These four people are related to each other, and they are all relatives at all angles.When they were pulling the grain, they saw that only people were loading the trucks in the warehouse, and no one weighed them. The counting was based on the receiver.

They think this is a loophole, and they don't take advantage of it.So I started to steal food to my home.After pulling a few cars, he was not found, so he became more courageous.

After discussion, each person only pays 4 cars, which seems reasonable.Dora took all of it for herself, and soon became rich.

Zhao Mengfei bought a big house and a private car.

Qian Nanyou made another fortune from investing in funds, and his status in the family has improved, and he is no longer angry with his wife.His wife even specially bought him wine, and even fried him a snack with her own hands, so that he wouldn't be scolded when he went out for a drink, it was more casual.

Sun Buxiao paid off all his gambling debts.He wanted to play some poker before, but because he owed a lot of debts, no one wanted to play with him.Now he is scrambling to play with him whenever he comes to a game.It feels like an uncle, which is very cool.

Even better was Li Hairan.It feels aggrieved to bark in the door backwards. My status at home is extremely low, and I am simply a servant.In addition to earning money by hauling goods every day, what comforts him is that he can have a meal at home.His wife didn't want to sleep with him, so she found a concubine herself.

This concubine is mainly trying to get his money, usually he secretly deducts some wages to buy her a gift or something.

After making a windfall, he can give her a lot of money.The coolness was the same as when he was exercising with his mistress on the bed.

Although the concubine had an affair with him, she never kept him overnight.During this period of time, it was almost night and night, and I didn't want him to go at all.

In order not to be suspected by his wife, he went home quietly in the middle of the night.In the past, his wife ignored his phenomenon of leaving early and returning late, and now she does the same.In the past, he was indifferent to him, but now he is letting him go, as long as he feels comfortable.

The dream of the four people has not been fulfilled, so they came to this isolated island in a daze.They knew that they had done something wrong, which was why they were sent here to suffer.This is God's punishment for them.

Now that they have all admitted their crimes, they must be punished, otherwise God is not willing.

"Then honestly repent and rehabilitate here!"

Leave a word and I'll leave.I'm sure they'll fix it.

Actually as I thought.Since adding an egg to them every day, they have never complained of hunger, their nutrition has improved, and their work is also vigorous.

Ru Yu no longer needs to do the work herself, she just needs to arrange the work and supervise their execution.They've made it a legitimate job here.

Seeing that they really started to adapt to the life here, I stopped pretending to be stupid and expressed my attitude to them.Working here is not for nothing, I pay them wages.

As soon as they heard it, they felt as if they were being amnesty, and each of them was in full spirit.

"Mr. Chen is so kind! Are you forgiving us?"

"Forgive me. But my decision has to be carried out. For this kind of work of cleaning pig manure and chicken manure, the salary of 5000 should be a lot for you. I have already paid you the salary in advance. When will you earn the money? If it is equivalent to the food you bring back home, you can go home."

Hearing this, all of them withered.

They stole my food, each worth no less than 300 million. With a salary of 5000 yuan, you have to work here honestly for 50 years.The youngest, Li Hailuan, is also 30 years old, and he will not be able to pay off my debts until he is 80 years old.It's like I gave them a life sentence.

deserve it!You deserve it!

They also complained to me, what about their families?

I sneered.

"Your family has benefited from your illegal gains. Even without you, they will not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, and you don't have to worry about life."

Zhao Mengfei and Qian Nanyou fell silent, while Sun Buxiao and Li Hai cried bitterly.

Sun Buxiao paid off most of his gambling debts, and basically lost all of his money, leaving only a small part at home.

Half of Li Hailun's money was given to his wife, and the other half was given to his concubine.I am afraid that it will be difficult to see them again in this life. Thinking about it, it is really worthless.

Yes, I'm not worth it for them.But you have to bear the consequences of what you do.I have no choice but to treat them like this.

There is one thing that needs to be explained.

Every adult in this day and age will be equipped with a smartphone.When the official investigation team filed the case, they conducted a detailed investigation into the mobile phone usage of these four people.Especially the mobile phone signal before the disappearance must be one of the important clues to solve the case.

The reality is that officials are doing nothing.

When Zhao Mengfei bought fried dough sticks in the morning, he left his mobile phone at home and didn't take it with him at all.Seeing that he hadn't come back after breakfast, his wife called him, and the phone rang, and the phone was placed by the bed in the bedroom.

Qian Nanyou's mobile phone fell on the wine table, and it was his drinking buddy who called to inform his wife that his wife was missing.

On the night when Sun Buxiao played cards, he lost a lot. The bill on the card table was not settled yet, so he wanted to leave, so he slipped out on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

The poker player was afraid that he would not come back because of his bad debts, so he wanted to follow him out. Seeing that his mobile phone was still on the table, he believed that he would come back. Unexpectedly, he did not come back.

The poker friend who won his money put his mobile phone in his pocket for the convenience of asking for the bill.At dawn, the phone rang, and it turned out to be Sun Buxiao's wife calling, asking for someone.Only then did I know that Sun Buxiao was missing.

When Li Hairan left his concubine quietly, he forgot his mobile phone, until Ru Feng took him away, he didn't think about the mobile phone.Because of his negligence, his wife almost fell out with his concubine.

Except that Zhao Mengfei's cell phone did not have any clues, the other three people did have a lot of trouble because their cell phones were in other people's places.

Those drinking buddies and so-called concubines who got involved have been tossing around for a long time. After all, they are the last people to see the person involved, and they are the main suspects.

Because of the large number of witnesses, the drinking buddies and card friends were able to prove each other's innocence in the end. The only troublesome thing was Li Hairan's concubine.

Even if she has ten mouths, it is difficult for her to explain clearly. The more detailed she speaks, the more people will know about the scandal between her and Li Hailuan, and it has become something that some people like to talk about after dinner.

The official investigation team failed to investigate these disappearance cases, and they were gradually forgotten by people.

I will never forget it.

New members have been added to the island, and my population is thriving.In the first period of time, Zhao Mengfei and others believed that they were ordinary people, and they always wondered why their skills and abilities and even martial arts were so strong.Later, it was gradually discovered that they were robots if they did not eat or drink.

They are controlled by robots.

And I control these robots.

Zhao Mengfei and others were even more in awe of me.At first I had the idea of ​​escaping from the island, but then I completely dismissed the idea.

I knew that if I didn't follow my request, I would either starve to death on the island, or be trapped here for the rest of my life.Although I give them a 50-year deadline, there is hope, and that is their hope.

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