Shopkeeper Song probably didn't know how to explain it. His expression was astonished but also tinged with fear, and he said, "Miss, why are you here so late? Please come in quickly..."

Still very dull and obedient to the old shopkeeper.

But while he was speaking, I saw his hind feet move back slightly, his front feet slightly bent, and his hand holding the machete tightened.

Very subtle movements.

It is enough to prove that he wants to divert our attention and prepare to escape.

I quickly raised my foot and kicked him hard.

Shopkeeper Song was caught off guard, and fell back a few meters away, causing objects in the yard to rattle. The black cat he raised, which was sleeping under the eaves, was startled and screamed, and a black shadow appeared. Flash, flee quickly.

Shopkeeper Song was lying on the ground, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

He touched the corner of his mouth, looked at the blood on his hands, and smiled sadly.

"Old Song has been hiding in Lu's house for ten years, and finally this day has come!"

"Mr. Su, when you appeared next to the young lady, I knew that Lao Song would definitely fall into your hands. I didn't expect to come so soon!"

This is tantamount to a full admission.

When Lu Cenyin heard this, his expression was full of despair and pain.

The two King Kongs beside her.

Uncle Wang is Wu, and the shopkeeper Song is Wen.

The last time she went to the Jianghu Warehouse, she only brought Uncle Wang and Shopkeeper Song with her, which shows her extreme trust and dependence on them.

But I didn't expect that Shopkeeper Song was an insider!

Or the ghost who has been hiding in the Lu family for ten years!

This hit Lu Cenyin hard, unimaginable.

Lu Cenyin's voice was already crying, and she asked tremblingly, "Uncle Song...why, why is this..."

Shopkeeper Song got up from the ground.

The heavy rain was pouring on his body, and his old face looked gloomy and desolate.

Lu Cenyin and I shared an umbrella and walked into the yard.

Shopkeeper Song stared at me with extremely cold eyes.

"Don't accidentally hurt the eldest lady, there is a terrace on the roof, enough for the two of us to fight."

"I won Lao Song's old fist, I know, I will tell you all!"

"This life is also given to you!"

I pulled out the red stick from my waist and threw it aside.

Shopkeeper Song smiled when he saw this, "It's really you!"

Since then.

He also dropped the machete in his hand on the ground, turned around and went up the stairs to the terrace.

This is a small two-story building.

The roof is poured with cement, and the terrace is very flat, which is really suitable for fighting.

I followed in stride.

Lu Cenyin grabbed me, her red eyes filled with worry and fear: "Su Chen...don't go up..."

She is worried that something will happen to me.

I replied: "It's okay."

"Just watch it in the yard, don't ask anyone to help."

After speaking.

I handed the umbrella to Lu Cenyin and strode forward.

Come to the terrace.

Shopkeeper Song held a black strap in his hand, and tied the thick-bottomed glasses on the bridge of his nose to the back of his head.

It was pouring rain.

Thunder and lightning.

The two were drenched in the rain.

I could barely make out his face, and he must have been too.

Shopkeeper Song suddenly turned his hands into claws, and the claws turned into fists. There was a "clicking" sound from the knuckles of the fingers, and the piles under his feet were set up.

Wing Chun!

Bajiquan and Wing Chun are the only two techniques in traditional martial arts that can be freely fought.

Uncle Wang practiced eight-level boxing, which was very fierce.

I can usually see Uncle Wang's tiger-like movement and pace, but I have completely noticed Shopkeeper Song. He looks like an old scholar with a simple and honest appearance, as if he is hard to catch when the wind blows his body.

This only shows.

Shopkeeper Song is a class higher than Uncle Wang!

Come to think of it.

Old man Hua is such a cunning person, Shopkeeper Song can catch him, nail his hands and feet to the ground, and kill him alive.

Regardless of his cruel heart or physical ability, he is a very terrifying existence.

Shopkeeper Song suddenly shouted: "Ha!"

The body is like a tiger in the rain, attacking me like lightning and flint.

Just a fight.

I was extremely shocked.

Shopkeeper Song's fists are blown by the wind, his feet are trembling like pine, and he moves and fights. Every shot is to attack the fatal part of the person.

Once it is hit impartially.

Either die suddenly on the spot, or be paralyzed immediately.

More importantly.

He played such powerful punches and kicks, but without the slightest sense of roughness, there were afterimages in the rain.

The afterimage brought rain flowers, accompanied by silver snakes and thunderbolts that struck through the air, like deadly sharp knives, rushing towards my whole body.

after many years.

A "Glory of the King" game is popular in the streets and alleys. There is a hero named Bodhidharma, who can punch continuously and critically.

I recalled the fight with Shopkeeper Song in the rainstorm.

How similar is the boxing technique played by shopkeeper Song to Bodhidharma in the game!

This is an extremely terrifying opponent!

In Jinling, the only person who can compete with him is Mr. Cui who is next to Mr. Xu.

My punches and kicks are not as fast as his, and my tactics are not as vicious as his.

Like the last time I fought the red stick with Uncle Wang, I could have retreated quickly and waited for an opportunity to counterattack fatally.


This is not a red stick fight, but a life-and-death fight!

What's more, I recalled in my mind the tragic scene of old man Hua's hands and feet being crucified, which is exactly the same as my mother's death.

I don't know if Shopkeeper Song is the murderer who killed my mother.

But at this moment.

he is the one!

I gave up all the most cost-effective and blood-volume fighting skills that Sister Jiu'er had taught me, and regarded shopkeeper Song as the enemy who killed my parents. The resentment and hatred in my heart were infinitely squeezed and spewed out, presenting a state of complete madness , screaming and fighting with him.

The two people on the terrace were like two beasts fighting for the right to life and death in a violent storm, with scarlet eyes and fangs bared, wishing to kill each other!

Moments later I was knocked out and nearly fainted.

After a while he was knocked down and couldn't get up.

The pain caused by the scars could no longer be felt on the body, the blood and rain were completely intertwined, and only crazy roars and screams could be heard in the ears.

The voice belonged to Shopkeeper Song.

There are mine too.


After half an hour.

The rain gradually stopped.

My whole body has become a blood man, standing on the spot, crumbling.

Shopkeeper Song was spitting blood, his eyes were fierce, and his steps were staggering.

this state.

We are no longer competing for strength, but who is more ruthless, who hates deeper, and who is more capable of carrying to death!

The two sides only stayed for more than ten seconds.

I can't stop anymore, and if I stop, both of them will fall down.

If you fall down, you won't get up!

It must be a life-and-death blow!

Shopkeeper Song clenched his iron fists tightly, like a big trapped beast making the final attack out of the cage, roaring loudly, and charged towards me like a thunderbolt.

I see nothing else.

Only the tragedy of the death of parents, the misery of childhood, the pain of training, the loneliness of being alone...

Scene after scene.

Like a bloody movie lens, it flashed past my eyes quickly.

The backlog of hatred has reached its peak!

I exhausted all my strength, and kicked my right leg towards shopkeeper Song like a crazy dragon struck by thunder!

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