So far, the crisis at Hogwarts has been resolved, and Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, as the examination place for this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, has been patronized by many young wizards.

The huge basilisk, which has lived for hundreds of years, has also ushered in the peak moment of its life.

It is like a dragon that snatches away the princess, and it is beaten to death by the little warriors of various colleges every day. If Lu Wu has not been using runes to help it heal its wounds, there may be no bones left.

But it was limited to this. As soon as the exam was over, Lu Wu burned it to ashes.

Just when everyone thought it was over, Dumbledore brought back bad news.

The school will continue to be closed indefinitely, and all students are not allowed to go out at will.

As soon as the news came out, the little wizards wailed suddenly. Seeing that the holiday was approaching, they couldn't even go home.

Dumbledore didn't give any explanation, but judging from his worried appearance, the situation should have reached a very urgent point.

Immediately afterwards, all the faculty and staff, including Lu Wu, were summoned to the principal's office.

When everyone arrived, they found that Minister of Magic Fudge and the half-giant Hagrid who had been taken away before were also there.

After everyone was seated, Dumbledore announced a breaking news.

"The mysterious man is resurrected!"

In an instant, the professors below were all arguing, expressing disbelief.

"Professors, please be quiet, let me finish my sentence." The white wizard sighed, and the gray beard on his chest looked a little dim.

After everyone quieted down, he continued: "According to the Ministry of Magic, in recent days, several witnesses claimed to have seen the mysterious man."

"Now Aurors are stepping up their efforts to check the accuracy of these news."

"Before I investigate thoroughly, I hope you will protect the children in the school."

After listening to his words, all the professors relaxed their hearts a little. Many of them kept comforting themselves that the news was false, and the eyewitnesses must have been dazzled.

For these people, Dumbledore didn't say anything, and immediately dismissed everyone and let them return to their posts.

"Professor Ruiz, Professor Snape, wait a moment, I have something to tell you."

Snape, who had already got up and was about to leave, sat back in his seat again.

Lu Wu, on the other hand, sat there without moving, as if he knew that Wizard Bai would keep him.

After everyone else left, Dumbledore asked Snape to wait for a while, then turned to the wizard and said, "Professor, I've heard about the Chamber of Secrets."

"Especially the idea of ​​using the basilisk to train the little wizard is very good."

"Thank you." Lu Wu nodded calmly.

Dumbledore was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "I have a question, I wonder if you have a chance of winning against Voldemort?"

The mage said the answer the white wizard wanted to hear: "He can't beat me, even with the runes."

"Hmph!" Snape curled his lips in disdain when he heard this.

"That's good, that's good." Dumbledore seemed to suddenly unload a heavy burden: "Then trouble you, take care of these children for me."

Lu Wu stroked the useless ring Horcrux on his index finger, and said flatly: "Aren't you going to let me kill him?"

Dumbledore shook his head: "No, I will find a way to solve this matter."

Then, he talked about another matter, obviously not wanting to get entangled in this issue.

"Minister Fudge is here to see you this time, you can go and have a chat."

At this time, the Minister of Magic, who had been waiting for a long time, nodded to the mage.

"Then go to my office, Mr. Fudge." After Lu Wu finished speaking, he got up and walked out the door.

Fudge said goodbye to Dumbledore and Snape briefly, and was about to leave with him.

Before leaving, Lu Wu suddenly took off the ring from his hand and threw it to Wizard White: "Take it, maybe you can use it."

Then he and the minister turned and left.

Although Marvolo Gaunt's ring had lost its usefulness as a Horcrux, the gem inlaid on it was extremely precious.

That is the resurrection stone of one of the three legendary Deathly Hallows.

As for what Dumbledore and Snape were talking about afterwards, Lu Wu was not interested in listening to it. The left and right were just sacrifices to kill Voldemort.

It was obvious that the white wizard still had doubts about his strength.

Probably the impression he left on Dumbledore was not as deep as the murderous Voldemort.

Taking the Minister of Magic back to his office, Lu Wu sat down and asked, "What can you do with me, Mr. Minister."

Fudge wanted to find a place to sit and wait around, but found that there was almost no place to stay in the office other than books.

I had no choice but to stand up and say, "Mr. Ruiz, the Ministry of Magic needs your help."

In fact, the reason why the minister came to Lu Wu again and again is very simple, he was cursed.

It's not a curse, it's just a psychological hint.

When he encountered difficulties, his first reaction would be that Hogwarts had a powerful mage who could help him solve the problem.

So, when Fudge knew that Voldemort might really be resurrected, his mind was full of that purple-skinned figure.

"Tell me, what do you need me to do for you?" Lu Wu looked at him and said.

Fudge gritted his teeth and said, "Help me kill Voldemort!"

"His existence has seriously affected the normal order of the wizarding world,"

"It also affected my position in the Ministry of Magic."

It turned out that before this, the news that Lucius' family died under the death curse was forcibly dealt with by him, which had already caused dissatisfaction among some people in the ministry.

Later, more and more evidence showed that Voldemort had really been resurrected.

This turned dissatisfaction into complaints, and the position of Minister of Magic under his buttocks seemed not so secure anymore.

After hearing Fuji's request, Lu Wu suddenly smiled: "Mr. Minister, you really don't treat me as an outsider."

"Then I'll tell you directly."

"You can ask me to help, but you have to pay the corresponding price."

"Even Hogwarts gave me a professorship anyway. You are a majestic Minister of Magic, you can't talk empty teeth, just plan to let me fight the Dark Lord."

"How about this, I'm not greedy, a deputy minister and the director of the Auror's office."

"If you agree, I will help you, how about it?"

The mage looked at the initial mission that he was about to complete, and the main mission that was far away, and prepared to add another fire to this world that was about to get out of control.

Minister Fudge, who was deep in thought, finally broke his heart and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

After listening, Lu Wu showed a satisfied smile: "Just wait, I will find time to go to the Ministry of Magic."

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