The whole conference room suddenly exclaimed.

Guan Hanyun yelled: "Idiot line!"

He moved quickly to the side.

"Crack" sound.

This Song blue and white porcelain vase was smashed to pieces.

Shopkeeper Song was in a daze for a while, and then trotted over.

He picked up the porcelain powder on the ground, looked at it a few times, put it in his mouth and licked it, pushed his glasses, stood up and said, "It's really a fake. Judging from the porcelain powder, it doesn't even count as an old kiln. It's a typical new one." Kiln new soil calcined."

A group of members of the appraisal team also went to look at it.

After seeing it, they all decided that it was indeed a fake, and they were very curious about how I could tell the real thing just now, and asked me with a smile if I had sharp eyes and admiration.

I don't have sharp eyes.

For this kind of "Mongolian goods" with only a little white, the gods will not be able to identify them without cleaning the paint on them.

But I still remember the first sentence that Jiuerjie brought me into the industry: Antiques are not playing with antiques, but playing with people.

Boss Zuo is a big expert in the industry. He bought a blue and white porcelain vase from Song Dynasty. If it was genuine, he would have cleaned it up long ago.

It has not been cleaned up, it can only show that this product is trying to deceive others.

Furthermore, Boss Zuo ran away after cheating, and took away all the high-value genuine antiques in the shop, even if it was too late to distinguish the authenticity of this Song blue-and-white porcelain vase, it was impossible for him to throw away something worth nearly ten million.

Since he dropped it, Boss Zuo must have known it was a fake.

However, the above two speculations alone can only confirm 90.00%.

For the remaining [-]%, it is up to Guan Hanyun, who is very clear about the goods in the store, to give the answer.

If it is genuine, Guan Hanyun will try his best to stop it if I intentionally smash it or open a hole and damage it.

Because Guan Hanyun was the recipient of the small number of real goods left by Boss Zuo, he would never let this happen, but he kept silent by the side.

Obtained [-]% of Guan Hanyun's answers.

[-]% fake!

Antique business, no matter picking up leaks, making games, stealing cold food, subcontracting workers, auctioning...

Playing skills is just a master, playing psychology is a master.

I didn't answer everyone's questions and ordered to continue working.

I worked until three o'clock in the morning, and the preliminary appraisal of the goods had been completed, and the rest was to give prices to some of the remaining authentic products.

This matter can be compared with the reference price of the auction house. It is relatively simple and has little technical content. It will not be too late to do it tomorrow.

According to my preliminary estimate, the sum of all the authentic products left over is less than 300 million.

Wei Feng asked someone to bring supper over.

When eating, there was a fried double-yolk egg in Wei Feng's fast food box.

Wei Feng deliberately gave Guan Hanyun a double-yolk egg, and said to him: "Mr. Guan has been with us so late, it's hard work! Eat a double-yolk egg to nourish your body. I heard that you like it very much."

When Guan Hanyun heard this, he dropped the chopsticks on the ground, and his expression changed drastically.

But this guy's psychological quality is very good, he quickly adjusted, picked up the chopsticks on the ground, and replied: "Thank you for your hard work."

I saw the corners of Wei Feng's mouth slightly raised, and a trace of coldness wiped from his eyes.

Wei Feng began to ring the bell to suppress Buddha.

Now that he has arranged everything, he is not worried that Guan Hanyun will slip through the net and slip away.

The only uncontrollable.

That is when Guan Hanyun contacted Boss Zuo.

Once they start connecting.

Wei Feng will immediately attack and arrest them according to the feedback information.

But in order to prevent Boss Zuo from running further and further away, Wei Feng had to put strong psychological pressure on Guan Hanyun, forcing him to contact Boss Zuo proactively as soon as possible amid suspicion.

After eating, Wei Feng tidied up the fast food boxes on the table, and said to Mr. Xiao: "Mr. Xiao, don't go out at night, Golden Mile Hotel has action."

Mr. Xiao's fat face twitched unceasingly when he heard this, "What action?"

Wei Feng said: "My colleague is staying here to catch the fraudsters, and the hotel has been completely surrounded. If you go out, they will disrupt their work. Don't get caught by mistake."

Shopkeeper Song and the others were very curious and asked, "What about us?"

Wei Feng replied with a smile: "The bureau has arranged rooms for all the experts. Everyone has worked hard. Take a good rest tonight."

have to say.

Wei Feng's beatings these few times were just right, looking at the flowers in the fog, seeming to be there but not there, it was very easy to make Guan Hanyun impatient and flustered.

When leaving the conference room.

Guan Hanyun had garlic on his legs, knocked his toes on the threshold, and almost fell.

My room was assigned to [-], next to Guan Hanyun's room.

It's only been a while since I entered the room.

Wei Feng and Fatty Xiao came in.

Wei Feng threw a pack of cigarettes for me and Fatty Xiao each, and placed an external monitor speaker on the TV cabinet, and said to us: "You may not be able to sleep, smoke tonight to relieve fatigue, and listen to a good night with me." play."

Fatty Xiao smiled and said, "Feng, you can just torment me! Su Zi is the leader of the expert appraisal team. If you don't let him sleep, how can he lead the team?"

Hearing this, Wei Feng scratched his head, and said to me a little embarrassedly: "Brother, I'm really sorry, the hotel has no rooms."

I replied, "See you."

Several people sat on chairs and smoked.

The sound of Guan Hanyun taking a bath first came from the monitor speaker.

Later, I heard him pacing repeatedly in the room, seeming to be in a state of anxiety.

Around four o'clock, the voice of the conversation came from the stereo.

He didn't know what Wei Feng had installed in Guan Hanyun's phone, but the voices of both parties were very clear.

"What time is it? Didn't I tell you not to contact me if it's nothing serious?"

"Old Zuo, I feel something is going to happen this time!"

"What happened? None of the fugitives on my list are worried, what are you worried about! The pig is awake?"

"The pig hasn't woken up! But the guy who came to handle the case this time is called Wei Feng. He gave me a double-yolk egg just now, and said that the hotel is catching fraudsters tonight. I always feel that he is implying something."

"Hahaha... Are you neurotic? He is a case investigator, not an insider in the antique industry, so he can understand the double-reed game of feathers and antiques! Your current identity is the appraiser next to the victim. He is right for Qianli when he sandwiches eggs for you. The care of the victims came all the way! The hotel is not here to catch the scammers, so you need a hammer!"

"Wei Feng definitely doesn't understand the Shuanghuang Bureau, but Su Chen, the leader of the appraisal team this time, he must understand."

"What the hell? Isn't it Old Xu? Why did you change to a kid named Su?"

"It was changed in the middle! This Su, the skill of appraising treasures is amazing! You deliberately pretended to flee in a panic and let me get the real goods, all of which were bought by him at real prices. This time, I will go to grandma's house! The key point This bastard doesn't look like a good bird, he stands next to me, like a living Hades, shit!"

When Wei Feng and Fatty Xiao heard these words, they almost screamed out of laughter, but they were worried that the neighbors would hear them, so they had to cover their mouths with the quilt.

I gave them a blank look: "This is so funny."

Boss Zuo pondered for a while on the other end of the phone.

"Grandma! This kid is really not a good person! I heard people say that he was the one who planned the ground cannon to seize the King Sword last time. It is said that there was a pile of cow dung in the password box. I still don't know what he did. He did it... This guy is indeed a master of making and breaking games. He is here, and it is estimated that this game will be exposed sooner or later..."

"Don't be too old to analyze, what should I do now?!"

"Tomorrow, you find an excuse to sneak away first! I'm at the Tiandu Hotel in Feishi. After we meet up, we'll go abroad to hide. Anyway, the business that the family told us has been done, as long as we don't go in and eat in prison."

"it is good!"

There is still a family? !

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