Ron, who complained to Harry, turned to him and said, "Can I panic now?"

Immediately afterwards, a half-human-tall giant spider landed on the ground with a thud, and the two people were so frightened that they hurriedly took out their wands.

All I saw was that the giant spider rushed over in an instant, and Harry couldn't release the spell in a hurry, so he had no choice but to throw the lantern in his hand.

This lantern originally belonged to the half-giant Hagrid. It was dozens of centimeters high and was made of pig iron, making it very heavy.

It swung it like a meteor hammer, knocking the giant spider to the ground with just one blow.

But it was too heavy, and the little wizard lost his strength after waving it a few times, so he reluctantly threw it aside.

Seeing more and more Spidermen getting closer, the two little wizards stood back to back, held up their wands, and looked around vigilantly.

At this moment, Ron asked desperately, "What spells can I use?"

After being reminded by his friend, Harry really thought of one: "There are, but there is no guarantee that we can deal with all of them."

The little wizard once exchanged two stones for three arcane spells from the mage, one of which might be able to deal with these spiders, but he was not sure that he could cast it successfully.

When Ron heard it, the expression on his face became even uglier: "It would be great if Hermione was here."

Just when the two thought they were going to die, a dazzling purple light shone behind them.

"It seems that you have encountered a little trouble." Lu Wu's voice sounded like the sound of heaven, and it rang in the ears of the little wizards.

"Professor!" Harry and Ron shouted excitedly in unison.

"It's me." The mage touched their heads and said softly, "Get behind me, two little guys."

Hearing this, the two of Harry hurriedly ran behind him, grasping the robe on his body tightly with both hands.

Lu Wu smiled when he saw this, and in order to relieve the little wizard's nervousness, he joked to the acromantula who was getting closer and closer:

"Your charm is indeed outstanding, but unfortunately I am not interested in jungle creatures."

After saying that, a colorless and invisible force rushed towards the spider group.

All giant arachnids touched by this force instantly turned into powder and dissipated with the breeze of the Forbidden Forest.

Perhaps feeling that this was not enough, the mage raised his hand and waved lightly, and sparks sprinkled from his sleeves, like a galaxy.

Let the two little wizards standing behind him seem to be in the mysterious universe.

After these sparks fell on the giant eight-eyed spider, a huge flame rose immediately, burning them into a piece of coke between breaths.

Seeing this scene, Harry's eyes lit up, full of admiration.

What he wanted to use just now was this arcane technique, but it was a pity that he could only emit a little spark each time, which was far from the starry sky in front of him now.

Ron, on the other hand, couldn't understand it at all, and simply thought that the purple-skinned old man in front of him was very handsome.

After about ten minutes, under the ravages of sparks, not even a giant spider could be seen in the lair, and even Aragog had already fled, hiding in the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

"Okay, little ones, you're safe."

The second the mage's voice sounded, Harry and Ron found that they had returned to the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

"I still have something to do, so I won't send you back. I wish you a good dream."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Wu, who got what he wanted, disappeared in place.

Harry, who was still a little ignorant, felt as if something had stung his neck, so he touched it with his hand, but found nothing.

"Harry, are you okay?" Ron asked with concern, worried that he would have another headache.

Harry shook his head: "I'm fine, I just feel like the professor is in a hurry today."

"It's not just today." The little red-haired wizard said seriously, "He's in a hurry every day, and he's also very secretive. He doesn't know what he's doing."

"Ron!" Harry hurriedly covered his friend's mouth to stop his rash behavior.

"Be careful, the professor may not be far away, don't be overheard!"

After being reminded by him, Ron, who was in a cold sweat, immediately shut his mouth.

But just less than a minute later, he started to germinate, but this time he not only lowered his voice, but also changed the topic.

"So, what the hell did we do in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Did we figure something out?"

Harry turned his head, looked in the direction of the Forbidden Forest from afar, and said thoughtfully, "I figured out one thing."

"Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets, he's innocent."

Feeling speechless, Ron gave him a blank look, and walked into the castle first, while Harry slowly followed behind him.

Then, the two sneaked back to the Gryffindor lounge. With the invisibility cloak left by Harry's father, they were not found.

Back in the dormitory, the little wizards who had been running around all night soon fell into a deep sleep.

Just about an hour later, Harry, who was sleeping soundly, woke up suddenly, and his head started hurting again.

The loud cry of pain woke up everyone in the dormitory, and they all asked the little wizard what was going on.

Ron, who was also woken up, frowned and looked at his friend with worried eyes.

The guilt-ridden Harry kept reassuring everyone, saying that he was fine, and then sent the other little wizards back to sleep.

But he stayed up all night, staring at the ceiling, just lingering all night.

The scar on his forehead flared up four times in a row, which definitely foreshadowed something, which made Harry's heart even more uneasy.

He plans to talk to Dumbledore tomorrow...

The next morning, just after dawn, Harry took a bouquet of flowers, pulled the sleepy-eyed Ron to the school hospital to visit the petrified Hermione, and then prepared to go to the principal's office.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked out of the lounge, she saw the little witch in a hurry.

He hurriedly stuffed the freshly picked flowers into Ron's hands, and greeted him in three steps at a time, while asking happily, "Hermione, are you alright?"

Ron, who was still not clear-headed, subconsciously took the flower in his hand, and followed him to greet him.

After drinking the resurrection potion and recovering overnight, Hermione had already recovered, and the first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to find her two friends.

Because she was in a hurry, she didn't explain too much, and said bluntly: "Look what I found!"

After speaking, he handed Harry a crumpled piece of paper.

While the little wizard was reading the words on the paper, Hermione noticed the flowers in Ron's hand and asked in surprise, "Is this for me?"

Ron's face turned red, redder than his hair, and he stammered, "'s for you."

"I and..."

He had meant to say that he had delivered it with Harry.

Unexpectedly, the happy little witch gave him a big hug directly.

"Thank you, Ron, nothing warms the heart like a bouquet of flowers after recovery."

"No... You're welcome, as long as you like it."

The little red-haired wizard hugged back stiffly, and planned to keep this secret in his heart forever.

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