I have a thousand acres of space

Chapter 107 Han Xiaobai Joins the Job

In the evening I received a call from Han Xiaobai, and both he and his partner agreed.After finishing the business, he complained to me again.

Both of them came to the county to work, and after a long time, they would definitely have the idea of ​​settling here.

He is not married yet. If his girlfriend proposes to buy a house in the county, it will be a big difficulty for his family. With the savings he and his parents have saved, he is planning to build a new house. When he comes to the county, he will probably change his mind.

This is a major event in the family's life. It is more realistic to say it is a complaint.

I am very relieved of Han Xiaobai's character, not to mention that the two of us are fellow workers, and we have a good relationship. Now that I have developed, I should give him a hand.

So, I made him a promise.

When I come, I will sign a labor contract with the two of them. In addition to paying the insurance that should be paid normally, I will reward him with a house and a car. The premise is that he must guarantee to work for me for 10 years.

This is a very tempting preferential condition. Han Xiaobai couldn't believe his ears. He asked me repeatedly on the phone twice. After getting the confirmation, I could hear him slapping his chest. He assured me that there is no problem. Nor will I object.

I have already thought about the house, and I will buy him a house in Wangyuan Community.All the buildings have been sold. I heard from Bai Luoxue that some people are reselling the quota, and the price increase is not much, only 1 yuan.

The reason why I fell in love with the house in Wangyuan is because houses in other communities are more expensive.

Apart from the better location, the construction quality of other communities may not be as good as Wangyuan. I personally participated in the construction of this house. I have witnessed the construction process and construction quality, so I am relieved.Buying one for Han Xiaobai is also worthy of him.

Less than 5 minutes later, Han Xiaobai called again, promising that he and his girlfriend Li Dafang would report to me at 8:[-] tomorrow morning.

His home is much farther away from Huangtu County, and the 200-kilometer journey cannot be reached within 4 hours by bus, which is impossible at 8 o'clock.I told him not to worry, it's okay to be two days late.He actually said that he would definitely come tomorrow on the grounds that he was eager to make money.

The two people did come the next day. They didn't guarantee it at 8 o'clock, but they sat in my office at 9:00.They left home after 4 o'clock in the morning, because the bus was half an hour late, which caused them to be late.

I don't care if they come sooner or later, as long as they come.

Arrange accommodation first.

There are guest rooms in the three-story building, but I didn't let them live.It's not that I don't care about the workers, they are in my eyes here.

The relationship between me and Bai Luoxue has not been finalized yet, we have dinner together at noon, I don't want others to disturb.

If Han Xiaobai and Han Xiaobai are here, why am I ashamed not to let them have dinner together?This is second.I always feel a little uncomfortable around them.

The cannery has a staff dormitory, which is on the top floor of the office building, and they are temporarily arranged there.For meals, you can go to the staff canteen, saving you the trouble of lighting a fire and cooking.

Han Xiaobai and I have lived in the tin house, so he has no choice about the accommodation conditions.Li Dafang may be here for the first time, and he is not familiar with the way of life in the county. Everything feels new, and he has no problem with being arranged in a dormitory.

Let them have a day off today and go to the street to buy some daily necessities. I first distributed work clothes and labor protection supplies to them.

In order to show my sincerity, I invited two people to have a meal in the small building at noon.Bai Luoxue didn't participate and went home.

Without her, Han Xiaobai and I can talk freely and say goodbye to each other.I expressed concern about his work at my cousin, and he was even more envious of my development and changes in the past few months.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to develop so fast. After three days, you should be impressed. You are now a big boss. In less than three months, I came to work for you. It is unimaginable. If you didn't open With such a tempting condition, it is impossible for me to come, you have ruined my dream."

Han Xiaobai is not polite to me, which is expected.

"I heard that you have a good relationship with Xiaobai and the treatment you give is good, so I promised him to help you. I hope Boss Chen will take care of you."

Li Dafang also expressed his attitude.She is unrestrained and familiar with each other. I like this kind of personality.

In the afternoon, I took them to the 4S store and picked up a 10 Santana.

Han Xiaobai has a driver's license and a car, so he couldn't restrain his joy, so he dragged Li Dafang around the county first.

Li Dafang didn't have a driver's license, so he bought her a four-wheel drive tram of the same model as her father's, and told her clearly that this tram didn't belong to her and was only for work.

There is already a car, and Han Xiaobai and Li Dafang don't want the tram either.It is clearly stated in the labor contract that the car belongs to work and can be used for private purposes, and it will belong to him after 10 years.

On this condition, they are also very satisfied.At the same time, it is also clearly stipulated that I will refuel by myself and pay for car repairs myself, and I don't care about it.

Without even thinking about it, the two of them agreed.

The next day, Han Xiaobai drove to the flour mill, and Li Dafang drove to the feed mill by tram. When I need to change places, I will call them.

One of the reasons for having a car is to go to the paper mill in Heitu County, 200 miles away, and Han Xiaobai has to work hard for this.

Replacing my father, I wanted him to rest for a while, but he can't be idle, it's boring to be at home without a job, and I can't watch TV.

After discussing with Bai Luoxue, he still asked him to go back to the wholesale station to pack the cornmeal.He is very happy to do this job. In his words, he can have lunch with his mother again at noon.

I was speechless, Bai Luoxue said that my parents were very loving.

My parents are loving, but where is my loving?

Bai Luoxue finally gave me the answer.

On the day when Han Xiaobai started working, after lunch, Bai Luoxue didn't go back to Suite 2 immediately, instead she poured me a cup of tea and handed it to me with both hands.

There was a smile on her lips.I think she has something to say.The number of times she handed me tea can be counted on the fingers, and every time there is something wrong.

"Nothing to be courteous about,..."

Why do these words sound so familiar?

"You're right, rape or robbery! This time it's not robbery."

Bai Luoxue smiled even more weirdly.

For a while, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. I couldn't guess what she was thinking.

"Let's talk, if you have anything to say, you don't have to beat around the bush with me. We're so familiar, there's no need for that. As long as I can do it, the green light will come all the way."

I was very generous and knew that even if I didn't want to do some things, as long as what she said made sense, I had to do it according to her opinion.That being the case, why should I put on airs, it's better to be direct.

"Three months ago, 88 days to be precise, we had an agreement, do you still remember?"

If Bai Luoxue didn't mention it, I almost forgot.In Yefeiye Cafe, the two of us did have an agreement, within three months, if I can achieve the small goal of [-] million, I will be allowed to pursue her.

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