Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

In order to strengthen the strength of the two-faced Su Nuo, Yu Sanjia and many freelance magicians took the initiative to contribute all the fingers of Su Nuo in their hands.

After all, now the so-called high-level people in the magic world are dead and there are no scum left.

Wujo Wu has faintly become the leader of the magic world, and the two-faced Su Nuo is a figure comparable to him.

Before the Ruined King was eliminated, the two were so good that they wore a pair of pants.

In line with the principle that icing on the cake is worse than giving charcoal in the snow, the conjurers decided to form a good relationship.

Even if the two turned against each other in the future, they would have more choices.

And the two-faced Nuo who ate a lot of fingers, not to mention recovering to the strength of a thousand years ago, is at least [-]%.

The odds of their crusade seem to be greater.

Along the way, everyone clearly felt that the black mist seemed to have lightened a lot.

Although looking around, the world is still a dilapidated scene, but it is much better than before.

This ignited a flame called hope in everyone's eyes.

It shouldn't be long before they can stand in the sun again.

Because there were no resentful spirits blocking the way, the conjurer sect headed by Gojo Satoru soon came outside the palace walls of the Imperial Palace.

The two doors were left open, as if they were expected to come.

The magicians were not surprised by this. If the Ruined King couldn't even guess this, it would be better to find Kuai Tofu and kill him, or just capture him without a fight.

Everyone filed into the Imperial Palace and looked around cautiously.

As a result, until they came to the majestic hall, they did not find any signs of an ambush.

Not to mention ambushing, I didn't even see a wraith.

Gojo Satoru, who revisited the old place, felt a little uneasy. They must have come late.

Thinking of this, he hastily issued an order.

Conjurers of the first level and below, guard outside the temple to prevent the ruined king from escaping.

Wutiao Wu, Liangmian Su Nuo, 99 Youji, and Yi Gu Youtai entered the hall in a hurry.

At this time, Lu Wu was sitting alone on the steps of the Obsidian Throne, next to the broken King Sword that was deeply inserted into the ground.

Seeing four people coming in, he remained expressionless, and said in that indifferent voice:

"You are finally here, let's start quickly, I have other things to do."

After speaking, he got up and walked towards the crowd.

Frightened by him alone, the four super conjurers retreated again and again, asking him what he wanted to do.

Lu Wu suddenly smiled: "You came to me on your own initiative, and even asked me what I was going to do."

"If it wasn't for waiting for you lowly people, I would have left this small land with my dilapidated army."

Several people were furious when they heard this, and Gojo Satoru cursed loudly: "King of ruins, when you committed such a heinous crime in Tokyo, you should have thought that such a day would come."

"I accept your life!"

"Don't be ashamed, Wutiao Wu." Lu Wu pulled out the king sword and continued: "Now that you don't have the infinite spell, you are no longer the invincible magician."

"If you want to try the fate of disobeying me, then come!"

"Let's go!" Wujo Wu didn't want to talk too much nonsense, and took the brunt of attacking Lu Wu.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Outside the main hall, there were bursts of shouts and screams, but in the main hall, except Wujo Wu, no one did anything.

Otoko Yuta was just about to get the samurai sword in the cloth bag behind his back, when the magic spirit Rika who had always been loyal to him suddenly got out of his body and pierced his throat with his sharp and slender fingers.

He immediately lost the ability to speak, and the blood gushing from the wound was continuously pouring into the intake pipe.

At the same time, 99 Youji, who had always been acting normally, jumped up in an instant, twisting Su Nuo's head and a section of spine from his body.

Su Nuo, who was defenseless, did not expect that his companion behind him would kill him, and he almost lost his fighting ability without making any movements.

Angrily, he cursed: "Damn human woman, are you crazy?"

At the same time, use the reversal technique to try to recover from the injury as quickly as possible.

But 99 Youji held on to Su Nuo's head, obviously not intending to give him this chance.

I saw that the female conjurer knelt down on the ground and bowed to Lu Wuying: "Kowtow to my king."

But the strange thing is that under the beautiful face, it is a male voice.

On the other side, Mana Ling Lixiang also knelt down along with the half-dead Yi Gu Youtai, lowered his head and shouted respectfully:

"See my king."

After a while, Kazama Kotaro, who was covered in blood, came in from outside the hall, followed by Fukui Hui and Zenyuan Maki.

"Fortunately, the mission was fulfilled." Kotaro, kneeling on one knee, hammered his chest hard with his newly grown arms.

The two Buddhist monks followed suit and said in unison: "Fortunately, the mission is fulfilled!"

The successive changes made Gojo Satoru freeze in place.

He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. He was the only one left in the crusade team that returned hundreds of people just now.

Even counting the cursing head of the two-faced Su Nuo, it is at most one and a half.

How did things get like this?

Fu Heihui and Zenyuan Maki will rebel, but Gojo Satoru is not surprised. The two are obviously the thunder buried by the ruined king, and it is helpless to bring them along.

Because the country house is only left with Ange Ji, Kizaki Wild Rose, and a group of students who are still recovering from their injuries.

Rather than leaving them there, it is better to bring them along, maybe it can help them clear their suspicions.

Unexpectedly, the suspicion was not cleared, and Kotaro Kazama, who was in charge of guarding them, was also corrupted.

As for the issue of 99 Youji and Mantra Linglixiang, Gojo Wu no longer wanted to think about it. Now he was ashen-faced, lifeless, and felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body.

Sitting on the ground with one buttocks, there was no movement for a long time.

It is easy to be like this when life is too smooth, and it is easy to be depressed when you are hit.

On the contrary, the kind of people who are hit every day will be as tenacious as the weeds on the roadside that are blown by wind and rain every day.

It's not that Gojo Satoru hasn't suffered a blow, but this blow has exceeded the limit of his endurance.

To put it simply, the string in my heart couldn't break.

But obviously Lu Wu felt that this was not enough, and did not kill the conjurer who was no longer planning to resist.

"Tuogen, Lixiang, you two go down first."

"Xiaotaro, you too, take the two children to rest. After I settle this here, we will set off."

99 Yuki and Mana Linglixiang, whose souls were already Tuogen, retreated slowly, and then walked out of the hall talking and laughing with Kotaro.

Fu Heihui and Zenyuan Maki followed behind them step by step, like two children in charge of serving.

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