Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 169 The Sour Superhero and the Second Employment

Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

In this world, superheroes are no longer a special case, but a profession.

They are packaged by big companies like stars.

In order to gain enough attention and exposure, these admired "stars" also need to make movies, act as spokespersons, accept commercials, do charity, and even appear on variety shows.

Fighting crime is only a small part of their daily work.

There are rules on what to do and what not to do, and everything is based on the principle of attracting more fans and traffic.

Only in this way can the righteous image of superheroes punishing evil and promoting good be consolidated in the hearts of the people again and again.

Of course, in the process, the heroes can get some extra things, such as money.

This enables them to lead a life far superior to that of ordinary people.

As a result, becoming a hero has become a job that ordinary people flock to.

The Invisible Man belongs to the world's most famous superhero organization - the Super Seven.

And behind this Super Seven is a huge group with strong capital and hundreds of superheroes.

Water Company.

Leaning against a big tree is good for enjoying the shade. Even if the invisible man's cultural level is not high, he understands this truth.

As a member of the world's top idol group, his one-year signing fee is as high as an exaggerated [-] million US dollars.

Therefore, when Huey said that Lu Wu would stab him to death, the invisible man was ready to run without even thinking about it.

This is not a question of whether it can be fought, but that it is not necessary.

He is like a beautiful antique china, and Huey and the strange thing next to him are broken clay pots.

The two things collide, and no matter who wins or loses, it is always the expensive porcelain that suffers in the end.

So, relying on his ability to be invisible, the invisible man tiptoed towards the door.

In the end, because Lu Wu happened to block the door tightly, it was almost impossible for him to escape quietly.

Fortunately, there is no way out.

The entire wall of the video store is made up of transparent glass windows, you only need to smash it and quickly run to the open space outside.

Even if the two were exhausted, they couldn't find where he was.

And he can calmly return to Water Company to recruit soldiers, and let the powerful motherland take care of the two of them.

Just do what you say, the invisible man backs away slowly, giving himself room to run up.

Then he slammed his legs apart and slammed into the window next to the door.

The distance is only a few meters, and it doesn't take a second to get there. Seeing that they are about to have a close contact with the window, the invisible man heard the conversation between the two.

Huey, whose tone was obviously anxious, asked, "Why don't you do anything, are you scared?"

With an evil smile on his face, Lu Wu replied: "No, I'm waiting for him to hit him by himself."

As soon as these words came out, the invisible man turned pale with fright. Could it be that this monster could see him?

But now, it's too late to say anything, he is already an arrow that has left the string, and there is no way to turn back.

Simply closing his eyes, his heart faltered, and he slammed straight into the window.

The expected sound of glass shattering did not appear. The invisible man first felt a chill in his abdomen, and his whole body seemed to be losing strength.

Then came the severe pain.

"Ah!" He screamed, looking down at his transparent body that was bleeding.

" could this be?"

The body of the invisible man appeared in reality, and a dagger glowing with purple light pierced his hairy abdomen.

At the same time that he lost his invisibility ability, the gray figure of the demon slowly emerged.

The two invisible guys both showed up, and they just confronted each other.

"I'm giving you a surprise, do you like it?" Lu Wu said, pulled out the dagger, and stabbed it again in another position.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, I smeared poison on the dagger, very poisonous."

"Uh..." The invisible man was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, and his whole body was in constant convulsions.

From Huey's perspective, the gray-white demon suddenly disappeared, moved to the side for a certain distance, and then hit the invisible man.

At this time, the invisible man whose lips were starting to turn black said his last words: "Why, why can you pierce my skin."

"Of course it's because..." Lu Wu pushed his forehead before continuing, "Magic."

The toxin attacked the heart, and the invisible man who lost all vital signs fell backwards, and the huge landing sound echoed in the video store.

Swinging the dagger with no blood at all, and inserting it back into his waist, Lu Wu turned around and extended his hand to Huey who looked dumbfounded: "Have a nice cooperation, sir."

Huey stared blankly at the corpse on the ground, subconsciously held his hand, and murmured, "It's so simple that he died?"

"Please don't question my professionalism, sir." Lu Wu shook the hands they held together, and continued: "The employment has ended, please settle the balance."

"Final payment, what final payment?" Huey finally came to his senses and wanted to take his hand back.

It turned out that the other party had no intention of letting go at all.

This made him panic all of a sudden, and he stammered, "You you you...what do you want to do!"

The smile on Lu Wu's face became brighter and brighter: "Of course it's the reward for saving you."

"We agreed in advance, you hire me to kill people, and then pay me."

"I don't want more from you, just treat him as an ordinary person, 30 per person."


"Our shop is small, and we don't owe you credit, just give money!"

The salesperson in the video store's legs had already started to feel weak, and he said in panic, "I...I have no money."

"No money!" Lu Wu's voice became thinner, and the smile he kept disappeared instantly without a trace.

But soon, he smiled again: "It doesn't matter if you don't have money, you can exchange it with other things."

"A person's life is worth 30 yuan, which is just as fair as your life."

After finishing speaking, I was even happier, and seemed to be proud of my quick wit.

"Don't, don't, don't!" Huey, whose mood was ups and downs like a roller coaster, almost collapsed on the ground, he cried and begged: "Did you say that you just pay the price?"

"Besides life, I can give other things."

"Please, give me some time, I'll figure it out."

Lu Wu nodded thoughtfully: "Well, what you said makes sense."

Then, he pointed to the only TV screen that was still on in the video store and said, "Then I want her!"

Huey followed his fingertips to look at the screen, where a superhero promo was playing.

At this moment, it happened to be the turn of the newest member of the Super Seven, a female superhero with beautiful blonde hair.

Seeing this scene, Huey immediately fell into despair. He couldn't even deal with an ordinary person, how could he deal with a superhero.

Lu Wu saw his hesitation, and the hand holding him became more and more forceful: "Is there any difficulty?"

The emotionless cold voice made Huey feel like falling into an ice cellar, and he quickly shook his head and said, "No problem, absolutely no problem."

"Give me ten days...ah no...five days!"

"Give me five days, and I will find a way to give her to you!"

"Very good." Lu Wu nodded with relief, and put on that happy expression again: "Don't be too scared, you are my employer anyway, and I won't hurt you until the transaction is completed."

"Well, I'll give you ten days."

"I will come to you in ten days, if you fail to keep the agreement..."

The devil didn't finish his sentence, but looked at the corpse of the invisible man next to him.

The deep meaning contained in it is already self-evident.

But when Huey saw the corpse, he thought of another thing. He said cautiously, "Can I... hire you again."

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