"Minister Fudge, and fellow directors, I don't think this matter can simply end like this."

"Based on the attitude of thinking about those children, I still don't trust the purple-skinned weirdo in front of me."

"I even have reason to suspect that he may not be human."

"It may be the offspring of humans and some kind of magical creature, or it may simply be the disguise of a magical creature." Lucius said, with a disgusted expression on his face.

He even felt disgusted by half-blood wizards, not to mention Lu Wu with purple skin.

The pure-blood's obviously discriminatory language finally annoyed Dumbledore. He stood up suddenly and shouted, "Shut up, Lucius!"

"Apologize to Professor Ruiz for what you just said!"

"Why, am I wrong?" Lucius still went his own way. Others were in awe of Wizard White, but he was not afraid.

The voices of the two became louder and louder, and it seemed that they were about to fight. Even the Minister of Magic tried to persuade them to no avail.

At this moment, the mage who had been observing these people finally spoke: "Dear gentlemen and ladies, can I say a few words?"

After everyone heard about it, they finally turned their attention to him, the client.

Dumbledore didn't give Lucius a chance to grab the conversation, and said directly: "Professor Ryze, go ahead."

The mage first smiled inexplicably, and then continued: "I found that you wizards are really interesting."

"Trust me because of a word from Albus, and doubt me because of a word from Malfoy."

"But no one really cares about what arcane art is."

"Then, let me tell you today what arcane art is!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly got up and walked to the long table, supporting the table with both hands.

The curse mark on the blue-purple skin on his body began to light up, and the terrifying aura surprised everyone present.

Dumbledore, who had a real understanding of the mage's strength, thought he was going to do something irrational, so he quickly persuaded him: "Ryze, don't be impulsive!"

But the mage was actually very rational throughout the whole process. He stared at the somewhat frightened school directors and said slowly, "Don't worry Albus, I know what I'm doing."

"I just want to let this group of proud wizards know that they must always be in awe of things they don't understand."

"When the world is turned upside down, it will not help to let them spread their tongues."

As soon as this remark came out, the school directors looked at him unkindly, and even Minister Fudge, who wanted to remain neutral, couldn't help frowning.

After hearing this, Wizard Bai became more and more worried, walked up to Lu Wu, and held his arm.

Lucius was very happy to see the rift between the two of them, so he continued to provoke: "What kind of arcane art, left and right are just some tricks, and the school directors don't have time to watch you perform."

"You are lucky today. I hope you will reflect on yourself after you go back, and stop engaging in these crooked ways."

"Otherwise, I, the directors, and Minister Fudge will never let you go!"

The pure-blood wizard full of scheming deliberately pretended to be arrogant, intending to provoke the mage and let him do something to him.

At that time, even if Dumbledore wanted to protect him, the other school managers would not agree.

It is not impossible to even encourage the Minister of Magic to arrest him in Azkaban!

But how could Lu Wu fail to see such a clumsy strategy? Instead of making a move, he took a few steps back.

He smiled and said: "In order to fully demonstrate the superiority of arcane arts to all respected gentlemen, let's have a duel."

"Yes, it is superiority. I want to prove to you that in the face of powerful arcane arts, the so-called magic spells you have mastered are just children's play."

As soon as the words fell, all the directors of the school became excited and clamored loudly to expel him.

"So you people just pass the time with one mouth?"

"Come and fight with me personally!"

The mage spread his arms and shouted.

"Mr. Malfoy, even if you don't believe in arcane arts, why don't you come and fight me?"

Lucius, who was named, was a little hesitant at this moment. He had seen the way Lu Wu extinguished the fire at the Quidditch stadium that day.

Although it is not certain how strong it is, it should be much stronger than him.

Lucius' original plan was to provoke Lu Wu to attack him. With Dumbledore beside him, no matter how strong he was, it was impossible to kill him directly.

At that time, he can pretend to be seriously injured, and then use this to make trouble.

But now it seems that it is a bit difficult to ride a tiger.

The haughty pureblood's hesitation caused everyone present to have small thoughts in their hearts, wondering if he was afraid.

At this time, the white wizard suddenly roared: "Ryze!!"

"If you continue like this, I really can't help you."

In the end, before Lu Wu could speak, the Minister of Magic who had been watching the show said with great interest, "Albus, don't worry."

"I think this proposal is very good."

"Wizard duel, a very fair game."

"If this Professor Ryze wins, it will prove that the so-called arcane technique does have certain advantages, and we can try to promote it."

"If you lose..."

"Doesn't this just mean that he is not suitable to be a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Although Fudge's words were arbitrary, they were the best solution at the moment, and as the Minister of Magic, he still had a lot of work to do, so he didn't have time to watch a group of people gossiping.

Being able to come today is also because of the face of Dumbledore and the school directors.

Immediately afterwards, the minister laid down the rules regardless of whether Lucius agreed or not:

"First make an agreement with the two of you. You can defeat, stun, or injure your opponent, or you can take the initiative to admit defeat and it will be over. You can't hurt the opponent's life."

"Otherwise, I can only send him to Azkaban."

The reason for not being able to kill people is very simple. This duel was carried out under his suggestion. If someone is killed, his reputation may be affected, so killing people is prohibited.

As for what will happen during the process, Fudge can't control it. Anyway, he has already set the rules, and there is nothing he can do if he really wants to kill someone.

Even the great white wizard next to him can't stop it, so a little minister of magic like him can't do anything either.

The rest of the school directors also thought it was good when they heard Minister Fudge's proposal.

They were also disgusted by the mage's arrogant appearance, and they just took this opportunity to let Lucius teach this ignorant professor a lesson.

Then he urged: "Lucius, promise him and fight him!"

"Yes, that's right, with your strength, there must be no problem!"

Although Lucius' expression didn't change at this time, his back was already sweating, and he didn't expect Fudge to stab him in the back at this time.

In fact, he could completely refuse this duel, but the blood in his body did not allow him to do so.

He now represents the face of the Malfoy family and pure-blood wizards.

What's more, if he refuses, there is a high probability that the identity of the school manager will be lost.

Thinking of this, Lucius said calmly, "Okay, let's fight!"

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