Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 423 Ma Wenbin's Objection

June 1978, 6, Saturday, May 3 of the lunar calendar.

It is advisable to get married, travel, move, and open a road.

Avoid praying for blessings, placing a bed, burial, and offering sacrifices.

Road construction can be said to be a major event in Dawa Village.

So early in the morning, Zhou Dali called the adult labor force of the whole village, from 16 years old to under 60 years old, all counted.

More than 400 adult villagers were all mobilized, and each household carried hoes, shovels, shovels, steel drills, and cotton ropes as calibration lines.

In this way, the construction started lively.

Square after square of red bricks are placed on the side of the road, which looks extraordinarily festive.

For this reason, the village also formed a group of five, who built shacks to sleep on the side of the road at night and guarded the red bricks.

What if the next door village is greedy and steals bricks at night?

It's all money.

Every brick is the lifeblood of Dawa Village, and no one should steal it.

Before he knew it, he had been repairing for two days, and it was June [-]th in a blink of an eye, which was also the day when Jiang Fei would leave Anzhen and go to the provincial capital.

He was going to apprentice, so he had to go to the provincial capital.

But before going to the provincial capital, he needed to go back to Jiang County, pick up Ma Zhishan Ma Lao, and go to the provincial capital together, because Ma Lao would become his mentor.

He is a very important identity. If Mr. Ma doesn't go, he will not be able to worship as a teacher.

It is impossible to lay bricks directly even for road repairs in two days, and it is still in the stage of scraping, that is, to smooth the road without any protrusions.

Although ordinary people don't have much knowledge, they can basically learn road construction without a teacher.

Some villagers purposely made scraping boards out of wooden boards, dragged them repeatedly on the road with donkeys, and compacted them with stone rollers, and dug soil to fill in the lack of soil.

Village head Zhou Dali told Jiang Fei that in about two or three days, the laying of bricks could begin.

A three-meter-wide brick road will appear in the eyes of the villagers in Dawa Village in less than half a month. By then, whether walking, riding a bicycle, or driving a car, it will be unimpeded, and there is no need to worry about it anymore. Rain and snow.

"Xiaojiang, use the car in the town to take you to the county seat. I just happen to be going to the county to report to work."

Guo Zhen came, found Jiang Fei, and offered to take Jiang Fei and Song Caiwei back to the county.

The relationship between the two no longer needs hypocrisy and politeness.

Jiang Fei and Song Caiwei sat in the half-car in Anzhen, and went to Jiang County with Guo Zhen.

There is a lot of rain now, so the road is very difficult to walk. When encountering those big puddles, several people need to come down and push, and put a round shovel in the carriage, just in case.

Jiang Fei can repair the small village road in Dawa Village, which is within his economical range, but there is nothing he can do about the dirt road from Anzhen to Jiang County.

After all, even the country is too poor to have money to build roads, let alone Jiang Fei himself, so bear with it.

In this way, the half car was blocked for nearly three hours before arriving at Jiang County.

It was eight o'clock in the morning when we left, and it was exactly eleven o'clock in the morning when we arrived in Jiang county.

Guo Zhen didn't say anything to Jiang Fei, and unloaded Jiang Fei and Song Caiwei to the front of the second floor, and then the car continued to drive to Jiangxian Building.

"Caiwei, you go back, I'm going to the provincial capital today."

"When you get upstairs, call Song Jun down."

Jiang Fei followed Song Caiwei to inform him. In fact, Song Caiwei already knew that he was going to be a teacher.

She didn't say much, she just told Jiang Fei not to worry about her, she would come back with Uncle Xue after school at night.

Uncle Xue, that is, Xue Jiangong, the old gatekeeper of Jiang County Middle School.

The week before Jiang Fei went to the countryside for medical treatment, Song Caiwei went home with Uncle Xue.

Song Caiwei had to study and review, so she couldn't go to the provincial capital with Jiang Fei.

In addition, Jiang Fei went to the provincial capital to study as a teacher, so he couldn't take care of her.

Song Caiwei took the key and walked to the second floor, which was her and Jiang Fei's temporary home.

In this era, basically no one can afford to live in a building, that is, some high-ranking cadres and their children and grandchildren.

Jiang Fei was able to afford to live on the second floor of this two-story building, thanks to Li Zhenyun and Uncle Li.

But Uncle Li had transferred and left Jiang county to serve in the provincial army.

Jiang Fei watched Song Caiwei's figure go away, then wandered on the side of the road, waiting for Tu Songjun.

Tu Songjun didn't go back to Anzhen with them, but arranged him on the second floor, as a housekeeper for two people.

Otherwise, Tu Songjun would have nowhere to go now, and he could still live in the hospital before, after all, Jiang Fei was also a member of the hospital.

But now that Jiang Fei had left Jiang County People's Hospital, Tu Songjun was naturally embarrassed to stay in the hospital.

He is Jiang Fei's apprentice, wherever Jiang Fei goes, he will go there.

This is the situation with masters and disciples, where is the master, where is he.

When you are successful in your studies, you can go out to see a doctor by yourself, and you can leave Master's side, and there is no reward for Master for three years.

There is a saying among cross talkers that after completing their studies, they have to serve the master for three years, and the money will be given to the master.

Chinese medicine does not need it, because the older generation of Chinese medicine practitioners do not value money so much, otherwise Chinese medicine and medicine would not be so cheap, and they would be wiped out by capital.

This is already almost 80s, but if it is 30 to [-] years earlier, basically there is no need to spend money to see a doctor at that time, because ordinary people have no money at all.

Whether it is medication or treatment, the state or local health department will pay for it.

As for the salary, it was only a few yuan when the country was first founded, but it rose to about ten yuan in the late 50s, 60 to 30 yuan in the 70s, and [-] to [-] in the [-]s.

After approaching the 80s, it rose to 80 yuan, which is less than [-] yuan anyway.

Probably this is the concept, so you say make money?This is nothing more than the most basic salary, the reward for hard work.

It's far better than selling a medicine and giving a shot in later generations, and you can get a dividend of more than ten or 20 yuan, isn't it much better?

Jiang Fei waited for Tu Songjun on the side of the road for more than ten minutes before this kid came out slowly, carrying his big bag, and he took it wherever he went.

"Master, I was packing my things upstairs, so I came down a little slower."

Tu Songjun hurried to Jiang Fei, and then quickly explained that he was afraid that Jiang Fei would get angry.

Jiang Fei had nothing to be angry about. It was not easy for Tu Songjun to learn Chinese medicine. He gave up such a good job in the district hospital and followed him to study Chinese medicine. He had no fixed place to live.

If it wasn't because I was really interested in Chinese medicine, how could I suffer so much?

"Let's go to Ma's house."

Jiang Fei gave him a signal, and then walked towards Ma Zhishan's house on foot.

It was already half an hour after arriving at Ma Zhishan's house.

It's really very slow to walk, and Ma Lao's home is located in a remote area of ​​the county, basically a residential area in the outer city.

In the main city of Jiang County, you can see some buildings, but there are not many, but the more you look outside, you can see that they are all bungalows, and there are some earthen houses.

Ma Zhishan was naturally at home, but what Jiang Fei didn't expect was that Ma Wenbin, the deputy head of the county art troupe, also Ma Lao's son, was also at home.

Ma Wenbin pulled open the gate of the yard, and after seeing Jiang Fei, he didn't speak, and walked back silently.

After entering the room, there was no need to speak up. Ma Zhishan already understood what was going on, and immediately stood up with a smile and said, "Xiao Jiang, wait for me, I'll go change a set of clothes."

"Brother Jiang, Xiao Tu, drink water!"

Ma Shengli brought two glasses of boiled water and handed them to Jiang Fei and Tu Songjun.

He is Ma Lao's grandson, but he is also older than Jiang Fei, in his thirties.

Jiang Fei and Tu Songjun didn't speak, they waited for the old man to change his clothes.

"Jiang Fei, you let my father go to the provincial capital, what if something happens to the old man?"

Jiang Fei knew that this trip would not be so easy.

Sure enough, after staring at him for a long time, Ma Wenbin finally asked angrily.

His intention was obvious, and he did not agree with the old man going on a long trip.

After all, he is not young, almost 80 years old.

It is really hard to let people feel relieved after such a long journey.

Jiang Fei also had to admit that Ma Wenbin's worries were justified, and it was okay for him to be angry with himself.

Transportation is inconvenient in this era, even though there are trains to the provincial capital, but they are also old green leather trains, and the speed is as slow as a cow, only about forty per hour.

At this speed, it takes at least seven or eight hours to travel from Jiang County to the provincial capital, which is Beichun City, with a distance of more than 200 kilometers.

"Uncle Ma, what do you mean?"

Jiang Fei didn't like nonsense, so he directly asked Ma Wenbin's intentions.

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