Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2995 The Laughing Chapter of Blood Suppression

Everyone watched in horror as Lu Chen punched the ice dragon, and the two extreme forces, one hot and one cold, collided instantly.

Boom!The two collided fiercely, and Lu Chen's body remained motionless, but he could feel the sinister cold air that continuously invaded his body at the moment of contact, and those cold air intended to freeze the magic energy in his body.

This cold air is strange, while freezing, it carries a corrosive feeling.

In Lu Chen's strangeness, he was too lazy to think, and with a thought, the fire of law that he suppressed burst out of his body in an instant, directly swallowing up the cold air completely.

The cold feeling in the body disappeared in an instant.

Then, the red golden flames on Lu Chen's fist erupted, all gushing out, and the ice dragon suddenly appeared with cracks, and finally burst into ice rain with a crackling sound, and then was transpired into hot air , disappeared completely in the air in an instant.

"how is this possible!"

The cold dragon melted instantly, and Jiang Yuan's pupils also shrank.

The frightening point of this cold dragon is not the power it contains, but the pervasive extremely cold air.

This icy air contains the most poison in it, not to mention the fifth-level realm of a demon king, or the fifth-level realm of a demon king. Once invaded by this icy-cold air, the magic energy in the whole body will be frozen immediately, and then be killed. Corroded, even the dantian can be corroded!He had clearly noticed that the cold had invaded Lu Chen's body before, so why was that guy fine?

Not only that, he actually has this kind of flame that can melt the cold air!What ghost flame is this?

Could it be that even the poison in the cold air melted and decomposed?

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Yuan felt absurd, this person is a pure-blooded human race, how could he be able to control the flame, and it is still such a powerful flame?

Moreover, Jiang Yuan himself is a descendant of the Spirit Clan and the Xuanbing Clan, and with the icy aura he carries, he usually leapfrogs the ranks and fights three or five levels, which is not a problem for ordinary opponents.

Why can this human race, which is much lower than his level, have such a powerful fire skill to fight against?

Jiang Yuan's mind is full of question marks now, but Lu Chen didn't intend to give him any time to think about it.

Lu Chen bombarded the ice dragon with a punch, and then stomped the sole of his foot suddenly, and the stone slab under his feet was directly cracked.

Then, Lu Chen turned into a red golden light and shadow.

In just one breath, he appeared in front of Jiang Yuan like a ghost.

Seeing this ghostly speed, Jiang Yuan's heart trembled violently.

He couldn't imagine how Lu Chen, with the strength of the fifth floor of the Demon Lord, could have such an amazing speed.

Did he master the speed rules?

Impossible, how could a high-level demon king who has mastered the speed rules be suppressed to the level of only the fifth level of the demon king in the classical tomb?

Before Jiang Yuan could figure it out, Lu Chen looked at Jiang Yuan as if there were red golden flames shooting out of his eyes. Then, Lu Chen slapped out with a palm. This palm wrapped the magic power and physical power of Lu Chen's whole body. The palm was lightly slapped, and it turned out to bring a trace of twisted, palpitating traces of space. This is obviously a vision that can only be caused by an astonishingly powerful force.

The strong people around are all people who know the goods. When they saw Lu Chen's palm, their expressions immediately changed. It seemed a little unbelievable. This palm, even at the level of an ordinary demon king, would be unbearable .

"Huh..." Feeling the terrifying palm wind blowing towards his face, Jiang Yuan's complexion changed drastically, and his eyes finally became dignified. He didn't dare to underestimate him at this moment. Only then did he realize that the person in front of him seemed to be only the fifth floor of the Demon Lord. How troublesome is the ordinary human race.

But at this time there is no way to retreat, and Jiang Yuan has always looked down on the human race, so he has no regrets in his heart.

If he wants to fight, he can fight, he doesn't believe that this human race dares to kill him!A cold light flickered in Jiang Yuan's eyes, and immediately his hands formed seals like lightning, and then a huge ice castle appeared above his head, and then the castle fell down instantly, like a shield of black ice, covering Jiang Yuan completely. Living.

There are two strokes, not bad.

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help admiring in his heart, but his figure didn't stop.

boom!Lu Chen slapped the ice castle directly with his palm, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye immediately shook, and the hard ground was shattered.

The ice castle was also violently shaken by this impact. Even Jiang Yuan, who was inside, could clearly perceive that terrifying force. If that force hit his body directly, I'm afraid even he was severely injured.

Being forced to such a point by a fifth-level human race of the demon king, Jiang Yuan's complexion was abnormally gloomy, and endless killing intent surged in his heart.

Damn, this hateful human race!Today, he will definitely humiliate this person!Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth fiercely, and the blood in his body began to burn.

All the non-human demons present instantly sensed a sense of coercion, sweeping from Jiang Yuan's body like a storm.

That coercion comes from the oppression of the blood.

Jiang Yuan is a descendant of the Spirit Clan and the Xuanbing Clan. In the Demon God Continent, this means that the blood is proud and noble, and ordinary demon races will be suppressed in front of him.

And now that Jiang Yuan has burned the power of coercion in his blood, it will make this oppression reach the extreme.

Under such enormous coercion, the people around couldn't help but retreat one after another.

As for those people brought by Jiang Yuan, they even retreated directly outside the gate, and simply planned to go outside to guard.

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They also saw that Jiang Yuan was obviously planning to force Lu Chen to kneel down, so as to completely humiliate him, so they retreated as soon as possible, so as not to be affected by time, although they all followed Jiang Yuan in, but after all They were members of the Chiyan tribe, and they came with them only to find Su Yue.

It would be embarrassing if everyone knelt down for Jiang Yuan Qiqi.

Seeing this, Zhu Xin and the others also frowned, what a bloodline suppression!She didn't intend to follow back!As a result, Zhu Xin immediately ignited the blood power in her body.

Behind her, Yuluan, Zhuqing, Dean Shen, Shen Wan'er and everyone behind them all began to burn their blood power to resist the pressure of Jiang Yuan.

Invisibly, it seems that everyone has started a battle against their ancestors, not giving in to each other, not shrinking from each other.

Not far away, Su Yue remained motionless, she saw Jiang Yuan's behavior.

Liu Mei also frowned, although she was arrogant and belligerent.

But she likes to gain the upper hand in frontal battles. Jiang Yuan's method of relying on the suppression of blood to gain the upper hand makes her somewhat disdainful.

And if you can do it yourself, what kind of skill is it to fight for the blood of your ancestors?

It's just that the boy is afraid that he will be unlucky.

Su Yue glanced at Lu Chen with a slightly pale face, and immediately said in her heart, Lu Chen's physical body is indeed strong, but Jiang Yuan is also smart, so he directly chose to suppress his blood. In this way, no matter how strong his physical body is, he cannot resist his own blood. weak.

However, under the gaze of so many eyes around him, the corners of Lu Chen's lips curled up, and he immediately smiled faintly.

Everyone didn't see the slightest shock from his face, but noticed a playful look that looked like a smile but not a smile.

"Blood suppression?"

Lu Chen murmured amusedly, and immediately clenched his palms tightly, and the Red Flame Knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the magic energy in his body began to circulate quickly without hindrance.

"How is this going?"

Seeing this scene, Su Yue couldn't help being a little stunned.

How can a person who is suppressed by blood be able to use the power of magic energy so easily?

Lu Chen looked like he wasn't suppressed at all!Everyone was a little stunned for a while, but Lu Chen poured all the power of the magic element into the red flame knife, and smiled slightly: "Oh, I just found out that the human race seems to have never been affected by any blood coercion. !"

Saying that, Lu Chen immediately stepped on his feet unimpeded, and then jumped up high. He raised the red flame knife high, and slashed down at the icy castle that was about to shatter!A red-gold light flashed in the air, like a long rainbow and like a meteor dragging its tail, falling fiercely and fast.

With endless coercion, with a scorching horror breath!But at this moment, Jiang Yuan couldn't move at all. He originally wanted to suppress Lu Chen, but Zhu Xin and everyone also activated the blood pressure. Although the blood of everyone here is not as strong as the spirit clan, it is not low.

What's more, Yu Qingyang, the Xuanbing tribe, was here, and the coercion of the crowd faintly surpassed Jiang Yuan's power, making him unable to move at all for a while!Lu Chen's red flame knife slashed high, and the outermost layer of the icy castle was exposed to the hot flames, and disappeared in an instant.

Immediately, there was a slight cracking sound from the entire castle.

Jiang Yuan's face.

It also became extremely pale at this time, his eyes were full of disbelief, this Lu Chen is not afraid of blood coercion!A lowly race is not afraid of blood coercion!Why is that!boom!Fear of the unknown and out of control welled up in Jiang Yuan's heart, and the castle shattered and burst open with a bang.

Then, Jiang Yuan couldn't stand up because of the huge pressure of Lu Chen's knife.

His legs unexpectedly bent down uncontrollably at this moment. Even though he resisted with all his strength and hurriedly withdrew his momentum, that part of his knee still touched the ground.

Everyone around watched Jiang Yuan suddenly kneel down on one knee in dumbfounded amazement.

Su Yue also opened her beautiful eyes wide at this time, her pretty face was full of disbelief.


Seeing this, Lu Chen still had no expression on his face. He put away the Chiyan Saber and slapped Jiang Yuan directly.

Jiang Yuan's body was thrown backwards in embarrassment at this moment, and in the end he made a mark of hundreds of feet on the ground before being forcibly held steady by him.


The body stabilized slightly, and Jiang Yuan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the powerful Moyuan around him also quickly withered, obviously suffering from severe trauma.

However, he failed to recover from his defeat, and just stared blankly at the figure in front of him with a pale face.

The surrounding area was also quiet, and those strong men of various races stared at Lu Chen in a daze.

This Chase Lu, why isn't he afraid of blood coercion?

How can this be?

Isn't the human race the lowest-ranked race among all races?

The most direct reason is that human races have always cultivated slower than other races, their physical strength is not high, and they have no natural skills. What a bitch!Although everyone does not necessarily look down on the human race, it is a fact that the human race is weak. Why is Lu Chen not afraid of the blood pressure?

It seems that it is not affected by the blood at all!

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