The fire dragon in front of Lu Wu is a Ukrainian iron belly.

As the largest fire dragon in this world, it weighed a full six tons, and its scales were shining gray, only its eyes were bright red.

The hard thorns extend from the top of the head through the back to the tail, matching with its slender and vicious claws, it is chilling.

In addition, Lu Wu also sensed that this iron belly has more than one rune.

Therefore, when Voldemort's killing curse hit it, it did not die, but completely aroused its ferocity.

Iron Belly spread its huge wings and rushed towards Voldemort. The chains that bound it around its neck were nowhere to be seen. The scarred body that had been whipped before was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Such a huge monster rushed towards him, and even the Dark Lord felt frightened for a moment, not to mention that this thing had just been immune to his killing curse.

So, he quickly turned into a cloud of black mist and flew into the sky, intending to avoid the pounce.

But who knows, Iron Belly's paw directly hooked the disembodied Voldemort out of the black mist, and then threw it to the ground forcefully.

Before he got up from the ground, the scorching dragon's breath drowned him.

But the Dark Lord is always the Dark Lord, and he quickly used the Iron Armor Curse to protect himself, so that he did not end up in the same fate as his previous subordinates.

Even so, most of his voluminous black robe was burned away, leaving his legs bare, looking as shabby as a beggar.

Voldemort, who made a fool of himself in front of his Death Eaters, threw a spell at the fire dragon like crazy.

Every spell is black magic that can easily kill someone.

In an instant, the dark cave was illuminated by beams of various colors like daylight.

A group of Death Eaters nearby were all amazed, the master was really angry this time.

If it was an ordinary iron belly, under such intensive attacks, even if it really had a belly made of steel, it would still be blasted to pieces.

Only this one is different, it has world runes.

The more powerful the spell, the faster the recovery speed of its body. Often the wound caused by the previous spell has healed before the next spell arrives.

Moreover, in just a few seconds, Iron Belly's already huge body became bigger again.

Lu Wu, who had a panoramic view of everything, finally planned to make a move, because according to the characteristics of the previous rune's infinite enhancement, in the long run, he would not be sure to get rid of this iron belly.

In an instant, he appeared in the middle of a demon and a dragon, blocking all the attacks of Voldemort on this side, and activated the scorching rune on the other side, and a group of viscous, almost liquid flames were thrown on the head of Iron Belly.

Even if it is protected by runes, it cannot escape the fate of being killed.

The ferocious and huge head was like a piece of butter, when it met the hot kitchen knife, most of it was melted in an instant.

The sound of puff puff puff, together with a smell of burnt meat, stimulated the senses of everyone present.

The rune that saved Ironbelly countless times just now has become the source of pain.

Its head loops endlessly between burning and restoring.

Two runes, or far more than two runes, put Iron Belly's body on the battlefield on the spot, and a winner must be decided on it.

As for the feelings on the battlefield, no one cares.

In just a few seconds, Iron Belly's thinking tended to collapse, and when he was dying, it unintentionally triggered the mighty power of another rune.

In the vast universe, a comet that was aimlessly wandering around suddenly disappeared, and in the next second, it appeared directly above the vault cave, and fell at an extremely fast speed.

This comet is not particularly large, only about a few meters in diameter.

But it was enough to make people feel extremely panicked. When everyone saw this scene, it seemed that their hearts stopped beating.

Many people simply froze in place, forgetting how to escape.

Lu Wu heaved a long sigh when he saw this, he was born to work hard!

After sighing, he waved his hand and opened an incomparably huge purple portal in mid-air.

A crisis that could destroy the entire Gringotts was easily resolved by him, and the comet was sent back to the universe, continuing its long and aimless journey.

And Iron Belly, who summoned the comet, couldn't bear the power of the rune, and was sucked into a dragon without a head.

A fire burned it to ashes, leaving a few strange-looking stones in the place where the dragon's corpse used to be.

Without looking at what runes they were, he took them back into the scroll, and then Lu Wu turned his attention to Voldemort and the Death Eaters next to him.

Those blue eyes that became brighter in the darkness made the group of people feel cold all over.

Even if Voldemort didn't say anything, the Death Eaters could tell that the purple-skinned mage in front of him was desperately strong.

Suddenly, a few Death Eaters who were terrified turned into a cloud of smoke and fled.

And Voldemort No. [-] kept retreating, and seemed to be planning to leave.

The most trusted subordinate next to him, Bellatrux Lestrange holding the golden cup, looked at the mage with a strange look in his eyes.

However, when Voldemort also turned into a black mist and was about to escape, she firmly followed.

Unexpectedly, the super-large rune imprisoned by the mage covered the entire vault cave, completely eliminating the possibility of their escape.

No matter what they do, they can't escape.

"Draco, come here." Lu Wu waved to the little white-haired wizard who had been hiding in the corridor.

After all, the level of battle just now is not something that young wizards can handle.

Hearing his godfather's call, Draco ran over, with a happy expression on his face: "Godfather, what do you want from me?"

Lu Wu patted the back of his head, pointed at Voldemort and said, "Go and kill that noseless guy!"

"Ah? I..." Draco stammered, apparently a little unconfident.

After all, the Dark Lord, who is famous in the wizarding world, is on the opposite side. He is only a second-grade elementary school student, so it is a lie that he is not afraid.

At this time, Voldemort and his party, who could not escape no matter what, finally gave up. They gathered closely together and looked at the two people who were talking.

A Death Eater whispered something to Voldemort after seeing Draco.

Surprise flashed across Voldemort's eyes, then he smiled and said, "Draco Malfoy?"

"Your father, Lucius Malfoy, was once a very capable subordinate of mine."

"I am deeply sorry for the loss of him and your mother."

The Death Eaters headed by Bella looked at each other in surprise. The Dark Lord, who is usually known for his cruelty, what happened today.

From what that means, it seems like he's making friends with Draco?

But when they thought of the horrific performance of the purple-skinned mage next to the little wizard, they were all relieved.

If you want to live, don't shudder!

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