World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 133 Hysteria

Lu Xiaoxin had already started to feel hysterical, and his face was extremely hideous.

The business is so big because she has no bottom line in playing, and even has to fry double yolk eggs when she opens her pussy.The Lu family wholeheartedly obeyed her, but it was because she was extremely vicious and made everyone feel scared.The resources are relatively wide, all due to the dark methods. Fatty Xiao used to be a burden army, and Brother Pei would kill his father and son.

This is not ability.

When robbing on the street, the money will definitely come in faster and more than working, but you can never say that the robbers are more capable than the working people.

Before, I couldn't figure out why Lu Xiaoxin's personality was so distorted, and now I finally know the reason.

It is impossible for a person who has lived in the shadow of his sister's halo for a long time to have a ray of sunshine in his heart.

Of course, I didn't have the heart to argue with her about this at all.

She called me here today, and the purpose was not to talk about this kind of thing.

After meeting the nemesis, the extreme unwillingness and resentment in Lu Xiaoxin's heart needed to explode.

After the outbreak, she will definitely start talking about business.

There was no wave on my face, and I looked at her coldly.

Lu Xiaoxin looked up at the ceiling, sighed in great grief, turned around and gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't lose! Lu Cenyin will definitely not kill me, I know her too well, she is an emotional slave! They dare to kill me endlessly, but they are held tightly by me for seven inches, they don't have the guts!"

"As long as I, Lu Xiaoxin, are still alive, I will definitely avenge this revenge, and I will definitely avenge it! Especially you, I will make your life worse than death, if you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

I asked, "Are you finished?"

Lu Xiaoxin suddenly laughed.

"No! You should have seen the skeleton wooden card of Suo Mingmen? I asked you to come today for two purposes. First, I tell you clearly that this card is not over yet, the game is still going on, don't get carried away. No. Two, I show my cards to you, the Lu family and the people around you, I will kill them at any time, from now on, you will live in fear all the time!"

My previous guess was absolutely correct.

Lu Xiaoxin has a lot to do with Suo Mingmen, she took the Suo Mingmen gate skeleton wooden sign and called me over, she had nothing else to do, just showed her trump card in her hand and made a decisive battle to me.

She knew very well that my friends around me were my bottom line, and she asked me to dig a grave for them in advance, waiting to die at any time.

Waiting to die is always more terrifying than death itself.

She thought highly of me and announced the final outcome to me in advance.

Everything seems to be over.

Everything has just begun.

I picked up her collar with my left hand, and with my right hand, I had broken the skeleton wooden signboard of Suomingmen into pieces. I opened my hand, and the pieces of the wooden signboard fell from my hand. I will kill you, I don’t dare to kill you, but I not only dare, but I will definitely!”

After I finished speaking, I shook her off.

Lu Xiaoxin was pushed down on the chair and started laughing wildly.

The laughter was crazy and piercing, repeatedly echoing in this prison-like treasure room.

I walked out the door with a sullen face and strode forward.

Lu Xiaolin locked the door of the treasure room again, panting after him from behind, and asked, "Xiao Su, two... What did Lu Xiaoxin say to you inside?"

I stopped in my tracks, turned around and asked, "How did the Lu family deal with such a heinous person like her?"

Lu Xiaolin replied: "There is no choice but to die."

I asked, "Do you dare to kill her?"

When Lu Xiaolin heard this, he immediately froze, his face twitched, his expression was extremely strange, and he didn't say a word.

Lu Xiaoxin was right.

They certainly dare not kill.

There are fatal secrets in her hands for these old chatters. Once Lu Xiaoxin dies, all these secrets must be exposed. They will either go to prison, or their death will be very ugly.

Judging from the fact that Lu Xiaoxin was able to get the skeleton wooden plaque, she had already made arrangements before the Lu family's ancestor worship ceremony, and she was ready to die.

I sneered and replied: "You all dare not kill, then please start today and choose a good coffin for yourself."

Lu Xiaolin was annoyed: "Little Su, how can you talk like this? Although the eldest girl is the head of the family now, you are all juniors of the Lu family. Talking like this is disrespectful. If you go back a few decades, you will have to suffer in the Lu family." hit……"

I ignored him.

After going out, I hailed a taxi directly.

He didn't go back to the hospital, but went home directly.

There are many things.

Feeling a little irritable.

I need to rest.

Xiao Zhu was washing my clothes in the yard. When he saw me, he smiled sweetly and asked, "Brother, you are back."

I nodded: "Don't wash it yet, I'll come to the room to ask you something."

Seeing that my words were more serious, Xiao Zhu quickly wiped his hands and followed me into the room.

I lit a cigarette first.

Xiaozhu stood beside her, her pretty face showing a little nervousness, and she asked cautiously: "Brother, you look very bad, what's wrong?"

I asked: "Who can usually get the skeleton wooden plaque of Suomingmen?"

Xiaozhu didn't expect that I would ask this question suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, and replied: "There are two kinds of people. One is people like me inside the organization, and the other is the big sponsor of the organization."

I asked, "Big Benefactor?"

Xiaozhu nodded: "Yes. They provide funds to Suomingmen all the year round, and these people can get a brand, but their brand is different from ours, and there is no identity mark on the back. But because they are related to the leader of Suomingmen, Not only can the dead be selected, as long as they need it, Suo Mingmen must go through fire and water to do things for them."

On the back of Xiaozhu's wooden signboard was a vigorous and verdant bamboo, but the one Lu Xiaoxin sent over did not have it.

Obviously, Lu Xiaoxin is the benefactor behind Suo Mingmen.

I asked again: "Is Ma Ping considered a benefactor?"

Xiaozhu nodded.

Things get really tricky.

I was rubbing the fake Yuan Datou in my hand, and a thought arose in my heart, Lu Xiaoxin must not keep it.

Xiaozhu turned around and made tea for me.

I stubbed out the cigarette butt in my hand and took a few sips of tea.

Uncle Wang once told me that the Lu family has a lot of property, and in the past there were often guys who stole cold food, exchanged treasures, colluded with outsiders and smashed gambling buckets, etc. to cheat the owner's family.In order to enforce strict family laws, the Lu family has built many basements to house traitors since the late Qing Dynasty.Worried about Lu Xiaoxin's escape last night, he discussed with several elders of the Lu family and secretly imprisoned her in the Treasure Pavilion. No one else knew about it.

Lu Xiaoxin didn't have any communication tools on her body, so she wanted to pass the news to the outside and ask the Suomingmen to send someone to rescue her, the only way she could do it was through the Lu family's elders and the treasure-protecting red flower outside the Shouzangbao Pavilion.

I don't know if they have leaked the news now.

But no matter what, the top priority is to cut off this line quickly.

I immediately called Uncle Wang.

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