Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

Madeleine seemed to have heard some big joke, and sneered a few times: "If we are really in the same group, you should honestly hand over the girl to the company now, instead of finding me here."

Lu Wu didn't intend to argue with her, and said bluntly: "Through Himiko, I seem to have discovered some great secret."

"It turns out that ordinary people can become superhuman as long as they are injected with Compound No. [-]."

"Then does it mean that all the superhumans in this world are actually man-made."

As soon as these words came out, Madeleine was no longer as calm as before, sat up straight, and pretended to say: "I really don't know what you are talking about."

"If things are really as you said, what does it have to do with Water Company?"

"If there's nothing else to do, please go out, I have other things to do."

Lu Wu curled his lips in disdain, and then looked at her meaningfully.

Gradually, Madeleine panicked. The devil's purple-red slender eyes seemed to be able to see through all the secrets in her heart.

She said nervously, "You can take care of that girl first, and the company won't take her away by force."

"But remember, don't let her run away."

As a figure at the president level of a large multinational company, Madeleine is not a person who will give in easily.

However, the monster on the opposite side has now seized the lifeline of Water Company. Let alone a vice president, even if the real president comes, she will probably give in.

But Lu Wu didn't seem to appreciate it, but made it worse: "I not only want Himiko, but I also want Compound No. [-]."

"I want to know the formula for the compound, where the production line is, and ... where it's being sent."

The devil's lion opened its mouth and Madeleine was completely enraged, and she roared angrily: "Absolutely impossible, you bloody ugly monster!"

"For the sake of helping me, take that wild cat and get out of my office!"

"Otherwise, I'll call someone from the security department to come!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Wu was unmoved, and sat cross-legged on the desk as if nothing had happened.

"Don't be so impatient, Madeleine."

"Business is negotiated, I didn't say you can't bargain."

The vice president also knew that Weiwei Ke couldn't do anything to him, so he suppressed his anger and said viciously, "Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

"Money? Fame? Or power?"

Before Lu Wu could speak, she continued, "Forget it, I don't have time to waste time with you here."

"Let's just tell you directly, the company will never let go on the fifth day, you should die as soon as possible."

Lu Wu suddenly said: "So, you admit that superhumans are all man-made?"

Madeleine, who was interrupted, glanced at the devil, and said coldly: "I didn't say that, this is all your wishful thinking, don't try to drag me into the water."

"Okay, okay." Lu Wu jumped off his desk and continued: "I know you can't make the decision, so I trouble you to convey my conditions upwards."

After speaking, he took Kimiko and left the office.

After the two left, Madeleine, in a panic, swept away everything on the table, panting violently with her hands on her hips.

An extremely disgusting lowly monster, dare to bargain with her!

It took more than ten minutes for her to finally calm down, and then she called the secretary to clean up the messy ground.

When the secretary was trembling and picking up things, Madeleine was struggling with something, and when the secretary was ready to leave, she finally made up her mind.

"Tell the people of the motherland to let him come to my office."

"Okay, ma'am." The secretary replied and went out.

Not long after, the motherlander, who couldn't contain the joy on his face, walked into Madeleine's office.

"Hi, good morning, beautiful lady, what can I do for you?"

The reason why he was so happy, Madeleine knew very well.

During the day yesterday, the company's intelligence department received a message that three robbers hijacked a passenger plane with 123 passengers on board.

Although the plane was still on the high seas, it did not enter the airspace of the United States.

But because of the frequently blocked superhuman act, Madeleine decided to send the Motherlander and Queen Maeve to rescue the plane.

She believes that as long as the two people successfully rescue the passengers, not even all of them, but some of them, it will be enough to reverse the boiling public opinion.

As a result, no one expected that the Homelander and Queen Maeve failed.

The out-of-control plane crashed into the sea, and none of the crew members, all passengers, and the three hijackers survived.

But the biggest reversal was staged at this moment. The interviewed motherland used superb acting skills to say something that could turn the whole situation around.

"As I said, they were not doomed at the time."

"Maeve and I arrived 3 minutes after the plane crashed."


At that time, the people of the motherland looked at the camera of the reporter with a sad face, tears in their eyes, and said loudly:

"Just because we're not in the chain of command of the military."

"If NORAD had informed us of this immediately, these poor people could have been rescued."

"123 men, women and children..."

When it came to this point, the motherland seemed to be unable to continue. After a pause of more than ten seconds, he exhaled a foul breath and continued:

"But if they let us into the military defense system."

"Then this kind of thing will never happen again. This is my... people from the motherland, a solemn promise to everyone!"

"Is that right, Maeve?"

Maeve, who had been standing next to him, had a strange expression on her face, but she still nodded cooperatively.

Then, the motherlander faced the camera again, gritted his teeth and said, "Go talk to your congressmen."

"Talk to them, they will listen to the people."

"We will... Together, we will guarantee!"

"This kind of thing will never happen again in our great country!"

"Absolutely not!!!"

"God bless you, God bless America!"

This deafening speech inspired almost all ordinary people who saw this interview.

Compared to saving everyone, the people will be more impressed if they all die.

Just like the out-of-control football field incident a few days ago.

As a result, public opinion staged a 180-degree turn. In order to keep their votes, members of Congress finally agreed to the motion of Water Corporation.

The entry of superhumans into the military system seems to be a certainty.

It is precisely because of this that the people of the motherland, who have contributed so much to this hijacking incident, are so happy today.

He guessed that Madeline must have come to him to praise his excellent performance in front of the reporters yesterday.

But unexpectedly, the first sentence Madeleine said to the motherland was actually.

"Find a way, help me kill that bastard Sacco!"

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