Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 402 The Two Old Contradictions

Tang Shizhong was standing at the door at the moment, watching Jiang Fei announcing the personnel arrangement in the conference room of the Chinese medicine emergency preparation team, with a smile on his face.

He knew that Jiang Fei was going to take the college entrance examination, and he was determined to be admitted to Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

For the ambition of the young apprentice, he gave a thumbs up, because now the highest institution of Chinese medicine in China is the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Moreover, the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a large number of well-known masters of traditional Chinese medicine, and any one of them can be a leader in various provinces.

Moreover, most of the masters in the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital have a good relationship with Tang Shizhong.

Tang Shizhong was transferred to the capital by order, and he had been the deputy chief physician of internal medicine in Guang'anmen for several years, so he was very familiar with the capital.

But understanding is nothing more than understanding. If you want him to help Jiang Fei open the back door and let those masters take care of Jiang Fei, it is absolutely impossible.

He, Tang Shizhong, was a man of principle, and he would never break the rules for the sake of his little apprentice.

As for whether Jiang Fei can get the attention and attention of those masters after he is admitted to the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the future, it depends on Jiang Fei's true ability.

However, Tang Shizhong had a premonition in his heart that as long as the young apprentice went to the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he would definitely be valued by those masters.

Jiang Fei's ability is not low, and he still has courage.

This is the most important point. If a Chinese medicine doctor wants to become a master, he must have the guts.

Many emergencies need decisiveness most, and the decisiveness of traditional Chinese medicine is more important.

"Old Tang, let's go."

Jiang Fei turned around and walked out of the conference room of the Chinese Medicine Emergency Preparedness Group. When he saw Tang Shizhong standing at the door, he immediately smiled and signaled.

The old man and himself have already talked about it, and today they are going to visit Ma Zhishan, that is, Ma Zhishan after the former imperial physician, a representative of Ma's Chinese medicine.

After all, if you want to ask Ma Zhishan to be your mentor, then this step is indispensable.

Tang Shizhong didn't say much, but followed Jiang Fei out.

Tu Songjun followed Tang Shizhong all the time, and wanted to flatter his master, but seeing Tang Shizhong's face, he didn't dare.

So he just followed Tang Shizhong's ass with such an uneasy expression, wherever Tang Shizhong went, Tu Songjun would go.

Seeing Tu Songjun's expression, Tang Shizhong couldn't guess that Jiang Fei must have told Tu Songjun that he was about to become a teacher.

That's why Tu Songjun stood in front of him so anxiously. You must know that although Tu Songjun respected him before this, he couldn't reach the level of nervousness.

The three masters, apprentices and sun came to Ma Zhishan's house on foot all the way.

Ma Zhishan's home lived in an alley, and it was just the first one at the beginning.

Jiang Fei and Liao Chengjie came here once, and that was the time Ma Zhishan taught himself how to treat hemoptysis with the method of reducing fire and calming the mind. At the same time, before leaving, he gave himself a copy of Ma's traditional Chinese medicine "Medical Examinations".

It can be said that this kind of support and support, Jiang Fei will never finish in his life.

He naturally respected Ma Zhishan a lot.

It is also Jiang Fei's sincerity to let Ma Zhishan take on the role of mentor.

Although Ma Zhishan also wanted to accept him as a disciple, he finally refused.

But this time Ma Zhishan became the mentor, at least he could be called Jiang Fei's half teacher.

"Mr. Tang, are you sure Mr. Ma will agree to be your mentor?"

Jiang Fei asked Elder Tang beside him, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

But at this moment, Elder Tang was smiling with his hands behind his back, his back was very straight, and he was walking vigorously, obviously in a good mood.

Of course Tang Shizhong was in a good mood, because he was about to accept a genius of Chinese medicine, and he was still so young, it could be said to be the most correct thing he did in his life.

"Haha, don't worry, the old man will definitely agree."

Tang Shizhong laughed twice, then nodded firmly.

Jiang Fei was also relieved by his tone without the slightest hint of unconfidence. Since Mr. Tang has such a big face, what worries does he have?

After about half an hour, the three of them arrived at the door of Mr. Ma's house.

Jiang Fei went up and knocked on the door, but the big black iron gate was tightly sealed inside. Except for the locked door in the middle of the iron gate, the courtyard inside could not be seen.

Kaka Kaka…

The sound of fists hitting the iron door was a bit noisy, with a crisp clicking sound.

"Come, come, who is it?"

After Jiang Fei knocked on the door a few times, a young man answered from the yard.

With such a young voice, it can't be Ma Wenbin, the deputy head of the county art troupe, it can only be his son Ma Shengli.

That is, Ma Zhishan Ma Lao's grandson.

Ma Shengli went to the door and pushed open the big iron door, and then saw Jiang Fei and his party standing outside the door, he was slightly startled, and then recognized Jiang Fei.

"Oh, isn't this Director Jiang? Please come in."

Ma Shengli enthusiastically invited Jiang Fei and the others to come in, then turned around and shouted towards the room: "Grandpa, Director Jiang is here."

Ma Zhishan walked to the door on crutches. He was wearing a black Chinese tunic suit. He looked very old at nearly 80 years old, but he was in good spirits.

He heard from his grandson that Jiang Fei was here, so he came out to greet him.

He had such a deep impression on Jiang Fei that it was hard to forget.

But when he came out and stood at the door, he saw Tang Shizhong beside Jiang Fei.

Seeing Tang Shizhong's Ma Zhishan, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly changed. He pointed his crutches directly at Tang Shizhong, and cursed: "You old ghost, you are still alive!"


Jiang Fei, who was about to say hello to Ma Zhishan, felt his heart tighten when he heard this.

Tang Shizhong walked over with his hands behind his back smiling, pushed down his crutches, and grinned: "Brother Ma, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you still have such a big temper?"

Jiang Fei looked at Elder Tang with a rogue-like expression, and his brain suddenly became dizzy.

Could there be any hatred between Mr. Tang and Mr. Ma?

Otherwise, how could Ma Zhishan be so angry?Seeing Tang Shizhong and yelling?

Ma Zhishan stared at Tang Shizhong with an extremely ugly face, then looked at Jiang Fei, and shouted in a deep voice, "Xiao Jiang, what did you bring him for?"

"Old Ma, I..."

As soon as Jiang Fei was in a hurry, he was about to step forward and explain.

But Tang Shizhong waved his hand to stop Jiang Fei from speaking. He smiled and said, "Brother Ma, Jiang Fei is about to worship me as his teacher."

"I don't want to think about it. Find him a mentor. After thinking about it, I find that you are the most suitable."

"I said Brother Ma, you can't refuse, you are the most suitable mentor for Jiang Fei."

Tang Shizhong still had a smile on his face, and said to Ma Zhishan.

Ma Zhishan was trembling with anger, his face turned red, he stomped his cane several times, and shouted angrily: "Get out, I don't welcome you, get out!"

"Victory, see off!"

Ma Zhishan has a very stubborn temper. When he got so angry, he turned around and walked into the house, but let his grandson Ma Shengli drive him away.

Ma Shengli also had a bewildered expression, which was actually similar to Jiang Fei's.

But since grandpa asked him to see off the guests, he could only do so.

He glanced at Jiang Fei apologetically, and then said, "Guys, please leave."

Although he didn't know why his grandfather lost his temper suddenly, but since he lost his temper, he must defend his grandfather.

Jiang Fei still doesn't know what happened between the two old people.

But he knew very well that it seemed a wrong decision to visit Ma Zhishan by himself.

In other words, it was a wrong decision to bring Tang Shizhong to visit Ma Zhishan.

But Tang Shizhong asked to come here on his own initiative, and it was not arranged by Jiang Fei.

Tang Shizhong saw that Ma Zhishan was really angry, he stopped joking, his face became serious, and he said, "Brother Ma, forget about what happened back then."

"Fart, you can forget, the old man can't forget!"

Ma Zhishan, who had already walked into the house, turned around angrily when he heard Tang Shizhong's words, and roared again.

Both Jiang Fei and Tu Songjun were staring at the scene in front of them, both of them were a little unprepared for the sudden conflict.

The main thing is that I really don't know what kind of conflict exists between the two old people.

Jiang Fei was extremely regretful at this moment. If he had known earlier, he would never have brought Mr. Tang here, let alone Mr. Ma as a mentor.

"Brother Ma, the affairs of our generation, don't affect future generations."

"Xiao Jiang is a good seedling. I plan to take him as an apprentice, and you have enough qualifications to be qualified as a mentor."

Tang Shizhong also planned to persuade Ma Zhishan a few words.

But Ma Zhishan was already half dead with anger, because the more he listened to Tang Shizhong, the angrier he became.

In the past, he also wanted Jiang Fei to worship him as his teacher.

But at that time Jiang Fei declined.

But now that Jiang Fei was going to be his teacher, he chose Tang Shizhong as his teacher.

This made him even more angry. He lost a little when he was young, so is he going to lose again now?

"Victory, see off!"

With a bang, Ma Zhishan slammed his crutch hard, turned around and went straight to the house.

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