Old man Xu's leg was crippled by Bai Lang when he gambled before.

After going out, he was reluctant to leave, and limped and yelled at me: "Little bastard, hurry up and take a taxi! I am such a big boss, you tell me to walk? Shit!"

A taxi just happened to come outside the door, and I hailed it.

Xu Qing and others all ran to the door of the shop.

After the car door opened, I picked up old man Xu and shoved him into the car.

Regardless of the astonishment of Xu Qing and others, I asked the driver to go directly to the public office.

When old man Xu heard this, he almost went crazy. He yelled at me loudly in the car, kept cursing the little bastard, and kicked and bit me with his hands.

It's just too annoying.

I backhanded a hand knife and knocked him unconscious.

Seeing this, the driver was too scared to move.

I said, "Drive!"

The driver tremblingly drove the car to Wei Feng's office.

I didn't hit hard just now, but at this time old man Xu has already woken up.

After getting out of the car, I carried old man Xu in like a dead dog.

The old man Xu yelled: "Come on, help me, someone is going to kidnap... Comrade, please help me, I am an innocent person!"

This comrade happened to be Wei Feng who was walking outside with a folder in his hand.

Wei Feng asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

When old man Xu heard Wei Feng addressing me, his face changed abruptly, and he was so frightened that he wanted to struggle and run out.

But he was held tightly by me, and he couldn't run. He could only swim like a crab with his hands and feet, constantly swimming and pulling, his appearance was extremely funny.

I said to Wei Feng: "This person is extorting money, smashing the store, and intentionally hurting him. I'll bring it here for you to deal with it. The cameras in the store have evidence. I'll send it over when the time comes."

This is true.

It depends on whether we pursue it or not.

Wei Feng turned his head and said to his two colleagues, "Copy it first!"

Next to it was a row of large iron pillars similar to horizontal bars. The shelves above were full of iron rings, which were probably used to handcuff dishonest thieves.

When Wei Feng's two colleagues heard this, they immediately came over and handcuffed old man Xu.

Although old man Xu's hands were handcuffed high, he refused to accept it and yelled at them, scolding them as badly as possible, and kicked them hard with his lame legs.

Seeing this, Wei Feng furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Turn on the law enforcement recorder, and add another charge of obstructing official duties."

Wei Feng and I went out.

Wei Feng asked: "What's going on, when did this old man go to extort money and smash the store and beat people?"

I replied: "The thing is true, and there is evidence. But he is the father of one of my friends, an old gambler, the kind of rotten person who almost beat his own daughter to death. I never thought about it. He, mainly let him come to you to receive legal and moral education, don't tell me this is not part of your job duties."

Wei Feng frowned and said, "It's our responsibility, but you gave me a big problem."

I asked: "So many important cases have been solved, is this a difficult problem?"

Wei Feng replied with a smile: "There are old people's jurisdictions like this too. I've seen them a lot, and it's really hard to deal with. There is a saying that is good, it's not that old people become bad, but that bad people get old."

I said, "Anyway, when will he be completely honest, when will I come to lead him?"

Wei Feng replied: "Okay, I will try to return you as a sunny and kind young man. By the way, let me tell you one thing, the head of the Double Spring Bureau has basically been found out. The identity is quite shocking and has yet to be finalized. "

After speaking, Wei Feng greeted his colleagues directly, got in the car and left.

At this time, Xu Qing took a taxi by himself and rushed over.

When she saw her father being handcuffed inside, her face turned pale and she was dumbfounded.

I said, "You can't handle him, I'll ask someone to help you."

The old man Xu saw Xu Qing inside, and immediately became very angry, and yelled at her: "You have a heartless, black heart! I have raised you so much, and if you don't have a good day, you still let this little bastard Lamb asked someone to arrest me! You will be struck by lightning! Release me quickly, or I will beat you to death, and let you go to see your dead old bitch as soon as possible..."

Xu Qing stood where he was, not knowing what to do.

I pulled her away and walked back.

Xu Qing followed me foolishly for a while, and suddenly squatted on the ground, crying.

I didn't know what to say, so I lit a cigarette and stood by the side waiting for her to finish crying.

After half an hour.

Xu Qing also cried enough, got up with red and swollen eyes, and said sorry to me.

I asked, "Why do you say that?"

Xu Qing wiped away his tears: "The doctor said that the old man won't live for a few months... A while ago, I took him here without your consent. But his brain is completely out of order, and he will smash it if he is not satisfied. shop, beating and swearing, there is almost no way to do business in the shop, and he also said that the shop is his and the house is also his..."

I saw her onion-like arms were bruised and purple, and her face was swollen from the old man's beating just now, and I felt very uncomfortable.

There is no way to vent her anger about this matter, after all, the old guy is her father.

I had no choice but to comfort him: "It's not a big deal, I'll pick him up after a few days when I'm honest."

Xu Qing nodded when he heard the words, and asked again: "He's inside...won't he suffer?"

I said, "I can't."

The two walked back to the store.

Xiaozhu and Xiaojing have cleaned up the restaurant.

Fatty Xiao was still blowing his beard and staring, saying that he had never seen such a shameless person, but if he hadn't been for Xu Qing's father, he would have been beaten and paralyzed in bed by now.

There was a commotion just now, and none of us had eaten.

Xu Qing hurried to serve the dishes.

I looked at Xu Qing's back, thinking that although she and Lu Cenyin had different identities, their circumstances were so similar, with such a broken family.

Among the several dishes, one dish is chicken with belly.

It is said that this is Xu Qing's improved new dish, and it is planned to be the main dish of the restaurant in the future, with all the good products in it.

Fatty Xiao was reincarnated from starvation, and rushed to cut the outside of the pork belly, but because he moved too fast, a lot of oil suddenly came out after cutting it open.

The hen wrapped in pork belly is a chick, and there is a fat belly fish inside the chicken belly. There are black candied dates and white longan in the belly of the fish. Black and white swim in the fish belly soup, some of which look like Tai Chi.More importantly, the candied dates and longan are filled with extremely small emerald pearl meatballs.

One dish, five layers of ingredients.

Colorful and fragrant.

This is simply not a dish, but a work of art.

Xu Qing's hand is really a coincidence!

Fatty Xiao said excitedly while licking the grease on his hands: "Sister Xu, you don't call this a dish, it should be called a treasure! This thing is so similar to the 'belly oil' in our antiques!"

Belly holding oil, a unique antique with hidden treasures.

The treasures outside are far less valuable than the treasures hidden inside.

The most common one is the big-bellied Maitreya Buddha statue, which looks like an ordinary Buddha statue on the outside, but in fact, Maitreya's stomach hides extremely valuable treasures, such as pearls, agates, or relics... This is called belly oil.

This kind of treasure usually has some kind of hint.

For example, bergamot will be made into shapes such as touching your belly button.

The difficulty lies in opening the belly.

Many masters who are full of belly oil will set up incomparably ingenious mechanisms on the treasures outside.

People who play antiques, even if their eyesight is very good, and they can see that it is a treasure with a belly, but they are often scratching their heads and scratching their heads at the external mechanisms, and there is nothing they can do.

No one dared to use violence to open it, because they didn't know what treasures were inside, and if it was damaged, the gain would outweigh the loss.

When I heard Fatty Xiao utter the words "stomach oil", my brain suddenly exploded.

The landlord Laocai that Lu Cenyin showed me was carrying rice sacks. Could it be that he was also full of gas? !

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