Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 418 Jiang Fei's Idea

After Jiang Fei finished chatting with Guo Xiazi, he rode Xiao Tianliang's bicycle back to Dawa Village.

Song Caiwei had already returned to the village yesterday, but she was delayed for a day because of Guo Erbao's illness.

I have to say that the road from Anzhen to Dawa Village is very difficult to walk. It is completely full of potholes. If there is a heavy rain, it will not be possible to walk for ten days and a half months. It will be full of puddles.

It hasn't rained in Dawa Village for the past few days, but the road is still full of mud pots.

After Jiang Fei rode his bicycle to Dawa Village, he realized that the legs of his trousers were covered in mud.

"Whether the economy is good or not depends entirely on the road belt."

"It seems that the road in Dawa Village needs to be repaired."

Jiang Fei looked at the potholed and muddy dirt road behind. It was full of snow in winter, ice in early spring, and mud pits in summer and autumn.

This is not going to work. Jiang Fei must not only do some practical things for Chinese medicine, but also drive the village to become rich and catch up with the dividends of the reform policy.

There is a pond in Dawa Village, which is called Paozi in Northeast China.

The Paozi in Dawa Village is just behind the village. The village is named Dawa Pao. It has a total area of ​​[-] square kilometers and the deepest part of the Paozi is nearly [-] meters. It is suitable for breeding freshwater fish.

Moreover, Dawapao is not stagnant water, but is connected to Songjiang River, which belongs to the secondary water trunk road of Songjiang River, and is used for flood discharge.

In addition, Dawa Village also has the tradition of planting soybeans and corn. As for the paddy fields near Dawapao, rice can be grown.

In addition, the back mountain of Dawa Village can also plant fruit trees. When the time comes, a canned fruit processing factory will be established, which can also drive the development of the rural economy.

It's not that Jiang Fei thinks too simple, but that he has money in his hand, and An Zhen also has money.

At that time, discuss with Bai Xiaotian and Guo Zhen, and jointly invest in the development of Dawa Village, first develop Dawa Village, and then take the opportunity to drive the development of the surrounding villages hundreds of miles away.

At that time, I and Anzhen each hold 50.00% of the shares, but the decision-making power must be written in the contract, and the decision-making power is in Dawa Village, in my own hands.

Because Jiang Fei doesn't trust the grassroots cadres and their ability to develop businesses, especially in this era, the grassroots don't understand what a market economy is.

Now because Bai Xiaotian and Guo Zhen are both in Anzhen, they can suppress all these phenomena, and other cadres dare not talk too much.

But in a few years, both Bai Xiaotian and Guo Zhen will be promoted and transferred away.

At that time, the new grassroots cadres may intervene in the affairs of Dawa Village.

So all of this must be written into the contract. Such Dawa Village occupies legal principles, and even if it is a lawsuit, it is not afraid of losing.

Jiang Fei went home very low-key this time, and did not drive back in a car, but he still received warm greetings from the villagers.

"Oh, the youngest of the Jiang family is back, isn't work in the county busy anymore?"

"Brother Jiang San, come to my house to eat later?"

"Third son, your aunt rolled out noodles at home, why don't you go eat some?"

Jiang Fei greeted these villagers while riding his bicycle. They were all from the village and had known each other since childhood.

"Second Uncle, are you going to cast the net? How many fish did you catch?"

"Third sister, are you carrying a hoe to the ground?"

Jiang Fei treated these people who greeted each other with a smile.

Although he knew very well in his heart that the enthusiasm of these villagers was due to his current job.

He remembered the previous scene. During the period when the original owner was sick, all the villagers wanted to hide away when they saw him, for fear that he would borrow money from them.

It is normal for people to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The so-called flower-protecting sedan chairs are carried by everyone, and now that their identities are different, these people naturally start to flatter themselves and greet others with smiles.

There is no need to expose them. They are all neighbors in the village, and they are all neighbors in the village.

Jiang Fei rode his bicycle all the way back to Lao Jiang's house, and saw at a glance that the newly built house was in the original yard. There were six brick bungalows in total, which could be said to be very grand.

However, Jiang Fei felt weird, because the six-room brick bungalow was too similar to the chicken coops and pig farms in the rural areas of later generations.

But in this era, Lao Jiang's family can build six brick one-story houses, which is really a fortune.

As soon as he heard that Lao Jiang's family was going to build a house, Zhou Dali, the village head of Dawa Village, approved it without saying a word, without any difficulty during the whole process.

After all, Zhou Dali's grandson was rescued by Jiang Fei, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a lifesaver.

Jiang Fei got out of the car, stood the car aside, and walked in towards the original old house.

"The third child is back?"

The second elder brother Jiang Shan was squatting in the kitchen peeling potatoes, and when he saw Jiang Fei coming in, he quickly stood up to say hello.

"Second brother, why didn't you go to the waste collection station today?"

Jiang Fei asked Jiang Shan a question.

While peeling potatoes, Jiang Shan replied, "Brother has gone, I'll stay home to see my parents."

Jiang Fei nodded, without asking him any more questions, but walked into the east room.

Song Caiwei was holding her daughter Jiang Simin by the kang, and her mother Xu Saifei was leaning on the kang, knitting a sweater.

Father Jiang Aiguo was smoking a pipe on the ground, while a big deck of cards was placed on the coffee table and he was playing cards.

The big card is the Water Margin Card, or the Horse Tag, a total of [-] cards, all of which are composed of characters from the Water Margin. The gameplay is richer and tests wisdom.

Few people in this day and age know poker, but this kind of big cards, basically every family has them.


When Jiang Simin saw Jiang Fei coming back, his eyes lit up immediately, and he opened his arms expectantly, wanting Jiang Fei to hug him.

After Song Caiwei came back yesterday, the girl cried for a long time, and told Song Caiwei how her second uncle bullied her, her uncle, her grandma, and the whole family laughed.

Such a small child will sue.

After Jiang Fei saw Jiang Simin, his heart almost melted, his little padded jacket.

"Hey, Dad hugs."

Jiang Fei quickly embraced Jiang Simin in his arms, the little girl smiled and kissed Jiang Fei on the face with a smack.

In Jiang Fei's heart, Jiang Simin was his own daughter, at least until she became an adult.

"Third brother, you really don't work in the county hospital anymore? Are you going to go to university?"

The old lady put down the knitting needles and the half-knitted sweater in her hand, and asked with concern.

She heard from her elder brother that the third child was no longer working in the hospital and was going to take the college entrance examination.

After asking the daughter-in-law Song Caiwei again, I found out that even the daughter-in-law has to take the college entrance examination.

"Yes, mother, I'll prepare for the college entrance examination."

Sitting on the kang with Jiang Simin in his arms, Jiang Fei nodded towards Xu Saifei and answered.

Father Jiang Aiguo knocked on the pot of the cigarette bag and put away the big cards.

"You have made up your mind since you were a child, and your mother and I don't care about you. You can judge by yourself."

"It's a serious matter to go to university, and my father supports it."

When he said this, he glanced at Song Caiwei, and said with a smile: "Third daughter-in-law, the little white fish that Dad pickled in the West Room, go and see if it's all right, fry the fish later."

Song Caiwei stood up, let out a hey, and then walked towards the west room.

After Jiang Aiguo saw his daughter-in-law leaving the east room, he looked at Jiang Fei with a straight face and asked, "I heard that your daughter-in-law is also going to go to college?"

"It seems unnecessary, right? Why do girls have to be so highly educated?"

Jiang Aiguo has no objection to Jiang Fei's admission to university, but he has some complaints about his daughter-in-law Song Caiwei's admission to university.

Song Caiwei was deliberately transferred to talk about this matter with Jiang Fei.

When Jiang Fei heard Jiang Aiguo's words, he knew that the older generation didn't pay much attention to women's studies.

Song Caiwei still had to take college entrance examinations, which was somewhat unacceptable to Jiang Aiguo.

The son goes to college, and the daughter-in-law also goes to college. What about the plumbing at home?Who will take care of the children?

"Father, Caiwei's college entrance examination is my decision."

"With the development of the country, academic qualifications will become more and more important in the future. Caiwei studied very well before. If she doesn't go to university, she will definitely suffer in the end."

"After she passed the conference, she has broadened her horizons, and our family will have a better life in the future."

"Father, you should know this truth."

Hearing what Jiang Fei said, Jiang Aiguo couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Stinky boy, are you starting to teach your father a lesson?"

"No way, dad is the most open-minded, right?" Jiang Fei grinned and flattered Jiang Aiguo.

Jiang Aiguo was very useful, and seeing Jiang Fei like this, he shook his head with emotion: "Forget it, you have your own opinions, you can decide for yourself."

Xu Saifei continued knitting. Seeing that the old man didn't care anymore, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "How is it? Old man, I'll tell you that you can't do it, right? Was your son resisted with a few words?"

"I'll tell you earlier, don't worry about the couple's affairs."

"How can there be anyone in our village who is more promising than our third child? Why is the third child so successful? It's not because of his vision."

As soon as Xu Saifei spoke, Jiang Aiguo became bored and never spoke again.

Seeing the old couple like this, Jiang Fei looked at Jiang Simin in his arms.

Suddenly, I feel that the taste of family is getting stronger and stronger.

The integration between myself and Lao Jiang's family is thorough.

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