry, I was a step late and couldn't save him."

The group of superheroes who came to welcome them showed grief on their faces. Although they didn't have much hope at first, they still couldn't help but feel sad when they heard the news of the strange death.

Captain America first looked at the corpse with regret, then patted Lu Wu on the shoulder, and comforted him: "It's okay, you've done a good job."

"We are very grateful for your selfless help."

Lu Wu pretended to lament: "You're welcome, I should do everything."

Soldiers from Wakanda stepped forward to take over the body of Doctor Strange and arrange it properly, and the Mage King, who was also born in Kama Taj, left with him.

"Although I didn't save him, I got this back."

Sweeping across the serious faces of the heroes, Lu Wu raised his hand and squeezed out a stone that shone with green light from the shadows.

"It's the time gem!"

The expressions of the Earth heroes suddenly became vivid, and there was joy in their brows.

"Really..." Captain America shouldn't say anything for a while, he can only keep patting Lu Wu's arm, and it takes a long time to say a complete sentence intermittently.

"It's really great, I don't even know how to thank you!"

The rest of the heroes also gathered around, observing a powerful infinity gem closely.

Wanda stood behind Vision, who was still weak, and his eyes were full of relief. They really saw the right person.

Affected by the timeline, the Iron Man who came to Wakanda also did not move forward.

The appearance of the time gem did not make him feel at ease, but his heart became more and more heavy.

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