World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 341: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Many people in the village have already run out.

There is a man in the middle, about seventy years old, although his hair and beard are white, but his skin is extremely tender, and he looks very weird under the night light.

I react.

This man is albino.

The bald Zhu said to me, "This is a lunatic."

There are many people around the ghost lunatic.

These people don't look like ordinary villagers at first glance, but people from the rivers and lakes.

Feng Wanlin glanced at his mouth, and said: "The lunatic's trick of sneaking into Chen Cang is really fun."

Xiao Zhu asked, "Sister Wan Lin, what happened to the coffin?"

Feng Wanlin was noncommittal when she heard the words, and asked with a smile: "Girl, do you know what Gui Huaqi does?"

Xiaozhu replied: "Brother Zhu said that Guihuaqi is specially used to amuse ghosts. They can perform ghost shows, suppress evil spirits, and send ghosts to go on their way. In the past, Guihuaqi's predecessors also summoned the ghosts of the first emperor and led thousands of troops to attack Emperor Sui Yang's ghost generals are formidable."

When Feng Wanlin heard this, she laughed "Puff", and turned to look at Bald Zhu.

Bald Zhu looked embarrassed.

Feng Wanlin explained: "My grand-nephew brags all day long, don't believe him! It's true that Caimen people know how to perform tricks. In fact, Renhuaqi is a street juggler, Beast Huaqi mainly tames birds and beasts, and Ghost Huaqi is indeed a funeral show. , It’s not that mysterious. But Human Citi and Beast Citi are okay, they have followed the rules of the ancestors for a long time, and have not deviated from the main business.”

"Only Ghost Citi, driven by profit since the Republic of China, has changed its taste. It is fake that they perform funeral dramas, and it is true that they secretly pick up the funerary objects of the dead before funerals or graves. This is comparable to simple There will be more money for funeral plays."

I was amazed.

There are actually people in Caimen who specialize in this!

Bald-headed Zhu hurriedly added: "No conflict, no conflict. I'm telling you about the heroic deeds of Gui Huaqi's predecessors in the past. Now Gui Huaqi has changed. It's because they are ashamed of their ancestors!"

Feng Wanlin lightly tapped the bald Zhu's head with his finger: "Don't put gold on the face of Caimen people all day long. Caimen is like any other business in the world, there are those who obey the rules and those who don't. .”

Bald-headed Zhu replied in embarrassment: "My aunt taught me a lesson!"

Feng Wanlin continued: "Some time ago I heard a news that when the madman's wife was singing a funeral play for a dead boss, she quietly gave away an antique bronze mirror worth ten thousand gold that was buried in the coffin with the boss. Get away."

"Originally no one knew about this, but it was very unfortunate. A few days after the boss was buried, a landslide suddenly washed away the grave. The family of the boss gathered up the coffin for burial again. When they opened the coffin, they found that the coffin was not broken, but The bronze mirror inside was missing, they thought about it, and suspected that it was the lunatic's wife."

"Immediately after that, the news came that the madman's wife had died of a serious illness. I thought something was wrong, so I sent a secret whistle to inquire quietly, and found that the madman's wife was not sick at all, but ran away secretly. I concluded that, The ghost lunatic deliberately held a fake funeral because he was worried that the big brother's family would retaliate against his wife, and wanted to make a death without symptoms."

"A moment ago, I just wanted to see if there was a corpse in the coffin, but I didn't expect there to be any. What's more, I didn't expect that the lunatic actually put the antique bronze mirror worth tens of thousands of gold into it!"

I felt a little unbelievable, and asked: "Ghost Maniac is the number one person in Caimen Guihuaqi. Even if his wife has a bronze mirror, which big boss would dare to trouble him? Why do you want to do this trick?"

Feng Wanlin shook her head: "I don't know who the big boss is, but it must be terrifyingly powerful. Otherwise, with the fearless character of a ghost and lunatic, he wouldn't be so frightened."

Xiaozhu asked: "That's not right, Sister Wan Lin, he just let his wife pretend to be dead and run away. Why did he put the bronze mirror in the coffin?"

Feng Wanlin smiled and said: "This is the cleverness of the lunatic. The bronze mirror is a treasure, and the lunatic is very suspicious. The collector is afraid that the big guy from the opposite side will suddenly come to search the house and hide it for others, even for his wife. He would be worried about losing the bronze mirror or that others would run away when they see the money."

"You can't hide it, you can't give it to others, you can only bury it temporarily. Therefore, it is most suitable to hide the bronze mirror in a coffin. After the burial, it is equivalent to finding a safe place to bury the treasure. After several years, the lunatic will dig out the bronze mirror again, and he will be safe and sound."

Xiaozhu asked again: "Won't the people who carry the coffin realize that the coffin is very light?"

The bald-headed Zhu Cha said: "Don't forget that ghosts and lunatics are from the Caimen. It's a simple method. The Eight Immortals who carry the coffin can't feel the difference in the weight of the coffin. not."

Feng Wanlin said: "That's right, before the ceremony of enshrining the corpse into the coffin, the lunatic must have played tricks. The villagers must have thought that the lunatic's wife's body was really put in the coffin, and he did it on purpose for others to see."

Xiao Zhu stuck out his tongue.

I am full of appreciation for Feng Wanlin.

She asked the monkey to carry the coffin away just now, and she made it clear that she was telling the lunatic that she already knew about the fake corpse and the real bronze mirror.

Once she said it.

Ghosts and lunatics will suffer a catastrophe.

The treasures of the bronze mirror and the secrets of deception are all in Feng Wanlin's hands.

This is tantamount to strangling the Qicun of a lunatic.

Apart from helping me this time, Feng Wanlin also has to resolve Caimen's long-standing internal grievances.

I estimate that Feng Wanlin will force the lunatic to tell me the information about the old man Hua and the woman with the mole under the threat of not revealing the secret, and in exchange for the bronze mirror, force the lunatic to make Feng Wanlin "want to get it back" things" back to her.

Feng Wanlin's simple and simple moves completely set the ghost and lunatic on fire.

Kill two birds with one stone.

It's all because the lunatic acted too realistically.

A coffin containing a bronze mirror and treasure, as if it was a corpse, was deliberately parked in the village square in a stately manner.

Seeing me looking at her, Feng Wanlin looked a little embarrassed and smiled gently.

The smile is sweet.

But this girl is not a good person.

In a blink of an eye, I looked into the village.

The lunatic was completely insane, his white hair and eyebrows were trembling violently, and he loudly reprimanded his subordinates.

The villagers were also very curious and whispered to each other.

Some people have already taken flashlights and torches and started to look for the coffin.

Feng Wanlin clapped his hands: "Let's go to the funeral."

Bald-headed Zhu pulled out a lay flag from the package, folded a branch to string the lay flag, carried it on his shoulder, and began to cry.

"Oh, my dear ghost grandma! The sorghum stalks are green and green, and the crying ghost grandma is full of tears. Ghost grandma, you are in a hurry, and the bald Zhu has no time to express your gratitude..."

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