Everyone present looked in the direction of the sound, but only saw a purple figure from the back.

It shows that the mage can't stand this level of fighting and plans to leave.

Lockhart was okay, but Snape didn't like his attitude very much, feeling that he was underestimated, so he choked:

"It turned out to be the new dueling master, Professor Ryze."

"I don't know if I have this honor, but I would like to ask you a few tricks."

Lu Wu stopped and looked back at the Potions teacher. In his impression, the two of them seemed to have had little communication since they came to this world.

Why is this old bat so hostile.

Did he want to seek justice for the student who turned into a sheep, or was he afraid that Harry Potter would be snatched away by him.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Wu didn't understand, a flash appeared on the long table from outside the auditorium.

The little wizards were stunned by his miraculous magic, and asked each other: "What was this just now? Could it be that my eyes are dazzled?"

"It should be apparition."

Hermione, who is a top student, retorted at this time: "No, in Hogwarts Castle, only Principal Dumbledore can use Apparation."

Harry has always been very interested in mages, so he couldn't help asking: "Then what is this?"

The little witch shook her head: "I don't know, maybe it's some kind of arcane technique."

Harry's eyes flashed, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind. He was going to exchange the two runes for unknown purpose in exchange for the arcane technique of transposition.

At the same time, not only the young wizards in the audience were amazed, even Snape's pupils on the stage trembled slightly.

But his introverted personality made his expression look the same as usual.

The mage walked up to him slowly: "Professor Snape, after losing the battle, I hope you don't go to Dumbledore to sue me!"

"What do you mean?" Snape, feeling insulted, was furious.

"Stop talking nonsense, I still have something to do, let's start quickly." Lu Wu took a few steps back to give him time to react.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more tense, Lockhart hurriedly jumped off the table, expressing his innocence.

But as soon as he felt safe, he immediately fell into his old ways and shouted excitedly to everyone: "Everyone, please keep your eyes open and watch carefully."

"This will be a wonderful wizard duel!"

When the liar writer shouted loudly, the two people on the stage had already started fighting, and Snape used his strongest ultimate move-Shenfeng Wuying.

He knew that the opponent in front of him was ridiculously strong, and even the white wizard said that he was not sure of defeating the mage.

So from the very beginning, Snape tried his best to never lose this duel in front of so many people.

Moreover, Shenfeng Wuying is a reversible magic spell, even if it is injured, it can be recovered by countering the spell.

Unexpectedly, before Snape could cast his spell, a powerful force pushed him off the dining table.

"Children, if you want to gain the ability to defend yourself, you should practice spells hard, not play house games here."

The mage's voice was still echoing in the auditorium, but the person had already left.

Everyone present was stunned for a while, but in the end they didn't realize what happened just now.

But they knew that after two anticlimactic duels, it was clear that Lockhart's Dueling Club could not continue.


Early the next morning, a piece of news in the Daily Prophet shocked the entire wizarding world.

On the entire page of the newspaper, a terrifying headline was written in bold black fonts.

"Mystery Man Comeback? "

Then, they used a huge space to describe in detail how the Malfoy Manor was attacked. Although they didn't know what happened, how did they know.

In the article, Lucius is described as a positive image who was threatened and persecuted by the Death Eaters, but did not give in, and finally died with his wife Narcissa

At the end of the article, I did not forget to attach photos of the current tragedy of the manor and the Malfoy couple.

Lu Wu, who read the entire newspaper, had reason to believe that the news was deliberately released by the Ministry of Magic.

Because apart from the title, the entire article doesn't mention Voldemort or anything about him, but attributes it to his group of Death Eaters.

In other words, the Ministry of Magic wanted to tell everyone that Voldemort was not resurrected, and that all this was done by his remaining henchmen.

Presumably, the current Minister of Magic has been battered.

After all, the Ministry of Magic cannot fail to respond to such a big incident in the Malfoy family.

But the real situation is too shocking, so there is such a compromise plan, to selectively tell part of the truth, so as not to cause panic among the public.

Even so, it is estimated that there are quite a few wizards who have already packed their bags and are going to go to other places to avoid disaster.

Lu Wu picked up the teacup in hand, took a sip slowly, and couldn't wait to see Minister Fudge's expression now.

Then, it suddenly occurred to him that since the news of Voldemort's resurrection had been spread, it would be better to make it real.

If I remember correctly, Voldemort's soul is still lingering in the Albanian forest.

It only needs to find his soul, and then cooperate with the ancient spell to regenerate Voldemort's limbs. The items needed to cast the spell are also very simple.

The limbs of a servant, the bones of a father, the blood of an enemy.

As for what the ancient spell was, the mage didn't care, Voldemort would tell him in due time.

In order to prevent any accidents during the resurrection, he planned to get the Horcrux in his hand.

Thinking of this, Lu Wu couldn't help sighing that he is really a considerate and kind person.

It's a pity that good people work hard, and he prefers to enjoy life in peace.

Then, Lu Wu put down his teacup, got up and walked out of the office. He happened to have no class today, so he could go out for a walk.

Before resurrecting Voldemort, he wanted to visit his poor student, Draco Malfoy.

Not everyone can bear the pain of losing their parents, so let's comfort them.

So, he quickly took a winding path and came to the prestigious St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sickness.

Usually there are many wizards who come here for treatment, so Lu Wu's sudden appearance did not attract people's attention.

Then, led by a kind nurse, he came to a ward in the Equipment Accident Department on the first floor.

At this time, a fat young nurse kept knocking on the closed door.

"Draco, Mr. Draco, could you open the door, please?"

"I have to change your medicine, or your legs will never get better."

Seeing this, Lu Wu stepped forward and asked, "What's going on, what's wrong with Draco?"

The nurse was taken aback by his purple skin, thinking that there was another wizard who liked to engage in performance art.

But when he saw that it was a kind old man, his nose felt sore, and he couldn't help crying, "It's all my fault, let him read some newspaper to relieve his boredom."

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