World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 155 Car accident in the rain

Ma Ping patted me on the shoulder and asked, "Brother Su, who did Xiao Lan offend? The other party made such a deadly move?"

I replied, "We won't know until he wakes up."

For the time being, I can't tell Ma Ping about Suo Mingmen.

Some time ago, I asked Ma Ping to mediate with Suomingmen, trying to get Xiao Zhu out of Suomingmen completely. Later, Ma Ping called me to tell me that things had made great progress.

I don't want to make a fuss at this juncture.

Ma Ping said: "My brother saved my life, if you need me, just ask. In Jinling, Ma Sanniang can still speak!"

This is said more modestly.

Since Ma Ping completely annexed the Huangmen of Jinling, the family is now the only one, and almost no one dares to mess with it.

Those tomb robbers who originally belonged to the Yellow Gate of Jinling came to Ma Ping's place to pay homage to the pier.But what I heard from Bian Wu was that Ma Ping hadn't formally accepted them yet, so some big move was probably brewing.

I nodded: "Sister Ping, please take care of Xiao Lan for the time being."

Ma Ping replied: "It's all trivial matters!

"President Hu, you must use the best medicine and nursing care, and contact us as soon as possible with fake fingers from abroad."

"Wang Lang, if Xiao Lan has a safety problem in the hospital, come see me first!"

Dean Hu and Wang Lang hurriedly agreed.

I thanked Ma Ping and turned to go out.

Before going out, Ma Ping was worried about my safety, and asked if it was necessary to send some people to follow me recently.

I refused.

Lu Cenyin and I.

They are all enemies of Lu Xiaoxin.

The way Lu Xiaoxin retaliated against me was expressed very clearly in the Treasure Pavilion, she wanted to attack the people around me, and made me enjoy the feeling that life would be worse than death.

She wouldn't get rid of me without torturing me to make her completely happy.

And Lu Xiaoxin's method of revenge on her sister was to destroy the Lu family's foundation.

For Lu Cenyin, what she cares most about is the foundation of the Lu family, and she has always wanted to save the Lu family whose building is about to collapse.

Lu Xiaoxin couldn't get it, so he personally buried the Lu family, which was more vicious than killing Lu Cenyin.

Judging from what happened to the Lu family and Fatty Xiao, as soon as Lu Xiaoxin was imprisoned in the Treasure Pavilion, the people outside her plan had already started, sending electricians to arrange wires for the Lu family, and asking foreigners to seduce Fatty Xiao to buy foreign films...

What I am most worried about now is Xiaozhu and the others.

Xiaozhu is from the door of death. As long as she shows the skull card on her body, they should not dare to kill each other. This is a big taboo of the door of death.Xiaojing is a restaurant waitress, and touching her won't hurt me.

Only Xu Qing.

most dangerous.

After going out the door.

I started the car and called Xiaozhu in the car.

Xiaozhu told me that she has changed several cars in a row, changed locations frequently, and sometimes deliberately turned back. She has never seen anyone following her. She is now on her way back and is relatively safe.

I feel a little relieved.

Xiaozhu's ability is obviously much higher than the others in Suo Mingmen, otherwise, Ma Ping would not have chosen her at first.

I have complete confidence in her ability to get away.

I said to Xiaozhu: "I'll pick you up at the entrance to the city, call me when you're almost there."

Xiaozhu replied: "Okay!"

The car drove towards the entrance of Jinling into the city.

The time has come to one o'clock in the morning.

Suddenly silver snakes flew in the sky, thunder rumbled, and it began to rain heavily.

Although the wipers on the windshield of the car were turned to the fastest gear, it was still difficult to see clearly in the rain and fog.

Although vehicles can be seen occasionally on the road, they are all moving slowly with double flashing warning lights.

But I can't control so much, so I went all the way.

The car is like a wolf running wild in a thunderstorm.

When I arrived at the entrance of the city, I found a place on the side and stopped, opened the car window slightly, let the rainwater drift in, lit a cigarette, let the heat of the smoke and the coldness of the rainwater repeatedly stimulate the brain, and the other He rubbed the fake Yuan head with his hands.

Halfway through the smoke, I suddenly froze.

I have repeatedly analyzed the abnormal situations that may have occurred around Xu Qing recently, and found that everything is relatively normal. The only thing that is surprising is that Xu Qing's bastard father who has been in the magic capital has come here inexplicably. Arrived in Jinling.

During the day, Xiao Zhu once said that because of his old headache and crying, he apologized to Xu Qing, and Xu Qing picked him up, and now he is with them.

Could it be that the variable around Xu Qing is this old bastard? !

Will father harm his own daughter? !

Very incredible idea!

But when I think of the ugly face of this bastard old man and all kinds of bad deeds in the past, I feel chills in my heart. There is something wrong with this old man's mind, and I can't figure it out with common sense at all.

I have always been confident in my sixth sense, so I immediately took out my cell phone and called Xiaozhu.

"Where are you?!"

"Brother, we are going into the city soon, but the rain is so heavy that the taxi driver dare not leave, and now he is sheltering from the rain at the gas station by the side of the road."

"Where's Xu Qing?!"

"She was going to the bathroom not far away, and I stood at the door and watched."

"After she finishes using the toilet, you immediately add money to urge the driver to leave, and immediately leave old man Xu where he is, don't ask why!"

"it is good!"

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, suddenly there was a violent crash of a car and people's screams from Xiaozhu's phone, Xiaozhu let out a scream: "Sister..."

"Little bamboo, little bamboo?!"

There was no echo, only the sound of heavy rain and thunder.

My brain suddenly exploded.

Immediately started the car and drove out of the city like crazy.

After galloping for half an hour in the storm, I finally came to the gas station on the side of the road.

Xu Qing was lying at the door of the toilet next to the gas station, covered in blood, his body was shaking violently, and blood was constantly spraying out of his mouth, and the rainwater accompanied by blood flowed all over the ground, which was extremely shocking.

Xiaozhu knelt beside her, his whole body was drenched, crying loudly, while covering the blood on Xu Qing's mouth with trembling hands: "Sister...don't spit, don't spit...uh Woo..."

Xiao Jing stood in the heavy rain, as if she was dumbfounded.

Old man Xu was dumbfounded.

But this old bastard is still sitting on the steps of the gas station, hiding from the rain.

There was heavy rain all around, lightning and thunder.

I rushed over like crazy.

Due to the heavy rain, the ambulance from the nearby hospital did not arrive until now.

After the doctor hurried down from the car, he directly carried Xu Qing into the ambulance, pulled the ambulance whistle, and rushed to the hospital.

Xiaozhu turned her head and saw me, knelt down with a "plop", and cried.

"Brother... I'm sorry..."

"Sister Xu, she just came out of the bathroom... a car that was parked for refueling suddenly jumped out and hit Sister Xu..."

"Brother, I didn't complete the task, you kill me, kill me, woo woo..."

My heart is like a knife piercing my heart.

Rolling thunder from the sky struck down one after another.

It felt like it had hit the top of my head.

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