I have a thousand acres of space

Chapter 155 Water diversion to the factory

There are still many fruits on the tree, especially after Zhao Mengfei and others cut the branches, the fruits grow faster.

I have less than 500 employees, of course, this does not include the drivers, and the employees of those franchise stores.After a round of distribution of fruits, half of them have just been distributed, and I distributed a box of the rest to each person, which is limited to my registered employees.

Some employees were reluctant to eat the second box of fruit, so they gave it to relatives and friends.

All of a sudden, more people saw this strange fruit, and their reactions were naturally unusual. Some vendors came to my door, wanting to wholesale exotic fruits from me.

I had this idea of ​​selling fruit, but because there are not many trees planted, the fruit grows fast but the quantity is not large, and the suppliers cannot guarantee a daily quantity, so I gave up this business.

I plan to use those fruits as employee benefits, so that my employees can benefit, wouldn't it be better?

I think it's me, but more than one person came to me to wholesale fruit, which made me a little shaken.After all, the current quantity is too small. Even if you want to wholesale, you have to wait for the scale to form in the future.Now that we have this idea, we must continue to expand the planting area of ​​fruit trees.

So, I went to the nursery base and ordered another batch.

The nursery owner was surprised to see me ordering saplings at the end of autumn.

"Is it possible to plant trees at this time?"

His worries are not unreasonable. The actual weather is gradually getting cooler, which is not suitable for planting trees at all.

But how did he know about my situation? In my alien space, the seasons are like midsummer, and the saplings can grow and live whenever they are planted.

"Boss, the crops don't grow every year, and the saplings don't live every year. Are you still afraid that I will buy your saplings?"

My indifferent words made the nursery owner speechless.

"If you say that, it means that I talk too much, and I will give you as much as you want."

So, I transplanted another 1000 fruit tree seedlings into the space, including apples, pears, and peaches, mainly these.More than 200 walnut trees have been planted, and I think those walnuts are special enough.

For the matter of planting trees in the space, I just need to transport the saplings in and leave it to Ruyu.It led Zhao Mengfei and four people to dig holes, water and plant trees, so it was no problem.

I thought they would complain about too much work, but seeing their high spirits, they never tire of it.

When watering the fruit tree seedlings, Qian Nanyou carried two plastic buckets back and forth, feeling a little tired after carrying a few buckets, and suddenly thought that there is a water pump in the space, why bother so hard?It was proposed to use a self-priming pump.

I was really worried that he would pull back my plastic tube leading out of the space, so I hurriedly met his request and went to the hardware store to buy a few tubes for them to use, and told them not to touch my one.

With self-priming pumps, there is no need to carry water manually, and the efficiency is improved. The key is that they are much more relaxed.

I'm worried they'll use the self-priming pump to water the ground without my knowledge.For this reason, I also put the water pump in the small brick house, and told all the members of the island that no one should use it without my permission.

Only Rufeng knows about pumping water from the space to the kitchen. When the water in the water heater runs out, I will call it and ask it to close the electric switch in the space, and notify it to close the switch when the water is full.This saves me the hassle of going to and from space.

Now I see that I am worried that someone will use the self-priming pump without authorization. Others don't know the reason, but Rufeng is clear.It must have thought that if someone moved the pump, it would affect my ability to divert water outside the space.

"Master, this matter is very easy to solve. What's the harm in adding another self-priming water pump?"

Rufeng is right.

I think too much.I have another water pump prepared, and they can use it when they like, and it won't affect me anymore.

After calling Rufeng to turn on the water pump twice, it gave me another suggestion.

"Master, in fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. It only needs a small technical modification to solve it, and it can be set to the automatic water filling mode."

I believe that Rufeng has this technology, but I ignored it, let it be modified for me quickly, so as not to have to call it every time.If it drives out, and I happen to have no water here, I have to travel to and from space.

According to the list provided by Rufeng, we purchased water floats, stoppers, and signal transmitters, and connected them between the water heater and the electric switch of the self-priming pump.

The actual operation proves that as long as the water level in the water heater is lower than 1/5, the electric switch will be closed automatically, and when the water level reaches 4/5, the power will be cut off automatically.It's so much more convenient, and technology has helped me a lot.

Fortunately, there is such a wind, I can't think of this idea.I can't think of it, I can't think of it, but I have a way of thinking by analogy.This small improvement provided me with a new idea to solve the source water problem of the mineral water plant.

In less than 10 days, the Tianquan Mineral Water Plant was completely overhauled and staff training was in place.After Tan Chong finished his work report, he asked me.

"Mr. Chen, everything is ready, we only owe Dongfeng. According to your request, the entire production line can be started. We have not solved the most critical water source problem. Since Mr. Chen does not plan to bring spring water from the south, continue to use the current For spring water, even if the factory name and trademark are changed, customers may not recognize it.”

I knew he would have such doubts, how could I explain it to him in detail, so I pretended to be mysterious and told him.

"This matter does not need to be considered by Director Tan, I will solve it myself. Director Tan only needs to do one more thing, build a small house at the place where the water source is now, and cover the pool inside. I will install another set of equipment , the water problem can be solved.”

Tan Chong was skeptical, but followed my request.

The small house is not big, only about 10 square meters, three meters high, basically equivalent to the size of a bedroom.Except for an anti-theft door, there are no windows left, and it looks completely closed from the outside, which looks very mysterious.

I explained to him that it is fully enclosed to prevent water pollution.This is also a valid reason.

After the small house was built, I took the key from the anti-theft door and told Tan Chong clearly that no one could enter the small house except me, no matter what happened.

I make this place a forbidden area.

Whether he understands it or not, this is my death order.Violators will be dismissed immediately.

In Tan Chong's eyes, this rule alone is even more mysterious.When this ban spread to the ears of all employees, the employees also felt very weird.

It's normal to feel mysterious and weird.

According to the production capacity of the mineral water production line, I asked Rufeng to calculate how much cubic water is needed per hour. According to this specification, I bought a self-priming water pump, equipped with a steel wire hose of the same diameter, and fixed the water pump on the island. Inside the little house on the shore.

After these were done, I asked Rufeng to install an automatic control device to control the electric switch of the self-priming pump according to the liquid level of the puddle.This can ensure that the water in the puddle is always full, even if the production line is running at full capacity, it can be fully supplied.

The spring water flowing down from the mountain has never stopped. The water did not flow into the puddle in front, but overflowed from under the small house. From the outside, it seems that the source water is still the mountain spring water from before.

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