World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 136 The Slave of Emotion

When Lu Cenyin heard this, her pretty face turned red instantly, and her voice was as low as a mosquito: "It's not true..."

This girl is already very dependent on me.

She is indeed the woman I want.

The valiant and heroic posture is as soft and charming as water.

Beautiful, intelligent and pure in mind.

But now it's not the right time to go further with Lu Cenyin, because the relationship between the Lu family and the death of my parents has not been fully clarified yet.

In the face of this big situation, emotions can only temporarily move forward.

I resolutely withdrew from the emotions of pity and pity, and said to Lu Cenyin: "When you were in a coma, I went to see Lu Xiaoxin. She took a skull card of the gate of life, and prepared the last desperate fight with us." Prepare."

"I came here for two reasons. First, I want to go into the Treasure Pavilion of the Lu family to see the world's most precious treasures in the big copper cabinet. Second, you don't have to worry too much. No matter what you decide to do with Lu Xiaoxin, what will happen later matter, I stand with you."

When the last sentence was spoken, Lu Cenyin's beautiful eyes were filled with tenderness like water.

She asked, "Why do you suddenly want to see that treasure in the big copper cabinet?"

I didn't know how to answer her, so I said: "I don't know how to say the specific reason, but this matter is very important to me. According to the Lu family's rules, this is definitely not acceptable, so I come to ask for your opinion. If you don't Agreed, this matter is over."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin explained: "The treasure in the world in the big copper cabinet is indeed only allowed to be seen by the head of the family. This is the insurmountable red line of the Lu family. But if you can meet one condition, you can also see it."

I asked, "What conditions?"

Lu Cenyin bit her lip lightly with silver teeth, raised her chin slightly, stared at me very seriously, and said with a blushing face, "The condition can marry me."

This condition is more difficult to handle.

Now I don't even dare to pierce the window paper of the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, let alone marry her.

I replied: "I can't meet this condition. Forget it, I won't make things difficult for you."

As soon as this word comes out.

Lu Cenyin's beautiful eyes were filled with disappointment, and she lowered her head sadly.

However, her absolutely majestic character advantages are once again vividly reflected.

Lu Cenyin adjusted her emotions very quickly. After a few seconds, she became nonchalant and said playfully, "Even if you want to meet this condition, it depends on whether I agree or not."

I said nothing.

Lu Cenyin explained softly: "The house rules are indeed a high-tension line, but I will find a way for you to see it, so don't worry."

I asked, "What way?"

Lu Cenyin thought for a while and said: "Although I am the head of the family, my foundation is not solid at present, and my uncles' eyes and ears are watching everywhere. Then I will find a way to set aside all these eyes and ears and secretly bring You go in. If you are very anxious and haven't found a chance yet, I'll go in by myself and take a photo for you to see."

My heart suddenly warmed up.

Lu Xiaoxin's judgment was not wrong.

Lu Cenyin is indeed a slave to emotion.

She has feelings for the Lu family, and she is willing to bear all the grievances and coldness, fight alone, and fight to the death.Regarding Lu Xiaoxin's feelings, even though Lu Xiaoxin wanted to put her to death, he still couldn't make up his mind to deal with Lu Xiaoxin so far, and he didn't even hurt her a hair.For my emotions, he did not hesitate to touch the high-voltage line of the family rules to satisfy an inexplicable request of mine.

Lu Cenyin can abandon everything, but she can't abandon the love in her heart.

I replied: "Thank you!"

Speaking these two words between me and her seems a bit fickle, but I really don't know what words to use instead.

Lu Cenyin smiled and replied, "Then I'll come back, are you welcome?"

From the tone of her voice, it was sad and helpless.

I felt that I couldn't stay any longer, said goodbye to her, and turned to go out.

Just two steps away from the ward, I heard a trembling voice from inside: "Coward, how can I take the initiative..."

Then, it seemed that Lu Cenyin sobbed softly.

I took a deep breath and strode away.

After going out, I took a taxi to Baoguxuan.

The gate of Baoguxuan has been cordoned off, and there are many people watching the fun outside.

When I arrived, some officials stopped me at the door and refused to let me in.

Just about to take out his mobile phone to call Fatty Xiao.

Fatty Xiao saw me from inside, and quickly pulled a man in uniform out.

This man has tiger eyes and thick eyebrows, his face is sharp and angular, and he has a sense of righteousness and majesty.

Fatty Xiao introduced each of them: "This is my brother Wei Feng, and this is Su Chen."

Hearing this, Wei Feng was overjoyed and stretched out his hand to me: "Su Chen, we finally met!"

We exchanged a few pleasantries with each other.

Wei Feng turned his head and said to several of his colleagues: "This is the new leader of the expert team. During his working period, everyone will fully obey the dispatch, and we must do a good job in logistical support."

His colleagues may see that I am relatively young, and let me go with a look of incomparable surprise.

After entering Baoguxuan, he saw a man with the appearance of a businessman with a pot belly, sitting on a chair with an extremely slumped expression, and beside him stood a middle-aged man in a suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and white gloves in his hands.

It is estimated that they are investors and appraisers from Guangdong Province.

When they saw me coming in, they only raised their eyelids a little and ignored me.

There are staff in the store who are carefully counting and packing the goods on the shelves, and sealing them with stickers.

Wei Feng said to those two: "President Xiao, Mr. Guan Hanyun, this is the new leader of the identification team, Mr. Su Chen."

When the two of them heard this, their eyes widened.

Mr. Xiao glanced at me several times, his brows frowned, and he turned to Wei Feng and said, "Boss, did Lei make a mistake? I'm afraid I won't be Professor Xu's student. What does the team leader do?" Yeah? A big case of 3000 million yuan, don't mess with me!"

Wei Feng replied: "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Su's eyesight is no less than that of Professor Xu. We asked him to be the team leader after careful consideration in our bureau. Please trust us."

Mr. Xiao made a sad face, and let it go: "It's just a handjob!"

After speaking, he sat on a chair with a very dissatisfied expression, closed his eyes, and remained silent.

Guan Hanyun next to him pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said: "Officer Wei, if Professor Xu is the team leader, if it is identified that there are genuine products inside, we will agree to reduce the fraudulent money. But if someone else is the team leader , the results of the appraisal come out, we do not recognize it, and will apply for administrative reconsideration, and invite authoritative experts from Guangdong Province and Kyoto to come over and confirm again!"

Wei Feng replied: "It doesn't matter, this is your victim's right. But in Jinling, Mr. Su's conclusion is the authority. Let's work first, and follow the procedure."

I ignored Mr. Xiao and the two, turned around and asked Wei Feng, "Where are the team members now?"

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