Uncle Wang frowned and asked, "Why?"

I replied: "Because Yang Lin is a waste, if he didn't know the problem in advance, he would not be able to pass the simplest level. But what I said just now made their livers tremble, and they couldn't figure out my ability at all, so they I have to make sure that I can't answer the third question. Only in this way can Cen Yin and Xiao Xin be evenly matched."

"If there is a tie, then they can directly announce that the rule of 'Bao San Ren Qi' won't be able to compete with the Patriarch today, and we will change the rules next time. There is also a term in the antique rivers and lakes called 'Dui Bao'. I can't get it, no Maybe you can get it. If the head of the family can't be chosen, then today's lantern-raising ceremony will be completed by Lu Feifeng instead."

When Uncle Wang heard this, the muscles on his face twitched, he gritted his teeth and said, "How shameless!"

Back in the ancestral hall, we sat back to our original positions.

I have been observing Lu Xiaoxin's state.

Since the end of the second round of lighting assessment, her previous calmness, disdain and arrogance have all disappeared, and her face has been pale without a trace of blood, sitting there coldly like a female ghost who just crawled out of a coffin.

And Yang Lin next to her was far away from her, with a very rich expression on his face, he couldn't tell whether it was embarrassment, fear or fear, and his whole body was constantly sweating.

Happy to hear!

I thought of Lu Xiaoxin's appearance when he humiliated me by sitting on a rotten banana, and I couldn't help feeling relieved.

"Why are you looking at Xiaoxin all the time?" Lu Cenyin asked, with two dimples showing on his face.

I asked, "If I went to your sister right now and peeled a banana and stuffed it in her mouth, would she vomit blood?"

When Lu Cenyin heard this, she gave me a blank look: "She is desperate enough now, you must not do this."

I deliberately said, "But I'm still not relieved."

Lu Cenyin replied: "After the ceremony is over, I will apologize to you and make up for her on her behalf, okay?"

This girl has a really kind heart.

I asked, "How to compensate?"

Lu Cenyin asked back, "What compensation do you want?"

I deliberately looked at her chest, the corners of my mouth raised: "I'll talk about it later when I think about it."

Hearing this, Lu Cenyin's pretty face flushed a little, she looked extremely shy, and said in a low voice, "Well...anything is fine."

This look...

Could it be that she has completely broken her defense against me?

I do not know.

But it seems like...

should be.

Drink tea for ten minutes.

The crowd at the scene couldn't wait any longer, and asked the uncles why they didn't come out. Everyone was waiting to watch the lantern competition.

Another ten minutes passed.

The elders of the Lu family came out of the wing room just now.

Lu Feifeng obviously staggered a little, and his face was very ugly.

After coming out, he took a look at Lu Xiaoxin first.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaoxin got up from his seat very rarely, and looked at Lu Feifeng expectantly.

Lu Feifeng shook his head helplessly.

I understand what he means by shaking his head.

Yang Lin is an antique novice.

This lantern bureau.

If it can be tied in the end, they have already exhausted their tricks inside, thank God.

It is impossible for Lu Xiaoxin to win.

She sat down with a very dejected expression.

When Lu Feifeng spoke, his voice was a little hoarse.

"Dear family members of the Lu family, just now we have witnessed two wonderful competitions. So far, the big and small girls have drawn six points each. The next point is the most critical point. Who can get it? This point will officially become the head of the Lu family."

"Of course, if neither side gets points in the final round of competition, and there is a draw in the end, then our patriarch selection ceremony will be temporarily put on hold. At that time, we old men may have to It took a lot of hard work, reworked the rules, and tested it again."

"Hehe, the new rules may not be 'three treasures and seven'... But in short, Feifeng hereby assures everyone that it will be fair, just, and open, and will definitely choose a new head of the Lu family who is trustworthy, reliable, and palatable! "

The tone of Lu Feifeng's words was pale and lacking in emotion, far less cadenced than before.

But the danger remains.

at this time.

The uncle Lu Xiaolin next to him glanced at Yang Lin below, then turned his head and whispered something in Lu Feifeng's ear.

Judging from the shape of his mouth, Lu Xiaolin seemed to be saying "quick start".

this is correct.

The more time is delayed, the easier it is to arouse suspicion from others.

Because the state of that Yang Lin is very wrong now.

His face was pale, his forehead was still sweating profusely, his body was trembling, and he seemed about to faint at any moment.

In case he passed out before the start of the final round, the senior Lu family would not be able to use this as a reason to declare a draw and fight again at another day.

After all, the Lu family doesn't need to coax a son-in-law, and everyone will definitely not agree.

Then I didn't even have any opponents, so I got a point for nothing.

Lu Feifeng obviously sped up his speech: "The last round of raising the lights is a test of skill!"

"Now, a small lamp has been placed in the middle of the Kongming lantern, and the lamp is also filled with pine wax paste. We ask the two young people to remove the lantern from the lantern under the premise that the lantern will not leave the ancestral hall or damage any components of the lantern. Take out something, go to the statue of Zaogong God in the backyard to get the kindling, and light the lantern."

"It's called a good hand to fuel the fire. The son-in-law of the Lu family will use his own hands to fuel the fire of the century-old Lu family!"

As soon as this word comes out.

There was an uproar.

"how can that be?!"

"Is there anything on the lantern that can light a fire?"

"A Kongming lantern only has paper, supporting bones, and a lamp, but if any of these objects are taken out, the structure of the lantern will be damaged!"


Lu Feifeng gave up and said: "Everyone, please be patient, I will give a reasonable explanation later."

Impossible is right.

If it can be done.

They won't discuss it for so long.

The people in the audience were right.

The structure of the Kongming lantern is really too simple, only the outer paper, the supporting frame made of bamboo and the thin copper lamp, these few things can be used to light the fire, but taking any of them will inevitably violate the regulations, and it will damage the components of the lantern.

Yang Lin and I couldn't grab a handful of the gas in the Kongming lantern and light it in front of the candles of the Zaogong statue in the backyard.

Uncle Wang's temper was rather irritable, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This is obviously a scam!"

Seeing him like that, he already disregarded his status as the protector of Baohonghua, and wanted to leave the table to get angry.

Seeing this, Lu Cenyin gave him a cold look: "Uncle Wang!"

Uncle Wang was so angry that his lungs would explode, but Lu Cenyin stopped him, so he had to endure it.

After Lu Feifeng explained the exam questions, his expression had completely recovered, and his eloquence also began to improve.

"The flames are soaring for thousands of years, and the red light rises into the sky to illuminate all generations! This exam question is also not timed, and we have prepared several Kongming lanterns. I am very worried that the two of you will draw again."

"Two juniors, who will come first?"

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