World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 104 Domineering

I asked, "What else?"

Hearing this, Bian Wu's expression changed. He was so angry that he picked up the broken stone, smashed it on the ground, and cursed: "Grandma! The dog thief from Caimen actually bullied me to steal the door!" !"

Caimen is a trick of the rivers and lakes.

Some people will say, is it equal to being a magician now?

Not at all.

A magician is only good at acting.

The play needs someone to cooperate with it, which is also called support.

Taidi magician surnamed Liu's superb performance on stage attracted a large number of fans, but after revealing the secret, it was discovered that they were all cooperating.Moreover, the old Caimen are tired of playing with those methods.For example, the big transformation of living people, the colorful gate is called the pot dance.The hat turns into a dove, and the colorful door is called teasing.To make something penetrate a hard object or disappear directly in the hand, the colorful door is called Cangwei...

The old Caimen actually disdain drama at all.

Their most powerful thing is the law.

The law does not need support.

The method here is not the magic of exorcising evil spirits and ghosts like monks and Taoists, but a means of confusing people.

Of course, you can also call it illusion.

There are really too many means of the law.

Sister Jiuer and I were in Ulu City before, and we saw a Caimen reformer with our own eyes.

This person cheated in a desert town and was caught on the spot.The person who captured him was very powerful, and several of them swarmed up and immediately took off his arms. The two arms of Bloodthorn Hula were chopped off by the machete on the spot. died.

But after the person who removed the arm was tens of meters away, he immediately got up from the ground and ran away on the motorcycle like crazy.

Everyone looked at the ground, where there were no arms, but two broken rough straws.

I don't know how he did it.

The old man I met under the Bian Wutian Bridge must be a member of the colorful family.

Bian Wu believed in the old man's nonsense, the more he looked at this broken stone, the more he looked like the heart of an emperor, and he took the initiative to tell others how much money he had in his bank card, and foolishly took the old man to the bank to withdraw money, this is typical performance of the law.

The dry pipe in the old man's hand is probably due to his strange practice.

I once asked Sister Jiu'er before: "Caimen people are so cunning, isn't it hard to guard against?"

Sister Jiu'er replied: "It's too simple to break the law, just cover your eyes."

I said: "Blindfolding can indeed prevent you from being deceived by illusions. But the premise is, how can you identify their identities, otherwise you won't remember to blindfold yourself."

Sister Jiu'er replied coldly, "Identify them with your eyes."

It's pretty much a circular dead end.

I had no choice but to keep silent, because if I continued to ask, Sister Jiu'er might get mad at me.

Bian Wu asked angrily: "There are so many people not staring at this old coffin, why are they staring at me?!"

I replied, "Because you don't need money."

Bian Wu asked again: "How does he know that I'm not short of money?!"

I explained: "You have a strong earthy smell on your body. He smelled you, and he knew that you must be a cook. Will the cook be short of money?"

Bian Wu suddenly realized.

After half an hour.

Bian Wu frowned and said, "Brother Su, I can't eat this dumb one!"

I replied: "I definitely can't eat it. All kinds of people walk in the rivers and lakes. They don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face. Generally, they don't use people from other eight sects to make a knife. People from the Caimen ride on the door and pee on the head. If they don't know it, they think you didn't." Friend. It is estimated that he did not go far, you find a way to find him, I will help you out of this tone."

Bian Wu gritted his teeth and replied, "Okay! I'll go out to find him now, give me a night!"

Xiaozhu and I went out.

Xiaozhu asked: "Even if we catch the old man, the Caimen will do weird and unpredictable tricks, but we can't do anything about him."

I replied, "Yes."

When we returned to the rental house, the workers had already restored the entire house.

Looking at this home just like it was, I felt a burst of emotion in my heart.

Things are impermanent and cruel.

Wild beasts are everywhere in the jungle, and no rabbit nest is safe.

If you want to live in peace, you must become a wild wolf with fangs.

The current state has already established itself in Jinling.

The only pity is.

The two major goals of becoming a god and revenge have not made much progress.

However, the strong premonition that I had at the Jinling Hotel last time came again.

The goal is approaching.

It is estimated that it will appear in the next period of time.

As for how this premonition came about.

Not sure at all.

But I believe in it!

While I was smoking and meditating, Xiao Zhu had already put warm water in the bathroom and brought me a change of clothes.

When entering the bathroom.

Xiaozhu didn't leave.

She stood at the door of the bathroom, blushing, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you want me to wash it for you?"

She still never forgets the three rules of Suomingmen: dedication, wisdom, and skill.

I turned around and said, "Silly girl, follow me, don't keep thinking about those broken rules, understand?"

Xiaozhu still lowered his head and didn't make a sound.

I asked: "Afraid that brother will feel uncomfortable?

Xiao Zhu's voice was as soft as a mosquito: "Yes."

I smiled and said, "It's not your concern."

Xiaozhu replied: "Okay...then brother, you should find me a sister-in-law earlier."

I emphasized again: "This is not your concern!"

Xiaozhu heard this, turned around with a blushing face, and immediately walked downstairs quickly.

There is no room here, she has always lived in Xu Qing Hotel.

I said, "Come back!"

Xiaozhu turned around: "Brother, what's the matter?"

I took out the bank card and handed it to her: "There are 500 million in it, and I told you the password before. If you take the time these two days, transfer 200 million to Xu Qing's card, but don't tell her yet. 300 million, transfer 100 million to Brother Xiao, open a bank card and deposit 100 million in it, and give me the rest."

Xiao Zhu's pretty face suddenly changed, and he stopped at me in a hurry: "I can't spend so much money, I have food and housing with my brother, the money you gave last time..."

I immediately interrupted: "I will abide by the rules about foster care!"

Xiaozhu replied in a low voice: "Overbearing..."

I asked, "What did you say?!"

Xiaozhu was taken aback: "It's nothing, nothing...but who is Brother Xiao, I don't know him."

When she said that, I really remembered.

After the incident at Fan Qing's tomb in Jiangning, Fatty Xiao has been dormant holding the jade belt and gentian beads. He didn't come out until I extinguished the incense at the Huangmen of Jinling.But at that time, I had ordered Xiao Zhu to take Xu Qing and Xiao Jing to avoid it on purpose. It is true that they haven't had a chance to meet each other directly.

I said, "Well, first transfer your own money, and I will handle the rest."

Xiao Zhu agreed and went out.

Had a good night's sleep.

It was past nine o'clock the next morning.

Xiao Zhu brought me breakfast from outside.

We were having breakfast when Bian Wu's phone call came.

"Brother Su, I found that old coffin, come quickly!"

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