Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

Frightened, Frankie and Billy turned their heads immediately, and the latter raised his gun and shot directly.

Accompanied by a loud gunshot, the bullet flew over Lu Wu's head and hit the wall behind him.

As a result, he covered his heart and said in shock: "Oh, I was scared to death, I was scared to death."

But soon, as if nothing happened, he continued with a smile: "We are all friends, why are you so angry."

"I have herbal tea for clearing away heat and fire, do you need it?"

After finishing speaking, he really took out a weird soda can.

Frankie didn't speak, but slowly moved to the right side quietly.

He is a warmonger who always carries a lot of guns and weapons wherever he goes, and this time is no exception.

It's a pity that the incident happened suddenly just now, and these weapons were either placed next to the invisible man's body, or they were in the golf bag in the corner.

Although it was more difficult to get them under the eyes of this uninvited guest than reaching the sky, Frank still wanted to try.

Having known the Frenchman for many years, Billy the Butcher immediately understood what he was going to do, so he took the initiative to block the demon's sight, and said:

"Are you sent by Water Company?"

Lu Wu didn't seem to want to answer his question, but opened the can and drank the liquid inside.


Throwing the empty jar aside, licking his lips contentedly, he began to laugh inexplicably.

Billy was confused by his behavior, but soon, based on what the salesperson explained before and the unique appearance of the devil clown, he asked pleasantly:


The person he had been looking for just now appeared in front of him, and the butcher couldn't help being a little excited.

Immediately changed his enthusiastic face and said: "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding."

"Our goals are the same, and we can be friends."

He wanted to get in touch with the devil, and then find a way to get a weapon that could pierce the skin of an invisible person.

Of course, if the devil doesn't know what to do, he doesn't mind grabbing the weapon.

But Lu Wu didn't want to have a good relationship with him, pointing to Frankie who moved less than one meter after a long time, and asked pretending to be puzzled:

"Misunderstanding? Do you mean by misunderstanding, let him secretly get the weapon?"

The Frenchman, who was hit, was sweating profusely in an instant, and froze in place, not daring to move.

There was also some embarrassment on Billy's ferocious face, but it was not so obvious because of the full beard.

At this time, Lu Wu suddenly said again: "Actually, there is one thing I didn't tell you."

"Your shot just now broke the tinfoil on the wall. If there is no accident, the people from the motherland will be here soon."

After finishing speaking, he moved his body away to reveal the wall behind him.

A clear white bullet hole had been left in the wall, and the surrounding tinfoil was in shreds.

"You!" Billy the butcher turned pale with shock. He was only concerned with dealing with the demon in front of him just now, and he didn't even think about it.

"I won't play with you guys." Lu Wu's body began to gradually become transparent: "By the way, I will tell the bearded man one last thing."

"We didn't have any common goals."

"Killing the Invisible Man is purely to move him, so that I can join the Super Seven!"

The sound stopped abruptly, and the gray-white voice disappeared.

In the kitchen, Billy the Butcher and Franky looked at each other with ugly expressions.

After a brief discussion, the two quickly made a decision. Frankie stayed in the kitchen to repair the damaged tinfoil, and Billy was responsible for going outside to see what was going on.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Billy walked out of the abandoned diner, the strongest Homelander in the Super Seven flew over his head.

His eyes were instantly filled with hatred, staring at the back of the people from the motherland.

The reason why he gave up his lucrative job and chose to fight against superheroes is because of this native.

But Billy quickly withdrew his gaze, afraid of being noticed by the people of the motherland with keen five senses.

However, in just a few seconds, he had already understood something.

A good news, a good news.

The good news is that the people of the motherland can't determine the specific location of the invisible man now, they can only look for it in a general range.

The bad news is that sooner or later he will come to the door.

And the reality is basically the same as Billy thought.

As I said before, the inexplicable loss of contact of the invisible man has not received the attention of the vice president of Water Company.

Because she still has no time to take care of such trivial matters.

Today, when the superhero business is booming, Madeleine is not satisfied with the income from hero peripherals and renting heroes to maintain law and order.

She has a greater ambition, which is to let superhumans enter the defense system and privatize war.

To do this, she will need to deal with many members of Congress, especially those who hold opposing views.

Compared to paying attention to invisible people who don't know where to drink, Madeleine prefers to spare this part of her time to meet one more member of Congress.

Until, Deep Sea and Starlight were attacked while performing an ordinary patrol mission.

For some reason, she subconsciously connected them with the disappearance of the Invisible Man.

In just a few days, three members of the Super Seven had problems. How could there be such a coincidence in the world.

Especially at such a juncture.

As the largest and most powerful superhero economic company in the world, Water Company has more than 200 superheroes under its umbrella, which can be described as a wealth of talents.

It is not a day or two to be jealous of other colleagues.

Madeleine immediately suspected that this was most likely caused by her peers, in order to make Water Company fall into a big fall at this critical moment.

It's a pity that they made a mistake in their wishful thinking. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is useless.

The talent of the motherland is the pinnacle of stability. With him, the group of seven and the company will not collapse.

As for the deep sea and invisible people, they are all consumables.

That is to say, but the posture must be sufficient, so Madeleine immediately sent people from the motherland to find the whereabouts of the invisible man.

Fortunately, not long ago, the tracker on the invisible man delivered his last location.

Although the range is not precise, it is several blocks wide, but it is enough for the people of the motherland. With super vision and super hearing, he can easily catch any wind and grass.

Billy the butcher, who regards the people of his country as an enemy, is naturally aware of his abilities, so he hurried back to the restaurant.

It can't be explained that the Frenchman who is still repairing the wall is about to leave.

"The people from the motherland are really here, let's get out of here!"

"But..." Frankie was obviously unwilling to give up the transparent man's body.

Faced with this kind of death-seeking behavior, Billy started to use more force, dragging him out of the restaurant.

Finally, another bomb was planted in the kitchen.

The movement of the bomb explosion will definitely be discovered by the people of the motherland, which will give them more time to escape.

Before leaving, he did not forget to take Huey, who was bleeding and unconscious, with him.

One is that he has a good sense of this kid, and he doesn't want him to die like this. Second, he wants to rely on Huey to lure out that monster named Shaco.

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