Falling in love with you, starting from the heavens to perform the League of Legends

A few minutes later, as the wizard driving said, the city of London arrived, and the Ministry of Magic was located deep underground in Whitehall, central London.

Because of the Muggle-shielding spell on the carriage, even if it flew over the heads of old Londoners, they would not be able to detect it.

So, Lu Wu swaggered through the sky over London.

A few minutes later, the ferocious-looking Thestrals pulled the carriage to a platform protruding from a towering clock tower.

If ordinary guests visit the Ministry of Magic, they can only enter through a dilapidated red telephone booth on the side street, but Lu Wu, as a distinguished guest invited by the Minister, naturally cannot be the same as ordinary people.

The wizard of the Ministry of Magic, very politely asked the mage out of the carriage and led him to a stylish elevator inside the clock tower.

From the perspective of the 90s of the last century, this elevator is indeed very fashionable.

Afterwards, the two walked into the spacious elevator and descended deep underground.

In the normal process, they should actually go to the main hall of the Ministry of Magic on the eighth basement floor to go through the interview procedures. As a result, Lu Wu took a shortcut and went directly to the minister's office on the first floor.

The wizard who was driving lightly knocked on the door and said respectfully: "Mr. Minister, Professor Ruiz has come."

Soon, Minister Fudge's voice came from inside: "Please come in."

"Professor, please." The wizard helped to open the door, and then left.

"Thank you." Lu Wu nodded to the wizard and walked into the office.

As a result, as soon as he entered, he received a warm hug from the Minister of Magic: "Professor, you are finally here."

"Come on, please sit down, let's sit down and talk."

The minister now looks more like a politician than a wizard than a philistine.

Lu Wu, who was not used to being in close contact with men, couldn't help but want to shudder, but fortunately he was under his control.

While the minister turned his head to pour tea, he quickly sat down on the sofa.

"Professor, I'm tired from the journey, let's have a cup of hot tea." Fudge turned around with two cups of hot tea and said kindly.

Seeing that the minister was so humble, the mage felt that he must have something in mind.

So he took the teacup and said bluntly: "Mr. Minister, I am a straightforward person, and I don't like to beat around the bush."

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Fudge was stunned for a moment for someone who was so uneasy about playing cards, and then a smile appeared on his face:

"Since that's the case, I won't talk nonsense anymore. I want you to join the Law Enforcement Department and become an Auror."

"Mainly responsible for teaching arcane techniques."

In fact, since returning to the Ministry of Magic, the Minister has been thinking about arcane issues, and found that this thing is really a good thing, and it is very likely to set off a huge change in the wizarding world.

As Minister for Magic, his powers were at their peak, but it wasn't enough.

He wants to leave his name in history.

A pioneer in the wizarding world, a reformer with discerning eyes and pearls, a man who changed the entire wizarding world, what a pleasant title.

But the mage was not interested in the minister's solicitation, and said slowly: "My temper is not very good."

"It's okay for me to teach those children. I'm afraid adults don't have that much patience."

"It's okay!" Fudge sat down on the sofa and continued, "It's because they are adults that they should be stricter."

On the surface, the mage was still calm, but in his heart he sighed: "You asked for this!"

In the original plan, there was no place for the Ministry of Magic, and if some people liked to throw themselves into the trap, there was nothing he could do.

So he frowned deliberately, pretending to think carefully, and replied after a long time: "Yes, yes, but I want to see how the Aurors are doing."

"No problem!" The delighted minister got up instantly: "Go, I'll take it to have a look."

To do a full set of acting, Lu Wu also stood up and followed Fuji out of the office.

Through another, more fashionable elevator, the two soon came to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement on the second basement level, where the Auror Command was located.

It's just that today's headquarters is a little chaotic.

The Aurors, who were supposed to be working in their own open cubicles, were now gathered together, and the loud shouts were about to blow the roof off.

Seeing this situation, Minister Fudge immediately changed his face, as if he felt ashamed in front of the mage.

So, shouted at the Aurors: "What are you doing!"

The shouts with the Amplifying Charm were deafening, and the entire headquarters fell silent immediately.

Immediately afterwards, an Auror hurried up to the minister and said in a panic, "Minister, it's bad, the Malfoy family's manor has been attacked!"

"What!" Minister Fudge's face changed instantly: "Who did it, has anyone caught it?"

Auror showed distress: "Mr. Minister, we have just received the news, and we haven't had time to go yet."

"Then hurry up and send someone there!" Fudge yelled at his subordinates, then turned his head and said to the mage, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Ruiz."

"You heard it just now. Today is really unfortunate. I can't continue to show you around."

"I will definitely visit the door in person some other day."

As he said that, he casually called someone over: "So who, send Mr. Ruiz back to Hogwarts."

"No rush." ​​Unexpectedly, Lu Wu refused, "Since I have already planned to join the Ministry of Magic, I can be counted as one of you."

"Although I haven't been trained to officially enter the job, I want to follow you and see how Aurors handle cases."

"In this way, we can teach students according to their aptitude, are you right, Mr. Minister?"

When Fudge heard it, he felt that it made sense, so he said, "That's fine, I'll go with you too."

In this relatively peaceful era, a wizard was attacked, and he was still a pure blood, which can be regarded as a very big event.

Therefore, the Minister of Magic immediately summoned several powerful Aurors to go to Malfoy Manor through the Floo Network to find out.

But what they didn't expect was that the manor was not simply attacked, but completely destroyed by fire.

Even the entire castle has collapsed, not to mention the fireplaces inside that connect to the floo network.

Because the exit was destroyed, the Aurors failed to teleport. If there were no mages, the elite of this group of wizards, plus the Minister of Magic, would very likely turn into a pile of minced meat and fly into the fireplaces of thousands of households.

After this exciting journey, it is estimated that a few Aurors have left a shadow in their hearts.

At the very least, Minister Fudge stated that he would rather walk than use the Floo network in the future.

But soon, this matter was left behind, and their attention was completely attracted by the ruins under their feet.

The Minister and the Aurors couldn't figure out why the castle built of solid stone was burned to such a ghostly state.

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