When several people in the living room were discussing how to deal with the death of Aoi Todo.

Aoi Dongtang herself, as well as three super-level curse spirits including Leuhu, have sneaked into the venue of the exchange meeting.

And in other places, such as the town where Lu Wu first came, the Yingji Juvenile Academy, the cafe that was in ruins, and the Kyoto Higher Magic School.

The black mist in these places began to slowly spread around.

It is expected that tonight at the latest, the raging black fog will sweep across Tokyo like a wave.

Soul Eater Night is coming! ! !

But at this time, Lu Wu was still negotiating conditions with others like a normal person.

"First of all, none of the double-faced nuo fingers collected by your school will be handed over to us for safekeeping."

"This..." The first condition made Night Moth Zhengdao feel embarrassed. Although he was right as the principal, he was not the only one who could decide how to deal with this very important special-grade curse.

Gojo Satoru next to him also showed resistance to this condition.

Because it was the same as An Geji guessed just now, the knotweed Youren was indeed hidden, in order to prevent accidents, he didn't tell anyone, including Noctua Zhengdao.

So when Lu Wu said to hand over Su Nuo's finger, Wutiaowu's first reaction was that he absolutely could not agree.

But he didn't have enough reasons to object, so he could only wait for what Noctua Moth Zhengdao would say next.

However, to his surprise, Noctua finally agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Wu put forward the second condition: "Design and cast a statue of Todo Aoi in the Tokyo High School to commemorate this warrior who would rather die than surrender."

Although this condition sounded a bit insulting at first, Noctua Moth Zhengdao agreed cruelly.

After all, it must be Su Nuo's finger, and a mere statue is nothing.

But the next third condition, he absolutely cannot accept.

I saw that Lu Wu came behind Noctua, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly: "Kyoto High School merged with Tokyo High School, and Tokyo High School will exist as a branch of Kyoto High School in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the principal of the Tokyo school stood up suddenly: "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible to agree to this condition."

Gojo Satoru couldn't suppress his anger at this time, and disappeared from the sofa in an instant, appeared in front of Lu Wu, and said with a sneer:

"Old man, now I'm worried that you have too much appetite and accidentally feed yourself to death!"

The aura of the strongest magician was fully unfolded, causing the already tense atmosphere in the living room to drop to freezing point.

An Geji was not afraid of him at all, and snapped, "Wujo Wu! Watch your attitude."

"Forget it." Lu Wu didn't take it seriously, and said with a smirk: "Since you don't agree, there is nothing to talk about."

"The students are still waiting for me to go back and guide the competition, Diva, let's go."

Then he left with the aggrieved female teacher.

Ye Mo Zhengdao wanted to go up to stop him, but Wu Tiao Wu grabbed him and persuaded him, "Principal, don't you understand?"

"They didn't come to negotiate terms at all, they just wanted to make things big."

Realizing that the situation was getting more and more difficult, Noctuma lost his attention for a while, so he could only ask, "Then what should we do now?"

There was a gloomy expression on Gojo Satoru's face: "Don't worry about it, I will find a way."

Ye Moth, who had realized something, suddenly changed his expression: "You don't mean to..."

Unexpectedly, Gojo Satoru returned to his usual heartless expression: "How is it possible, that old guy dared to do this only because I didn't kill him."

"Violence cannot win hearts and minds."

"If I really do it, how is it different from someone like Leyan Temple?"

Noctua Zhengdao breathed a sigh of relief: "You just need to understand it yourself. It can be resolved peacefully or it must be resolved peacefully. The magic world has never been monolithic."

"There will certainly be objections to his actions."

Gojo Satoru nodded, indicating that he understood, but he still had a word in his heart.

In order to punish the villains and save the majority, he doesn't mind sacrificing a few or two.

Then, he changed the subject and said, "I have hidden the knotweed stick."

When he said this, Gojo Satoru had a calm face, as if he was asking such a trivial matter as what to have for dinner.

"What!" The night moth, whose mood was ups and downs like a roller coaster, directly strangled his neck tightly: "Say it again!"

Gojo Satoru has long been accustomed to this level of attack, and he was taught this way for being late the last time he saw the principal.

As the strongest conjurer, not only did he not break free, but he cooperated very well to put on a very painful appearance.

"It hurts, it hurts, principal, please listen to my explanation, there is a reason for me to do this."

"Okay, then I'll listen to your explanation!" Noctua Moth said so, but he didn't let go of his hand, and instead used more and more force.

On the other side, Lu Wu, who had returned to the lounge, was sitting in the very center, telling the students about the next arrangement.

"You go ahead and do it, no matter what, someone will cooperate with you."

"Don't worry, don't hesitate, if something goes wrong, I will take care of it."

The students of the Kyoto High School were not surprised by the principal's arrangement. They came to this exchange meeting for revenge.

If Tokyo High School cannot be made to pay the price, the entire school will lose face.

Among all the students, only Sanlunxia was quite sensible, and she tentatively whispered: "Principal, this is not good..."

"Not good?" Another student Kamo Kenji retorted: "When Todo died, they should have reached this result!"

As one of the three royal families in the magic world, the heir of the Kamo family, what he hates the most is the magician who possesses the body through a curse and becomes a monk halfway.

What's more, this person also killed his classmate.

Although the relationship between Kamo Kenji and Todo Aoi is not very good, but after all, they have stayed under the same roof for so long, it would be false if they were not sad.

Therefore, Kamo supported the principal's plan with both hands. At the same time, he realized that the defection of the knotweed was not that simple, and it was probably Gojo Satoru who hindered it.

It's just that Wutiao bears the title of the strongest magician, and no one dares to prove it.

Seeing what he said, Sanlunxia could only shut up resentfully.

But the heart is getting more and more worried. The Kyoto High School that has lost Todo Aoi and Zenyuan Zhenyi really can't have any more accidents.

On the other hand, the Tokyo High School has achieved the principle of minimizing contact with students in Kyoto and putting the task first.

When the discussion between the two sides was about the same, the time came to noon, and the students entered the competition venue in order to wait.

Lu Wu also met again with Ye Mo Zhengdao, and watched the live broadcast of the team battle together with the two teachers Gojo Satoru and Ange Ji.

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