World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 193 Winged Hat

Almost only ten seconds apart.

The noise from outside the corridor had already reached the Zilaishi gate.

That shot just now was really too dangerous!

If you delay for a while, you will have to fight head-on with Brother Big Bus and others.

I am not afraid.

But Hu Sanmiao and Bian Wu couldn't deal with this group of desperadoes at all.

I made a silent gesture to them, picked up the brass lock on the ground, and told them to quickly find a place to hide.

A drake voice came from outside.

"You are all so optimistic!"

"Today, bro, I'm here to show you what the Thunderbolt method is!"

"A group of cowards, after so long, they can't break a broken stone!"

Judging from the footsteps that came in just now, at least twenty or thirty people have come.

Some of these people are subordinates of Big Bus, and some belong to the tomb robbers who originally belonged to Jinling Huangmen but were recently subdued by Big Bus.

"Bring the guy up to me!"

"Just you waste materials, practicing those shit skills before, there is a chicken feather! It's the 21st century, we must rely on science!"

Big Bus continued to speak loudly.

2 minutes later.

Suddenly there was an extremely ear-piercing sound of drilling from the Zilai Shimen outside, and the Zilai Shimen was shaking violently.

The three of us immediately looked at each other.

Pneumatic drilling machine? !

This thing is a device for drilling holes and shooting guns in mines. It is large in size and requires electricity.

Is it possible that the big bus brought not only the air-compressed drilling machine, but also small power generation equipment?

Things are too unbelievable.

Tomb robbers have always relied on technology to make a living. What they play is the powerful ability of finding dragons, digging holes, avoiding danger in tombs, and fighting for money. It belongs to an industry with extremely high thresholds.

But Big Bus drove a car and even carried all the mining equipment up the mountain.

Not only simple and rude, but also outrageously arrogant!

There was the sound of drilling machines outside, and we talked inside without being afraid of them hearing it.

Hu Sanmiao looked speechless and distressed: "The Nine Palaces Yinyang Stone Gate in the Song Dynasty is one of the top ten stone institutions in the world. It is unreasonable that it should be destroyed by such violence!"

Bian Wu was extremely excited, his mustache kept shaking, and he took out a pack of medicine powder in his hand.

It is estimated that it is some kind of quack medicine that makes people stupor or temporarily blind.

"Brother Su, I'm going to open the coffin first! After they come in, I will use the good things in my hands to create chaos, and you all take advantage of the chaos to get out of the tomb!"

"I'll sneak attack Big Bus again and put him in the coffin!"

"After I come out, we will find a way to seal the gate!"

I didn't say anything.

Because I have been using a flashlight to shine on the rust-free brass lock that is locked from the inside.

This copper lock looks like an ancient lock, but as soon as I got started, I already judged that it was similar to the old lock in the market.

It can be confirmed that the tomb has been martyred alive, but even if it is a martyrdom, the copper lock inside should be a Song lock. A modern imitation old lock appeared for no reason, which is completely beyond imagination.

For further confirmation, I asked Hu Sansiao: "Master Hu, can you see if this copper lock is a Song Dynasty mechanism lock?"

Hu Sanmiao took it over and took a look: "It's strange... This is a modern imitation old lock, where did it come from?"

It couldn't have flown in.

There is also no such thing as what Bian Wu just said about Song Wuhou living in it.

The appearance of a modern imitation lock with a smooth surface can only show that someone has entered it, just recently!

My brain suddenly exploded.

Three clips flashed like movie shots.

One is that Ma Ping parked a few large trucks at the entrance of the warehouse in the West Freight Yard. Ma Ping said to me at the time: "The batch of dirty goods left by the old Huangmen has been blown by the wind recently, so they must be disposed of quickly."

The underground cook who originally belonged to Jinling Huangmen has made such a big commotion recently, and even joined the big bus from Huizhou.

Ma Ping was not only indifferent to their behavior, but also seized the time to deal with the dirty goods of Huangmen.

It proves that this old Jianghu has already smelled some dangerous atmosphere and dare not move.

Ma Ping has already dominated the Jinling Jianghu, she dare not move, there is only one reason, people from the family are staring at her.

The other is that when I was looking for Wei Feng last night, he was working on a picture with his colleagues.It was a map of deployment and arrest, on which the deployment and control points were set around an official hat.Thinking about it now, the appearance of the picture is very similar to the geography of our Guniu Mountain cemetery, and the official hat is an official hat from the Song Dynasty!

Official hats are a kind of miscellaneous antiques.

The official hats of the Song Dynasty are more distinctive. The iron wings on both sides of the hat are more than one foot long, also known as flying wing hats.

There is another allusion to the fin hat.

It is said that Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiao mutinied and became emperor, and a group of generals under him were brothers who lived and died.

But after he proclaimed himself emperor, the generals chatted with him as usual, Zhao Kuangyin felt uncomfortable, so he invented this kind of winged cap and put it on the officials' heads to save them from being unruly.

Song Dynasty winged caps are used as the target of deployment and control.

Could Wei Feng's actions be directed at this Song tomb?

In the third clip, Bian Wu said that there was a golden threaded garment in the tomb of the Song Dynasty. The news was revealed by the Taoist who moved the mountain.

This matter is very suspicious.

One of the principles of life that tomb robbers follow most is to make a fortune in silence. Even if the Taoist who moves the mountain cannot open the stone gate, he will not reveal the golden thread of clothing, causing so many people to come to surround the tomb .

If such a result occurs, either the mountain-moving Taoist is a stupid donkey, or the mountain-moving Taoist did it on purpose.

An extremely bold idea came to mind.

Wei Feng is learning how to work in the antique business!

He wants to wipe out this group of grave robbers!

And Taoist Qianshan must be Wei Feng's insider, deliberately releasing the news that there is a golden thread of clothes in the tomb of Song Dynasty!

After this idea came up, I was taken aback by myself.

But after analysis, the feeling became clearer and clearer.

The door of the Song tomb was exposed due to the landslide due to rain. Will the landslide also expose other places?

And Wei Feng may have received the information before the tomb robbers and discovered the Song tomb in advance.

The public must protect the ancient tomb.

Under the emergency situation of the rain washing, although Wei Feng could not open the door of the natural stone tomb, he might have entered the tomb from other landslides and removed the funerary objects inside. The useless old embroidered copper lock was replaced with a distressed copper lock.

This makes total sense!

I immediately turned my head and said to Bian Wu: "Go and see if there are any other landslides around the tomb!"

"Master Hu, let's go see the coffin."

Bian Wu heard that his body was like a civet cat, disappearing quickly in the darkness.

Hu Sansiao and I walked quickly towards the main coffin.

The air compressor is still drilling holes outside, and occasionally the crazy and arrogant laughter of Big Bus can be heard.

When we got to the edge of the main coffin, we were stunned.

The main coffin was an extremely ordinary black lacquered coffin, and it also smelled of pungent paint.

When he lifted the lid of the coffin, he saw that there was nothing inside.

Bian Wu also ran over out of breath at this moment, and said anxiously: "Sure enough, there is a landslide passage in the northeast corner. There is some water, and I saw footprints! The footprints are very fresh, and they were stepped on some time ago."

Finish the calf!

The funerary objects and even the corpses in the Song tomb must have all been transferred.

This is tantamount to saying.

Using an empty tomb and a difficult stone gate as bait, Wei Feng set up an empty pot and intentionally lured a group of tomb robbers from Jinling to come to pick up the pot and eat the meat, and prepared a whole pot.

What a Wei Feng!

He actually played the antique business like a yo-yo!

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