Yang Lin and I entered the garden.

This garden is open.

The others gathered around the garden to watch.

Stealing rape and playing tricks is very difficult.

In the garden, there are thousands of identical small copper lamps scattered all over the place, which look like prayer paper boats on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month on the Qinhuai River.

The old fox also said just now that the small lamps look messy, but they are arranged according to certain rules. The purpose is to test the ability of the two of us to discover the rules and choose the real treasure.

I do believe this.


There are so many small lamps, no one can find them out within half an hour unless they are gods.

When Yang Lin found out, it seemed too fake.

There must be a law as the basic support for fraud.

Remember the website m.9biquge.

But there are so many laws in the world. Chinese characters, numbers and English are the laws, pictographic arrangement is the law, Feng Shui is the law, and the astrology in the sky is also the law... If you don't know the law of the arrangement of the lamps in advance, it is impossible to analyze the conclusion within half an hour. .

Yang Lin walked around the garden, pretending to look for it.

He knew very well in his heart where the two really small lamps were, but he would not go to get them so quickly.

I stared at him while thinking about countermeasures.

Break the world.

There are no more than two ways, one to destroy people and the other to destroy things.

In the current situation, it is impossible to directly engage Yang Lin. After all, there are so many pairs of eyes staring at him, so he can only break things.In other words, I had to mess up and confuse these small lamps so that Yang Lin couldn't find them either.

The most important thing is timing.

Be sure to stir the water thoroughly a split second before he takes out one of the real lamps.

I am not in a hurry.

Let's see how he pretends first.

I lit a cigarette and wandered around the garden.

Sometimes I picked up a lamp, looked at the bottom, and found that it was not real, and immediately flew the lamp out, showing an anxious look, which made the lamp on the ground a little messy.But his eyes were glued to Yang Lin for a moment, and his body was always kept at a distance of five or six meters.

Yang Lin attached himself to the ground to watch those small lamps for a while, and closed his eyes for a while, pretending to calculate and analyze the rules with his hands, with an extremely serious expression.

Why doesn't he become an actor?

Two 10 minutes later.

People watching outside are a little bored.

They started smoking and chatting in one go.

Some guessed the location of the lamp, some chatted about business with each other, some discussed the dishes waiting for the next meal...

Lu Cenyin looked very anxious.

Lu Xiaoxin didn't care, as if he had a chance to win.

At this time when everyone's attention is extremely distracted.

Yang Lin is going to take out the lamp!

His actions are extremely stealthy, and almost no one knows that he is going to fetch the lamp now.

Yang Lin walked around first, and then walked quickly towards the artificial spring.

Seeing this, I quickly took seven or eight small lamps from the ground, and after a glance, I began to throw these fake lamps outside, and followed him inadvertently.As long as Yang Lin dares to lean over to touch the real lamp, the fake lamp in my hand will fly out, and the real lamp will be knocked into the air quickly.

Such a thin lamp, if it flies up and falls into a clump of lamps that I have already messed up, I don't believe he can find it again.

So many lamps flew out of my hand just now, no one would care about how many more flew out of my hand.

What's more, the location of the mountain spring is slightly blocked by rockery and trees.

They can't see clearly from this angle.

Of course, this is only a preliminary plan.

If it doesn't work, I still have a backup.

When Yang Lin came to a lily next to the rockery spring.

My brain exploded suddenly, and I stopped immediately.

Because there are only two lilies in the whole garden!

One is by the rockery spring, and the other is by the gazebo.

Could this pattern be two real lamps under two lilies? !

A century-old Lu family lighting sky lanterns, a century-old marriage to recruit a good son-in-law? !

If this is the case, I may not be thinking about completely paralyzing the assessment site, but whether to continue the game!

But the instant decision is too difficult.

If the guess is wrong, the whole game will be lost.

It's urgent.

I suddenly saw Yang Lin's eyes.

Before he possessed himself, he glanced at the gazebo lily from the corner of the eye.

This is a look of secret joy!

After taking a look, Yang Lin quickly took the real lamp under the lily in his hand.


He also pretended to keep pawing around, picking up other fake lamps, but threw them away again.

Take a gamble!

I gave up Yang Lin, turned around quickly, and ran towards the gazebo. After a few steps, I arrived at the edge of the lily flower in the gazebo, and picked up the lamp under the flower.

When I opened it, I saw the word "Lu".

Yang Lin didn't expect this to happen at all, and suddenly turned pale with fright, and started running frantically out of the garden, raising one hand high, shouting in his mouth: "I found it, I found it!"

He is running out of time!

It's a pity that he ran so fast that he fell and couldn't get up for a while.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

God will kill you!

no wonder me!

I quickly ran out of the garden.

But what people never expected was that when Lu Fei saw me running out, his face changed suddenly, and he rushed in from outside the garden, rushed in front of Yang Lin, squeezed his hand away, took out the small lamp, He said loudly: "Yang Lin found the lamp of the Lu family!"

It's shameless to the extreme!

People outside who don't understand the situation will definitely think that Lu Fei rushed into the garden because his caring disciple fell down.

The old fox was actually worried that I would take the lamp out of the garden first!

Everything happened between lightning and flint.

As soon as Lu Feifeng's words came out.

The audience was in an uproar, and they entered the garden one after another.

Lu Xiaoxin seemed to be relieved, his face was livid, his cheeks were clenched tightly, and he looked like he was alive after a catastrophe.

Lu Feifeng picked up Yang Lin who was sweating profusely from fright, and said with great joy: "That's right, that's true, such a tiny rule was discovered in such a short time, it's vicious, unusual, and terrifying..."

Everyone also felt very curious, and asked what the law was.

Lu Feifeng put the lamp on the tray brought by the staff nearby, and explained complacently.

"Today is a great day for the Lu family to offer sacrifices to ancestors and light sky lanterns, and it is also a great day for the two daughters of the Lu family to bring their son-in-law to meet you. The Lu family has been together for a hundred years, and we, the old bones, negotiated to bring the Lu family lanterns together. Put it under the only two lilies in the garden, and use it as the first question for the lamp-finding exam, take the good meaning, hahaha..."

When everyone heard the words, they all praised this question for its strangeness, wonderfulness, difficulty and meaning.

Lu Feifeng gave up, glanced at his watch, turned his head and asked me with a smile: "There is still one minute left, should Su Chen continue to search, or has he found it and can hand in the lamp?"

I copied my homework, and I could have handed in the paper in advance.

But the shameless chief examiner directly marked Yang Lin's paper with [-] points, and even asked me if I had finished the questions.

My heart is really on fire.

He must be frightened!

I replied coldly: "Hand over the lights!"

Hearing the words, Lu Fei came over to pick up the tray with the staff on the side.

I took out the small lamp and shook my hand violently.

A small lamp as thin as a wing.

Like a sharp blade, it went straight to Lu Fei Feng's door.

Lu Feifeng suddenly turned pale with shock.

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