Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

Lu Wu, who had recuperated in the mysterious space for two days, had already come to a new world.

Looking at the dark and gloomy environment in front of him, the faint sound of running water, and the stench filling his nostrils, he couldn't help cursing:

"Sand dollar system, even if I really play a sewer hero, you can't send me to the sewer!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his hands to the top of his head and made two international general gestures.

After complaining about the cheating system, Lu Wu walked along the wide passage towards the faint light ahead.

The system still had a conscience and didn't send him into the deepest part of the sewer.

After walking for more than 100 meters, turn right and enter a fork road, and there is a round hole in the exit of the sewer well above the field of vision.

Just as Lu Wu was about to climb up the ladder, suddenly, two heavy black gym bags were thrown down from the mouth of the well.

Fortunately, he was more flexible and dodged in time, otherwise he might be splashed with feces.

Just as the dull sound of the gym bag falling to the ground disappeared, there was a conversation between two people outside the mouth of the well.

"Damn it, can you run faster, those nosy superheroes will come later."

"Do you want to be beaten to a pulp by heat rays?"

The other person didn't reply, but judging by the wheezing and wheezing, he was already trying very hard.

Lu Wu, who probably understood what was going on, opened the corners of his mouth at a very exaggerated angle, and then disappeared in the darkness of the sewer.

In the next second, a vigorous figure jumped in and picked up two large bags on the ground.

Then turned around and urged: "My God, please hurry up."

The man was dressed in black, and his entire face was covered so tightly that he couldn't see his face.

But judging by the voice, it should be a young man.

Under his repeated complaints, a fat butt stretched out from the mouth of the well.

A thick, trembling leg is constantly testing downwards, as if trying to find where the stairs are.

Looking at the clumsy posture of the "big butt", the man couldn't stand it anymore, and grabbed it from the mouth of the well.

The frightened big butt let out an exclamation, and then fell firmly into the muddy and smelly water.

The man who was splashed all over scolded angrily: "Damn idiot, I shouldn't have brought you out in the first place!"

"Even if your dad is the security captain of this bank!"

"I'm announcing now that the rules have been changed, and I will take [-]% of the money I got!"

The obese big butt, at this moment, couldn't care less about money, so he quickly got up from the stinky water, holding on to the wall next to him and retching non-stop.

At this moment, a frightening siren sounded from above the wellhead.

"Damn it!" The man in black glanced at his big ass that was still vomiting, and ran down the sewer with two big bags of money in his heart.

As a result, within a few steps of running, he couldn't help but stop because of the condemnation of his conscience.

"Fake! Fake! Fake!"

After roaring again and again, he turned around and wanted to run with his big butt.

But at this time, the big buttocks were quietly lying in the stinky water again, and only the fat-filled broad back emerged from the water.

The stench in the sewer was masked and replaced by a strong smell of blood.

The man in black, who had fought on the other side of the world, was very familiar with this smell, almost instantly, he gave up the idea of ​​checking in the past.

Don't look, it's definitely dead.

Therefore, the man immediately turned around and prepared to leave this place of right and wrong, no matter who killed the big butt, he was beyond his power to deal with.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his head, a strange face appeared in front of him.

Around the sharp and slender pink eyes, there is a circle of frightening black lines, and the entire face is hairless, without a nose, not even nostrils.

The black lips were unnaturally opened to both sides, and the white and neat teeth could be seen clearly even in the dark sewer.

Its leaf-shaped ears are like those of a legendary goblin, and two curved demon-like horns are crowned on its head.

The off-white skin has the smoothness of a mollusc, with glowing purple patterns on it.

This strange creature, like a strange creature in a strange story, is now smiling penetratingly at the man.


The man in black was bold enough to be frightened by this sudden appearance.

Reflexively raised the gun in his hand and fired wildly.

Intense flames and deafening gunshots exploded in the secluded sewer, and the thrown shells collapsed everywhere, splashing water one after another.

The crazy man didn't let go of the trigger until the bullet in the magazine was emptied.

An even more terrifying thing happened. That strange creature had disappeared without a trace since some time ago, as if everything he saw just now was an illusion.

The man stared in horror at the darkness in front of him, and there were occasional titters in his ears.

I don't know if it's because the temperature of the sewer is low, or what's going on, but now he only has one feeling.

cold, very cold.

The man who killed people like hemp back then was terrified now. He immediately threw away the money bag and rifle that he regarded as his life just now, turned around and ran towards the mouth of the well.

I would rather face those unreasonable policemen and decades of imprisonment.

He also didn't want to spend another second in this terrifying sewer.

Unexpectedly, while the man in black was running away, the snickering voice came to his ears again.

The man watched everything in front of him in a panic, but he didn't dare to stop at all.

The mouth of the well was getting closer and closer. Seeing that the hope of life was approaching, he could see the flashing red light of the police car on the ground, but the weird and terrifying creature appeared again.

There was still that horrible and strange smile on his face that made people unconsciously shudder.

"Come closer, come closer."

The monster stood there, holding a glowing dagger in its hand, pointing the blade at the man running over, as if it was waiting for him to hit him.

The man did not disappoint the monster in the end, he ran at full speed and had no time to stop.

A dagger more than ten centimeters long pierced the man's heart in an instant.

"You bumped into it yourself, it has nothing to do with me!" The monster screamed and let go of the dagger, putting on an expression of both innocence and fear.

But it was obviously smiling all the time!

Afterwards, the monster wiped his blood-stained hands on the man's clothes, and said with emotion: "It's a good thing you're wearing black clothes, otherwise people would see that you're bleeding."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

It clutched its belly and laughed wantonly, unable to straighten up for a long time, as if the joke was so funny.

After a while, the monster stood up straight, his expression became serious, he stroked his smooth chin and said in thought, "It's really not very funny."

"You're so boring, Sacco."

After speaking, he pulled out the dagger from the man's chest, then turned around and climbed up the rusty ladder behind him.

The weird and exaggerated movements seemed clumsier than the big butt just now.

And the man, who had already lost his vitality, fell to the ground with a plop, drowned by the foul-smelling feces.

But strangely, there was a smile on his face.

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