I immediately glanced at Guan Hanyun.

But this guy's weird expression was fleeting, and his face quickly returned to normal.

I always felt that something was wrong with Guan Hanyun, but I couldn't say exactly what was wrong.

Mr. Xiao walked over quickly with a big belly, and asked excitedly: "How much can this thing sell for?!"

This is businessman.

He considers the price of the thing first, not the value of the item.

I replied: "The preliminary estimate is 50 million. The appraisal team will give a price when the specific amount is reached."

When the staff nearby heard the words, they all marveled that a small silver coin would be worth so much money.

But after Mr. Xiao finished listening, his expression was like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, and he replied with a sad face: "It's drizzle."

Wei Feng quickly ordered someone to wrap up the Xiwang reward coins and put them in another box.

After Guan Hanyun heard the price, his face became cloudy, and he turned to Mr. Xiao to explain: "I also know a little about the price of ancient coins, and there are too few people who play ancient coins like Xiwang Shanggong. If you want to sell, at most That's about one hundred thousand. After deducting the auction house's appraisal fee, service fee, and publicity fee, the maximum selling price is five to sixty thousand. Mr. Xiao, don't trust his random quotation."

I suddenly became a little confused.

Is Guan Hanyun lowering Mr. Xiao's psychological expectations, or is he hoping that he will lose everything?

How could you forcefully lower the price of Xi Wang's meritorious service to such an unbearable level?

This is totally unreasonable.

Guan Hanyun is the appraiser brought by Mr. Xiao. If there is a genuine product left in Baoguxuan, which reduces the loss, he should be very happy like Mr. Xiao, and should not have such emotions.But from the very beginning, he seemed to have expressed his firm attitude, thinking that there was nothing genuine in it.

If there is no genuine product, at most it is just a fraudulent amount.

For Mr. Xiao and for him, it seems that there is no benefit for half a dime.

It was already noon, and the inventory of the goods in the store was close to half.

It is not true that all the things in Baoguxuan are fake.

Among the hundreds of goods counted in the morning, there are about a dozen genuine items, all of which are small gadgets. The price is roughly estimated at two million or so.

Wei Feng frowned: "It seems that Boss Zuo escaped too hastily, and he didn't even have time to take these little things away."

I have been secretly observing the changes in Guan Hanyun's expression.

Whenever I screened out the genuine products and quoted the approximate price, the look of this product was as painful as if the flesh had been cut. Moreover, he opened his mouth to deny it from time to time, wishing to make these genuine products worthless.

Around twelve o'clock.

Wei Feng asked someone to bring a boxed lunch, and everyone sat in the shop to eat.

Taking advantage of Guan Hanyun's time to go to the toilet.

I asked Mr. Xiao: "What kind of business did Mr. Xiao do before?"

Mr. Xiao fiddled with the lunch box with his chopsticks, looking dull, and replied: "When I was young, I used to make car wagons, and later bought some seasonal goods, but these things are greatly affected by the policy. Last year, I started tossing antiques. I used to ask Mr. Guan to help me get some I made a small profit of two million yuan in half a year for a single product. This is the first big business, and I threw all my belongings into it, who knew I would rush to the street and die."

I asked, "How did you know Boss Zuo?"

Mr. Xiao replied: "We met at the casino in the Australian city! He lost money and sold blue and white pots at the door. Later, I observed him for a long time. Every time he lost money, he sold antiques at the door. I also bought them from him. I bought some, and they are all genuine. Mr. Guan encouraged me to buy his shop, who knows he is a big liar, give him a damn!"

I asked again: "When did Mr. Guan start following you?"

Mr. Xiao replied: "At the end of last year, his vision is very good. He has brought me several million dollars in just half a year. I trust Mr. Guan very much. He said that the opportunity must not be missed and he must send money as soon as possible. After deciding on this store, I thought that this business would make at least a few hundred million yuan, hey..."

At this time, Guan Hanyun came back from the bathroom.

I said nothing more.

After everyone finished eating, they continued to work.

I stopped the preliminary screening, took a rough glance, and said deliberately: "The rest of the goods are all fakes, and they will be taken to the Golden Mile Hotel. Let Mr. Xiao handle it."

Mr. Xiao was shocked when he heard this, he immediately took my hand and asked in a trembling voice: "Mr. Su, it's impossible?!"

I nodded.

Mr. Xiao seemed to be struck by lightning, and sat down on the ground, his face extremely pale.

Guan Hanyun went to pull Mr. Xiao, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was an imperceptible look of joy on his face.

There is definitely something wrong with Guan Hanyun!

I gave Fatty Xiao a cigarette and asked him to go out with me to smoke for air.

Seeing no one around.

I said to Fatty Xiao: "Wait, you quietly send a message to Wei Feng to ask him to find an excuse to leave, and immediately go to the mobile company to check Guan Hanyun's mobile phone number and see how he is in contact with Boss Baoguxuan Zuo."

When Fatty Xiao heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he asked, "What do you mean?"

I replied: "I suspect that Guan Hanyun and Boss Zuo are doing double reed game!"

The double-reed game is a very secretive scam of the antique trade.

Judging from Guan Hanyun's previous reaction and Mr. Xiao's explanation.

I seriously doubt that Guan Hanyun is with Baoguxuan Zuo Boss.

Boss Zuo first created a rotten image of an antique shop owner who lost money in gambling, which attracted the attention of Mr. Xiao, a stupid rich man. Guan Hanyun beat the side drum from the side, encouraging Mr. Xiao to go to the shop.After the money was paid, Boss Zuo suddenly ran away with the genuine products in the store just as he was about to inspect the goods and pick them up from the store.

In this way, there is no loss of antiques in the store, and all 3000 million yuan has been cheated.

The reason why some genuine products were intentionally left behind in the store was mainly to confuse the public and create the illusion that they ran away in a hurry and had no time to clean up, so that the public would focus all on Boss Zuo.

Of course, if these left over things are found to be fake, Mr. Xiao will definitely treat them as waste products, and Guan Hanyun can secretly collect them all.Even if the real product is identified, Mr. Xiao will definitely entrust Guan Hanyun with full authority on how to sell it, who to sell it to, and how much it can be sold for.

It is equivalent to eating dry and wiping clean.

Otherwise, I can't explain both situations at all.

First, it is impossible to explain why Guan Hanyun urged Mr. Xiao to go all the way to hug Guxuan, and urged him to send money as soon as possible.Pan antique shop is not a pan fruit shop, without several years of word-of-mouth investigation and the recommendation of trusted people in the circle, no one dares to move, let alone people who do business across borders.

Second, I can't explain why Guan Hanyun always tried his best to lower the price every time I told the approximate price of the genuine product.Those who praise goods are passers-by, and those who demote goods are the recipients.The repeated depreciation of goods can only prove that he wants to receive goods at a low cost.

Fatty Xiao frowned and said, "Isn't your guess too wild?!"

For him, it is indeed a heavenly horse action.

However, I have seen too many antique businesses in various bureaus.

A strong sixth sense, forcing myself to think about it.

I threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stamped it out with my foot, and replied, "It's just a guess. Guan Hanyun has only been with President Xiao for about half a year. If the phone finds out that Guan Hanyun and Boss Zuo had frequent contacts half a year ago, the Shuanghuang Bureau is basically solid. hammer."

Fatty Xiao replied, "Understood."

We re-enter the store.

After a while.

Wei Feng glanced at the text messages on his mobile phone and said, "The bureau asked me to do something, Mr. Su, please take care of me here."

I nodded and said yes.

Only half an hour passed.

Wei Feng came back with a face as dark as a deep pool.

He waved to me at the door.

After I go out.

Wei Feng said in a low voice: "Brother, you have made amazing achievements!"

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