In fact, there are fire sticks in all corners of the country.

A certain industry in a certain place has a certain pattern of benefit distribution, which will be relatively balanced.

But if at this time, a group of people are suddenly killed from the outside, they are completely unruly, breaking the balanced interest pattern, causing the original people to have nothing to eat, and this group of people come to enjoy the cake exclusively, it is called Jianghu flirting stick.

Make a metaphor that is easier to understand.

Around [-], the real estate industry boomed, and Wenzhou real estate speculators appeared everywhere.Relying on huge financial resources, the real estate speculators bought the real estate in a certain place by buying the bottom, and did not sell it. The rivers and lakes of the industry are hot sticks.

Of course, around 2000, everyone didn’t know what the concept of real estate speculators was.

The antique business also has similar river and lake fire sticks.

A group of outside appraisers from all over the world went to major antique shops to smash hangings, gamble, or secretly sell fakes to others, and finally sent people to criticize them, ruined their reputation, and were forced to close their doors. The big boss will take over at a lower price.

Bian Wu continued: "This big bus guy is very arrogant! It is said that they always drive a broken bus to eat meat. The bus is parked at the foot of the mountain. After getting out the things, they get on the bus and drive away swaggeringly." , Ship immediately."

"The tomb I mentioned earlier is located in Guniu Mountain, the tomb of the Song Dynasty. Originally, the various sects are secretly competing. Whoever has the ability to open the natural stone mechanism inside will go in and eat meat. They pretend not to know each other. "

"But after Brother Big Bus came, he recovered all the schools that had visited this Song tomb in just one week. He also said that not only this Song tomb, but also the tombs in several nearby provinces in the future, except for him Besides, whoever moves will kill him!"

Fatty Xiao asked: "Brother Big Bus also let you join?"

Bian Wu replied: "That's right! But we follow the Yin-Yang sect, the patriarch has training, you can visit the docks, but you can't stay at the docks, and you can give money and gifts to local snakes politely, but you can't do things by relying on other sects." , we refused on the spot.”

"But we have been exploring this tomb of the Song Dynasty for a long time, so we gave up like this. We are not reconciled. Last Wednesday, we were going to go down to explore again, but we were ambushed as soon as we reached the foot of the mountain. The big bus chased us with firecrackers. The two of us A brother was seriously injured and is still lying in the hospital."

After speaking.

Bian Wu rolled up his trouser legs.

There was a gunshot wound on his calf, which was very deep.

Although the bandages have been put on the outside, the wound is still bleeding.

Fatty Xiao said: "Who the hell is this god? Is he so awesome?!"

Bian Wu replied: "It's nothing! Brother Big Bus also released two winds. First, for the Song tomb, he will open the stone mechanism at [-]:[-]:[-] p.m. The Tomb Raiders of the other schools will go together to observe and learn from his big brother's Thunderbolt method."

Xiaozhu asked, "Why did you choose this time?"

Bian Wu explained: "Nine Three Eight, the homonym of 'Jiu Sheng Fa', means a long time, a long time, a coffin to make a fortune!"

Xiaozhu curled his lips when he heard this.

Bian Wu continued: "Secondly, he restricted the Zouma Yinyang faction to surrender before the 11th, and if they didn't surrender, they would kill us at [-]:[-]am on No. [-]. On the [-]th, it means 'death'!"

Fatty Xiao spit out a mouthful of wine, wiped his mouth, and cursed: "Damn! Didn't this big brother know who you are? How did Jinling Huangmen be destroyed? Could it be that he still wants to be the first one?" Two Huang Muhua?!"

Bian Wu replied: "The incident of the Yellow Gate in Jinling is too sensational, he is in this business, and the inside story is clear."

"Let's be honest, thanks to Brother Su's Yu Wei, after the incident at the Yellow Gate in Jinling, people on the road will call me Fifth Master when they see me. But Brother Big Ba, this bastard with eyes open to the sky, no one pays attention to me."

I frowned and asked, "After the Jinling Yellow Gate was destroyed, all the tomb-robbing sects under the Yellow Gate should have been collected by Ma Ping. Ma Ping hadn't done anything before, and the reason can be attributed to the fact that she just took over and wanted to slow down for a while. "

"But this fire-stirring stick from Huizhou suddenly rushed out, not to mention grabbing the kitchen to serve food, and was so arrogant that it was outrageous. Could it be that Ma Ping didn't react at all?"

Bian Wu replied: "No response!"

This thing is a little bit out of the ordinary.

Today is the seventh.

In other words.

The day after tomorrow, the big bus brother is going to open the tomb of the Song Dynasty. The day after tomorrow is the date when the big bus brother restricts Bian Wu and others to surrender.

If you don't surrender, Brother Big Ba will kill Bian Wu and others.

I asked, "What are you going to do?"

Bian Wu's beard trembled, his face flushed, and he replied, "I'm afraid he's a hammer!"

"We don't want the Song Tomb, let him open it! He ambushed me, and I am going to ambush him too. My brothers and I have made plans. After he goes to open the Song Tomb to serve food and get on the bus, he burns his bus and reports to the police. This revenge!"

It's like saying.

Bian Wu refuses to accept it, Big Brother wants to kill him.

There is no room for that.

I said nothing.

Bian Wu said: "Don't worry! This is the business of making money from the dead. The dead are not to be feared, but the living are the most terrifying. We lick blood every day to make a living. We have experienced many such things."

The matter of Xu Qing.

Let me deeply understand a truth.

Facing the ferocious wolves attacking the rivers and lakes, if you step back and relax, the other party will not have the slightest sympathy, let alone put away your fangs.

If you don't kill and fight back decisively, you will end up with unbearable pain.

I replied: "I don't rob tombs, you can just ignore the normal fighting skills between the tomb robbing schools."

"But you are my man, whoever dares to kill you, I will knock his teeth first!"

"If you don't have a long memory, if he is qualified, I will let him feel the blade. If he is not qualified, I will let him kill himself!"

Bian Wu said urgently: "Brother Su..."

I raised my hand to stop it and said: "Your plan is suspended, because it is too soft and not punishing enough."

"Not only do we need to lift the bus, but we also need to open the tomb of the Song Dynasty."

"I have to let Brother Big Bus know who is the master on the road!"

Grandpa can not fight or grab, and he can also play with you according to the rules of the rivers and lakes.

But if you dare to put a knife on our necks and raise your hand to slap our faces, you are committing suicide!

My initial plan is.

Ask Hu Sansiao for help. On the night of the [-]th, the tomb of Song Dynasty will be opened in advance, and we will not move the things in the tomb.

Waiting for them in the main coffin, after Big Brother and others come in, lock this thing in the main coffin, and then we lock the stone mechanism.

Don't they like this Song tomb?

Let the gang of them stay in the tomb and play!

After we got out, he burned his bus.

After closing the big bus and waiting for four or five days, they are almost dying, so make an anonymous report call, let the public go over, and put them in the same pot.

Of course, the specific details still need to be perfected.

After hearing the plan, the three of them were dumbfounded.

I asked, "Is the plan not working?"

Fatty Xiao's chubby face twitched: "What the hell... If Brother Big Bus is killed in this way, he will be reincarnated in his next life, and he will seek revenge from you!"

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