World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 126 Raising the Lamp

Very wonderful feeling.

In order to save the Lu family whose building is about to collapse, Lu Cenyin has been fighting alone, and has been oppressed, bullied and wronged by her elders.

But she actually won the support of most of the pure-hearted juniors and the lower classes of the Lu family.

Probably this is the human heart!

Seeing this, Lu Cenyin's eyes turned red.

Lu Feifeng showed a shit-eating expression on his face: "Are you... sure?"

I asked back, "Not allowed?"

Hearing this, Lu Fei's expression immediately changed, and he replied in an extremely gloomy voice: "Of course it's allowed! And we welcome you very much. Let's see how you, the Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara, came to raise the lamp!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Feifeng bit his cheek and retreated to the side with a few elders of the Lu family.

The ancestral hall was much quieter, but some people still found it inconceivable, and whispered and guessed what method I would use to raise the lamp.

Lu Xiaoxin felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, his expression was extremely anxious, and he kept turning the small teacup in his hand.

Remember the website m.9biquge.

I walked up to the Kongming Lantern, picked up the lamp gently, pinched the head of the Kongming Lantern with one hand, and held the lower edge of the Kongming Lantern with the other.

Nianhua bergamot.

I have practiced thousands of times before, but with no success.

At the end of the day.

Because the method is wrong.

But since I learned the correct technique of the old man Hua, the failures of thousands of trainings in the past have been deeply accumulated in the chest and melted into the fingertips like the sufferings, scriptures, and mud that the Buddha suffered before becoming a Buddha. Know everything, turn into supernatural powers!

Seeing my gesture of pinching the Kongming lantern, the elders of the Lu family changed their expressions abruptly, and started whispering in shock.

There is a little distance between the stage and the audience.

They spoke in such a low voice, let alone the audience, it was difficult for people on the stage to hear them.

But I vaguely heard it.

"Brother... what is he doing?"

"This kid's posture, can't it be a drawing of paper?!"

"Impossible! Drawing silk paper is called Nianhua bergamot in the antique industry. This is just a legendary technique. In order to silence everyone, we tried our best to make a draw. Finally, we came up with a technique that no one knows. Could it be that it hit the muzzle of the gun?"

"Brother, you should say something!"

"What are you in a hurry for? I don't believe anyone would draw papers. Maybe this guy is just playing tricks. Let's see how embarrassing he is!"


I adjusted my breathing, let my ears block out all the noise, and rubbed my fingers frantically and quickly on the lower edge of the Kongming lantern.

This is different from the ancient calligraphy and painting that I tried before.

The fluff inside the calligraphy and painting is relatively small.

But with God's help, the "Xinwen Baojian" ancient paper has a lot of fluff inside.Moreover, since the age is not too old, the paper quality is very good without any pulping.

My technique has reached one of the best conditions ever.

During the rapid rubbing of the fingers, all the fluff in the ancient paper gradually moved closer to the fingertips, but the paper skin remained completely unchanged.

This is an almost magical existence!

After dozens of times.

I shouted loudly: "Open!"

A tuft of fluff is in the hand.

I didn't have time to pay attention to their desperate expressions, I quickly walked to the back door, and lit the fluff in front of the Kitchen God statue.

Fluff flame in hand.

I am like a wizard who knows magic, holding a small fire in my hand, returning quickly, and lighting the Kongming Lantern.

Although I can't go any faster, the fluff in my hand burns very easily. When I lit the Kongming lantern, the fluff was almost gone, leaving only a little spark.

The fire even burned my fingernails.

The pain is unbearable.


The pine wax oil and wicks prepared by the Lu family are rare and the best, even if they touch sparks.

Flames are rising in the Kongming lanterns.

There was a roar of cheers from the audience.

Among the Lu family, many are knowledgeable. They may not know the word Nianhua Bergamot, but they must know the legend of the unique skill of drawing silk paper.They didn't know the inside story of the Lu parents' seniors' questions at all, and they suddenly realized that the questions Lu Feifeng and others raised the lanterns were actually a test of the special skill of drawing silk and paper, and they might even praise the Lu parents' seniors for their hard work.

But I know deeply.

This group of old people is endless.

They dug a big hole and tried to bury me, but they buried themselves.

"A new Patriarch has been born!"

"The head of the family is Sister Cen Yin!"

"Su Chen is amazing..."

At this moment.

The juniors, middle and lower classes of the Lu family, and people from Yingqing Pavilion all flocked to Lu Cenyin.

Uncle Wang raised his arms and called: "Elders, it's time to raise the lights!"

It was too late for Lu Feifeng and others to reply.

Several little girls have already rushed onto the stage.

Holding Kongming lanterns together, several people surrounded the smiling Lu Cenyin, and quickly walked outside the ancestral hall.

The scene was very chaotic.

I don't even know if Lu's elders, Lu Xiaoxin, Yang Lin and others followed.

But they will definitely follow.

Lu Zhijie, who had been slumped in a wheelchair, also followed Lu Cenyin's instructions and pushed out of the ancestral hall under the protection of Uncle Wang.

This is a major event that occurs once every 12 years in the entire Lu family.

The lantern-raising ceremony, as long as they are not dead, they must come, no matter how desperate they are.

Lu Cenyin wins with integrity.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes are staring at them. If they think of something wrong again, it will not only be a humiliation to the ancestors of the Lu family, but also a humiliation to the hundreds of members of the Lu family.

What is unstoppable?

This is momentum!

"Uncle, hurry up and announce the raising of the lights!"

"That's right, firecrackers and fireworks have already been prepared."

"I'm hungry too, I'm ready to have dinner after watching the lights go up."


Lu Feifeng's face was pale, his body couldn't stand at all, his throat was hoarse, and he said in a trembling voice: "Patriarch... raise the lamp..."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin first knelt down and kowtowed to Lu Zhijie who was in the wheelchair, then stood up and bowed deeply to several senior members of the Lu family, and then bowed to everyone in the Lu family.

Since then.

She turned her head and looked at me, smiling like a flower.

The pine wax oil in the Kongming lantern has been burned very fully.

Lu Cenyin held up the lantern, raised her slender hands, and slowly let go of the Kongming lantern.

The Kongming Lantern slowly lifted into the sky.

Firecrackers and fireworks began to blare, and the flames soared into the sky.

The ancient Lu family is having a carnival.

among the crowd.

I didn't see Lu Xiaoxin.

Just feeling surprised, I heard a "plop" sound.

Turn around and look.

Lu Feifeng suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious.

It was only later that I realized why the elders of the Lu family would do their best to help Lu Xiaoxin, and the benefit was only one aspect of it.

More importantly.

Before offering sacrifices to the ancestors and lighting the sky lanterns, Lu Xiaoxin was not idle at all. She collected a lot of evidence, found the Achilles heel of the uncles of the Lu family, and firmly pinched their seven inches. If you don't listen to Lu Xiaoxin's words, you will die a very miserable death.

Of course, this is something.

"Brother, how are you doing?!"

"Come on, send elder brother to the hospital!"


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