I told Fatty Xiao to go to Yingqing Pavilion immediately.

Shopkeeper Song happened to be here, and he drove us there.

After arriving at Yingqing Pavilion, I asked Fatty Xiao to stay downstairs for a while, and hurried upstairs by myself.

After seeing me coming in, Lu Cenyin immediately closed and locked the door.

I asked, "See you?"

Lu Cenyin nodded and explained: "Although I am the head of the family, the treasures in the cabinet have always been regarded as the foundation of the Lu family, so you can't open the cabinet casually, and you must hold a Lu family meeting to use the treasures inside. I We had no choice but to get the consent of several uncles on the grounds that the new head of the family had to look at the contents of the cabinet."

"A few of them have been guarding outside. There are cameras everywhere in the Treasure Pavilion. I brought a miniature camera and came out after taking pictures. If I want to take you in, I have to think of a way after a while."

I saw her anxious and earnest expression on her face, and my heart suddenly warmed up.

"Let me see it first!" I said.

Lu Cenyin opened the safe in the room, took out a miniature camera from the safe, pulled out the memory card, connected it to a card reader, and inserted it into the computer.

At that time, Windows 2000 had just come out, and the Windows 98 system was generally used in computers, and disk reading was generally slow.

While waiting for the disc to be read, I felt my heart beating wildly, and I was more nervous than ever before.

when the photos show up.

I was dumbfounded.

An agar wood carving of a landlord Lao Cai carrying a bag of rice.

Agar is also called Qinan, which is a kind of agarwood, but often there is only a small piece of Qinan in a large piece of top-quality agarwood.

For this reason, this thing is also known as the best of the best agarwood.

In ancient times, agar was only used by the royal family, and it was one of the "three fragrances" in the emperor's bedroom, including musk, ambergris and agar.

Many people think that golden nanmu is the most expensive wood.


Agar is several times or even dozens of times the price of golden nanmu.

Even around 2000, the price of ordinary agar was raised to about [-] per gram. If the naked eye could see the oil leaking out of the top agar, the price would be even more immeasurable.

This woodcarving of Laocai, a landlord, is relatively large in size, with a naive appearance, a potbellied belly, lively eyebrows and eyes, and grease oozing from the agar, just like the beads of sweat that the landlord Laocai oozes out when he is carrying rice.

Such a large shape and exquisite material are indeed rare in the world.

But this thing seems to have nothing to do with the cause of my parents' death.

Seeing me in a daze, Lu Cenyin asked, "Did you see anything?"

I shook my head, and my mood completely fell to the bottom.

Even, with a hint of despair.

A feeling that a person who is desperately struggling in the water has already grasped a life-saving straw, but finds that the straw is suddenly broken.

I replied: "Delete the photo, don't take me to see the real thing."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin frowned, "What's wrong?"

I didn't answer, rubbing the fake Yuan head in my hands, standing by the window, staring into the distance in a daze, restless and confused.

Want to light a cigarette.

But the lighter wouldn't work.

Lu Cenyin showed her empathetic side, took a box of matches from the drawer, struck them, lit them for me, glanced at me, and said to me softly: "I don't know what's on your mind But when you don’t see the light, you should close your eyes and rest to accumulate energy.”

Words like spring rain.

I saw the wind outside the window, brushing her hair, smelling the fragrance, making her look comfortable and peaceful.

Getting along with her always gives me an inexplicable sense of comfort.

For no reason, the inexplicable irritability in my heart went down by half.

I turned around and put out the cigarette butt, sat on the sofa, adjusted my mood, and asked: "Such a top-quality landlord Lao Cai carrying a rice bag agar wood carving is indeed rare in the world, but the estimated price is at most around 3000 to [-] million. But for the Lu family How can it be called a treasure in the world?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Cenyin shook his head.

"I don't know... Judging from the price alone, it is even far inferior to your small Xuande three-year incense burner. But I guess, the ancestor of Xinwen was first engaged in the rice grain business. There is no worry in the world, so he turned to the antique business, does this agar-carrying rice statue have a special meaning?"

It can only be this explanation.

For example, the owner of the mobile phone shop who was stolen last time, when his ancestors fled, used the Xuande three-year incense burner as a begging bowl. Although they thought that the incense burner was just an ordinary thing, it has been preserved to this day. meaning.

Lu Cenyin was right.

When there is no light, you should close your eyes to accumulate energy.

Everything will have an answer.

What's more, Bian Wu has already gone to find old man Hua for me.

I pulled myself away from my chaotic thoughts, took a sip of tea, and said, "I won't talk about this anymore. Lu Xiaoxin, what are you going to do with it?"

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin sighed faintly, but remained silent.

I said: "Lu Xiaoxin and the uncles of the Lu family have been trying to trick you to death. Even though you have become the head of the family, they have been watching you. Lu Xiaoxin has the handle on your uncles. If you touch Lu Xiaoxin, she will definitely kill them." If the clues are exposed, Uncle Lu will either go to prison or live a life worse than death."

"I shouldn't have said this, but I still want to remind you that people are not allowed to sleep soundly on the side of the couch. Besides, Lu Xiaoxin didn't sleep. She is a crazy thunder that can blow up the Lu family, and even me. Now is the best time for you to cut off all the thorns around you, make up your mind to get rid of Lu Xiaoxin, kill two birds with one stone, and you will completely control the Lu family once and for all."

Lu Cenyin's obsidian-like eyes stared at me blankly.

After half an hour.

She asked very seriously: "Su Chen, what is the Lu family?"


Lu Cenyin said: "What I want is the Lu family, not the wealth of the Lu family. My father is seriously ill. If I get rid of Xiaoxin and my uncle, the Lu family will indeed belong to me alone, but this is still a family." ?"

I replied, "They don't see you as family."

Lu Cenyin replied: "I can't control how they treat me. But I regard them as relatives. They were like this when they were young, they are like this now, and they will be like this in the future..."

Speaking of here.

Her eyes were flushed, her voice was trembling, and it was difficult to restrain her emotions.

I didn't know how to say it, so I said, "I'm sorry, I have no home since I was a child, so I can't understand your feelings."

After a while.

Lu Cenyin wiped the corners of her eyes with her slender hands.

"Hundreds of people in the Lu family are watching. If Xiaoxin doesn't get any punishment, the Lu family will be in chaos in the future. I have already bought a plane ticket and plan to transport her abroad, where I will secretly imprison her for a few years. Wait for her to reflect Only then can you come out."

"I also asked Uncle Wang to contact some foreign organizations and not allow her to return to China, otherwise she will be rude to her."

"The reason for this is that first, I want to protect everyone in the Lu family from accidents. If Xiaoxin stays, there will be a shocking event, and it will be completely out of control. Second, this matter will be kept secret and the Lu family will see each other. Without ignoring her, they all speculated about her fate, which served as a deterrent."

This is indeed the most appropriate way to deal with it.

Lu Cenyin is very smart.

If she can keep going according to her method, nothing will happen.

But I always feel that Lu Xiaoxin, this crazy thunder, doesn't become dumb so easily.

It turns out.

Not only was she not dumb, she also exploded ahead of time!

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