Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 410 The Tianzhu Bone Falls Down


Guo Zhen and Mr. Guo jumped up almost at the same time.

The faces of the father and son changed and changed at the same time, looking at the child's eldest uncle, Zhou Tiesheng, who was the middle-aged man.

"Tiesheng, what do you think happened to the second treasure?" Guo Zhen asked hastily.

His face was drunk and red, and there was a touch of nervousness and anxiety.

Zhou Tiesheng said anxiously: "The child was ill the day before yesterday. We sent him to the People's Hospital of Mentu County, but the doctor at the hospital said he couldn't be saved."

"Our couple has no idea. We can only follow the advice of the county doctor and bring the child back."

"Aunt Erbao has taken the child to the hospital now."

He and Guo Zhen's eldest sister don't live in Jiang County, but in a village in Mentu County, more than 200 kilometers away.

That's why Guo Erbao was sick for several days, and Guo Zhen's family didn't know about it.

Ordinary people don't have such a convenient contact method.

Besides writing letters, the most urgent thing was the telegram.

As for the telephone, not every household has a landline.

The main reason is that Zhou Tiesheng and his wife didn't expect their nephew to be so seriously ill. The doctor in Mentu County said that the child was hopeless, so they were frightened.

Originally, it meant a convulsion caused by a high fever.

But who knew that he was already unconscious, as if he was dead.

Jiang Fei's expression changed suddenly, and he immediately thought of Guo Blind's divination.

Both Song Caiwei and Liu Xiangchuan subconsciously looked at Jiang Fei with shock in their eyes.

That blind man's divination...

it turns out…

"Stop talking nonsense, go to the hospital quickly."

Bai Xiaotian was impatient, when he heard that Guo Zhen's youngest son was sick, he immediately stood up, shook his dizzy head, and shouted loudly.

In fact, several members of the old Guo family were shocked by the sudden bad news, including Guo Dabao and Xiao Tianliang.

"Ah, yes, go to the hospital quickly."

After all, Guo Zhen is a cadre, and his psychological quality is still much stronger. After realizing it, he nodded quickly.

"Xiao Jiang, you ride my car and go to the hospital first."

Guo Zhen looked at Jiang Fei with watery eyes. He couldn't trust the doctors in the hospital.

But Jiang Fei's medical skills, he is very clear.

In his eyes, he is no different from a miracle doctor, and he has a record of saving several critically ill children in a row.

Jiang Fei didn't drink a drop of wine, and he was the most sensible and refreshing one.

After hearing Guo Zhen's words, he immediately walked out without saying a word.

"I'll go with you."

Xiao Tianliang came to his senses and immediately ran out with Jiang Fei.

Jiang Fei was riding a [-] bicycle, and Xiao Tianliang was sitting on the back seat.

Jiang Fei exhausted his strength, pedaled the car, and went straight to the Anzhen Health Center.

"Old Guo, let Dabao ride my car and take you first."

Bai Xiaotian quickly gestured towards Guo Zhen.

Guo Dabao still rushed out first, his younger brother was sick, so he was naturally anxious.

Guo Zhen hurriedly followed in the footsteps of the eldest son, and the father and son also rode their bicycles and went straight to the Anzhen Health Center.

"Oh, my second treasure, woo woo..."

As for Guo Zhen's daughter-in-law, Guo Dabao and Erbao's mother had already slumped on the ground and began to cry.

Song Caiwei comforted the old sister-in-law with a pale face.

"Xiang Chuan, you stay here and watch the old sister-in-law."

"I gonna go see."

While running outside, Bai Xiaotian gestured towards Liu Xiangchuan.

Liu Xiangchuan nodded, originally planning to go to the hospital, but after hearing Bai Xiaotian's arrangement, he stopped immediately.

He glanced at the dishes on the sumptuous dinner table, but he lost any appetite, only the crying of Guo Zhen's wife resounded throughout the room.

Mr. Guo frowned, wanting to know about his little grandson, but knowing that going would be in the way, he couldn't help but sighed and started smoking.

Jiang Fei stared at the pedals, and found that he was too tired after riding halfway, so he immediately said to Xiao Tianliang in the back seat: "Go down, I'll go first."

"Oh, you go first, Brother Jiang."

Xiao Tianliang immediately jumped out of the car and watched Jiang Fei ride away.

He ran quickly towards the Anzhen Health Center.

Guo Dabao, who was behind, rode a bicycle, pulled his father Guo Zhen, and soon overtook Xiao Tianliang.

Normally, Guo Dabao would naturally greet Xiao Tianliang, but now he's not in the mood anymore, so he just walked over.

Xiao Tianliang was also anxious, Er Bao's child, he was like a real brother.

Because he is the only child in his family and has no siblings.

Jiang Fei came to the health center, stood the car in the courtyard, and rushed in.

"Oh, comrade, who are you looking for?"

The little nurse at the door was almost knocked into the air by Jiang Fei, she took a few steps back, and shouted at Jiang Fei with a pale face.

Jiang Fei ran directly to the treatment room. He has worked here for a month, and he knows the situation of the hospital best.

Sure enough, a group of people gathered in the treatment room, Guo Erbao was lying on the bed in the treatment room.

Surrounding the bed were several doctors from the hospital in white coats, and they were all Jiang Fei's old colleagues.

This is especially true for Sun Fang, the director of the hospital.

Sun Fang heard footsteps, and immediately turned to look.

"Xiao Jiang, oh, why are you back?"

After seeing Jiang Fei rushing in, Sun Fang immediately showed joy on his face.

When the doctors in the other courtyards saw Jiang Fei coming in, they immediately bent down to say hello.

"Director Jiang!"

"Director Jiang!"

A few months ago, Jiang Fei was just a little-known doctor, but after half a year, Jiang Fei is still the hottest internal medicine master in Jiang County.

Jiang Fei hurriedly nodded to several people, and immediately walked to the front of the hospital bed, looking at Guo Erbao.

I saw that Guo Erbao was twitching at this moment, he didn't intend to stop, his breathing was very weak, and his whole body was dripping with cold sweat, his complexion was withered and sallow, and he was dazed.

In addition, Jiang Fei saw that there was urine on the bed sheet, indicating that he had already suffered from fecal incontinence.

And the teeth are closed tightly, and the eyes are hanging.

"Medical records!"

Jiang Fei stretched out his hand and looked at Sun Fang.

Sun Fang knew what Jiang Fei meant, and immediately handed Jiang Fei the medical record bag brought by Aunt Guo Erbao.

Jiang Fei took out a thin handwritten medical record and glanced at it roughly.

Complaints and medical history are well written.

Guo Erbao, male, 13 and a half years old, was admitted to the hospital at midnight on May 1978, 5. Tetany, opisthotonus, trismus, binocular suspension, and convulsions occurred once every 30 minutes.

According to the patient's family members, the onset is flaccid, and the legs cannot stand, and when they fall to the ground, they turn out and fall.

He was admitted to the internal medicine department of our hospital, and the observation and treatment were ineffective for 3 days. Tetanus was suspected, but there was no trace of trauma, and he was suspected of brain and spinal cord lesions.

The result of the diagnosis was that the brain was hypoxic for too long, the condition was critical, and it was difficult to save it. Even if it was cured, it would inevitably turn into a lunatic. It is recommended to transfer to another hospital.

"Who is Er Bao's aunt?"

Jiang Fei put away the medical records and turned to look at Guo Erbao's aunt.

Guo Erbao's aunt is squatting in the corridor at the moment, feeling extremely anxious and anxious, her face is full of panic.

She heard someone calling her in the treatment room, and immediately got up and came in.

"I am Aunt Guo Erbao."

Guo Ying came in and quickly gestured.

Jiang Fei frowned and asked, "What symptoms did your nephew have before he became ill?"

"There was no sign, but he suddenly convulsed while sleeping at night. His uncle and I sent him to the county hospital immediately."

"It's written in the medical record that at the beginning there was a flaccidity, that is, the legs couldn't stand up, and they turned out and fell when they landed?"

Jiang Fei continued to ask her.

Guo Ying nodded quickly and said: "Yes, this child will recover after convulsions. We thought it was caused by a high fever. We originally planned to take him to the clinic, but whoever thought he would fall to the ground would throw himself down."

"It was only then that we realized something was wrong, and we took the child directly to the hospital in Mentu County."

When Jiang Fei heard this, his face became more and more serious.

Sun Fang reminded Jiang Fei in a low voice.

"Xiao Jiang, this child's Tianzhu bone has collapsed, and there is no way to save him!"

Jiang Fei's eyes suddenly focused, and then he hurriedly looked at the bed, only to see that Guo Erbao's neck could no longer stand up, and he was lying limply on the side.

Sure enough, sure enough, sure enough...

Jiang Fei murmured three times and sure enough, Blind Guo got it right.

This is a death certificate!

The death certificate mentioned in traditional Chinese medicine means that there is no meaning of saving the gods of Da Luo when they come.

To put it bluntly, this child may break free and die at any time.

It's really Yan Wang who wants to take away the second treasure...

Jiang Fei's heart sank, and his face also sank.

Both hands trembled faintly.

This is the worst patient he has ever seen.

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