Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2983 Slaughtering all evil spirits

Hearing the sound, Lu Chen didn't hesitate, he let out a clear drink, his figure flashed forward instead of retreating, and he went up to the black dragon.

Down below, Yuluan, Yu Qingyang, Dean Shen and the others immediately raised their heads, clenched their fists, and watched worriedly.

The black dragon shook the sky, overflowing with lifeless aura.

Amidst the huge roar of the dragon, the black dragon opened its mouth wide, and spewed out a dead breath towards Lu Chen.

Seeing this, a sneer flashed across Lu Chen's face: "Hmph, I dare to show this little skill."

Lu Chen's whole body was running with magic energy, and at the same time, he was distracted and poured his understanding of the rules of speed and fire into the red flame knife. He cut his head with a knife. By the way, go up.

A black ball of dead air whizzed towards it in the sky, and a fiery red flame directly penetrated it, directly melting the black ball of light in the air.

Then, the flame continued to fly forward, and quickly flew in front of the black dragon. The flame blade energy gradually turned into a fiery red flame cloud, entwining around the dragon's body, slowly blowing it away. burn.

Wu Chi felt tight in his chest, and then spat out a mouthful of dirty blood.

He began to make seals with his hands in the air, and with the movement of his hands, the black mist changed from thin to thick, but in an instant, the black dragon was completely hidden in the black death air.

In this way, the black death energy of the black dragon gradually submerged the flame completely, slowly corroding it.

Lu Chen frowned, this guy is really powerful, he can even corrode the sky-burning fire, he is indeed possessed by a demon soul, using his demon power, he feels that this black death energy is ten times stronger than before.

While Lu Chen was thinking, the black magic dragon was directly hovering in the air under Wu Chi's control, roaring past the open space in front of the valley.

Sensing the changes in the air, Lu Chen's heart tightened. Wherever the black dragon passed, the energy and vitality in the air began to wither.

No, absolutely dead.

Absolute death is what Suzaku said when chatting, it is the pinnacle of monster moves.

Anything that touches them dies instantly, including air.

An ancient monster used this trick to destroy a human country with a single gesture.

The demon soul sealed in Wu Chi's body can actually do this trick, it seems that what he sealed is still an ancient monster! ???? "Lu Chen, be careful! This is absolutely lifeless!"

Dean Shen was the most knowledgeable among them, and he clearly saw what this move was. Seeing that he hadn't finished shouting anxiously, his voice suddenly stopped and he fell silent.

But see, in the sky at this time, Lu Chen has already rushed towards the absolute death with the fiery red Chiyan knife.

The big sword was vertical and horizontal, and the fiery red blood flame was like lightning in the sky, slashing at the absolutely dead breath of the black dragon in all directions.

"Bang bang bang" crisp collision sounded in mid-air immediately one after another.

But seeing the blood-red flames rushing forward, accompanied by Chase Lu's slashing, cutting the black ball.

Didn't see that Lu Chen was dead, but the rich dead air light ball was cut a few times by Lu Chen, and then the bloody flame quickly burned away along the black light ball.

At the same time, with a thought in Lu Chen's mind, he started to run three thousand thoughts, and the fire of running his own law also paid attention to the burning fire.


After the flame in the air made a loud noise, it began to rise suddenly, and the blood-red flame turned red with a golden color. At the same time, Lu Chen's whole body was also shining with a blood-golden flame barrier to protect his whole body.

Those dead spirits can't get close to him at all.

Lu Chen had no expression on his face, blood-golden flames lingered all over his body, and Fen Tianyan, who was covered in brown flames, was under his feet, all of which made him look like a Vulcan.

Everyone was dumbfounded, there are some people who are not afraid of absolute death!They all heard Dean Shen's exclamation of absolute death just now, but they didn't expect Lu Chen to be not afraid at all!Wu Chi's face turned pale, never expecting that Lu Chen would not be afraid of dying!How is this possible!Is he not alive?

Damn it, he is not afraid of dying, and actually regards his biggest reliance as a waste, damn it, damn it.

Without thinking too much, Wu Chi immediately changed the seal on his hand, trying to let some of the demon souls below attack Yuluan and the others to distract Lu Chen.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the demon soul below moved, Lu Chen had an insight into Wu Chi's plan. He immediately closed his eyes and turned his mind, and the meritorious golden sun above his head began to emit a thousand rays of golden light.

This time, Chase Lu didn't want to show mercy at all, so he simply planned to end it quickly.

Thousands of golden lights are like golden sunlight, penetrating through the layers of gray mist in the air, dispelling all the dead air in the air, and bringing long-lost warmth to the entire space.

At the same time, all the demonic souls and evil things irradiated by this golden light began to be quickly purified by this golden light of merit! "Move my friend, you go to hell!"

In the eyes of everyone, Chase Lu almost surpassed the speed of light in midair, constantly flashing around the black dragon and the giant Wu Chi.

The flaming knife slashed from all directions, with a bang bang sound.

The arrogance and ferocity made the crowd below speechless, and at the same time excited, Lu Chen was so strong.

With a knife, there was a "click".

The demon dragon that should have been the demon soul was actually chopped into pieces by him with a single knife, and the flames quickly surged up, completely engulfing the demon dragon.

"Roar..." Lu Chen let out a loud roar, and the flames in his hands shot out of the air, but he saw a flame rising out of thin air, rolling in all directions, and instantly rolled towards the chopped black dragon.

In an instant, the black bone dragon was completely surrounded by flames.

"As far as your tricks are concerned, the master is just playing with you, you really think you are a cow!"

?The violent roar flew in the sky with the wind, full of Lu Chen's hideousness and anger.

This guy has been thinking of Yuluan and the others all along!It will always be Lu Chen's taboo to do something to friends and family.

He hadn't had time to settle the accounts just then, but now he's here again!Stepping on Fen Tianyu, Lu Chen leaped high, and then fused part of his golden light of merit into the flames.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

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All of a sudden, everyone clearly felt that the increasingly golden flame in Lu Chen's hand brought a sense of destruction!Then, Lu Chen stared at Wu Chi and smiled at him.

Wu Chi's back subconsciously felt cold, and before he could react, Lu Chen slashed at him, from top to bottom, carrying a huge power of magic energy and that terrifying flame!The people below looked up at the furious Lu Chen, and for a moment they all felt that Lu Chen was like the executioner who killed the pig.

At this time, he was holding the pig-killing knife in his forehand, stomping on the pig's bone, instead of facing Wu Chi! "Bang bang bang" where Lu Chen's fiery red sword passed, the sound of Wu Chi's bones breaking, the sound of flesh and blood shattering, floated in the air extremely crisply.

"Good job, Lu Chen, give him a hard beat and destroy this evil clan!"

"Lu Chen, kill him!"

After being stunned for a moment, the people below roared excitedly, and even Yu Qingyang, who was always indifferent, jumped up and roared.

Standing with a sword, Lu Chen's black hair glowed red in the fire.

"I see how arrogant you can be."

The young face was full of ruthlessness, Lu Chen threw out a word, and swung the long knife in his hand.

He slashed at the talisman in front of the giant with a sword.

The curtain of fire rolled up and roared away.


But when there was a sound of breaking, the blood talisman and talisman that Wu Chi painstakingly drew were cut into two pieces by Lu Chen.


After being cut in two, the blood talisman and talisman shattered under the burning of the flame.

Suddenly, flames splashed in all directions, like a shower of fire, splashing down from the air.

"Okay, okay!"

"Lu Chen, you are simply amazing!"

Seeing this, everyone almost went crazy with excitement.

While everyone was shouting, Wu Chi's figure below suddenly stopped. He had been cut by Lu Chen and his flesh and blood were blurred. The power of demonic energy and demon soul all over his body was burnt by Lu Chen's flame and the golden light of merit. It melts quickly, without exerting any strength at all.

It turned out that this was Lu Chen. Wu Chi smiled wryly. He originally thought that Lu Chen was just a pussy, but with a little tricks, he defeated the people sent before.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Lu Chen could even restrain the power of the demon soul he sealed, and he was not afraid of absolute death. He was simply the nemesis of the evil race, the nemesis of the demon race.

It's no wonder that all the members of the evil clan now demand to kill Lu Chen, even if they can't, they must catch the people he cares about, so as to have a better bargaining chip.

The power is lost bit by bit, and the demon soul is weakening bit by bit. Wu Chi can easily sense it in his body, and the sealed ancient demon soul and power are also lost faster and landed on Lu Chen. Watching Fen Tianjiu fly back and forth in the sky.

In an instant, the place was shrouded in golden light, so dazzling that it was almost impossible to open one's eyes.

The evil people on the ground were instantly washed away by the golden light.

The golden light shines across the sky, covering the whole world.

"Lu Chen, do you think you have won?"

Wu Chi, who was gradually shrinking on the ground and all his strength was gradually drawn, looked at Lu Chen with some mockery.

Lu Chen's strength and cultivation, as well as his hole cards, are all amazing, and he also felt the power of absolute suppression.

But what does this mean.

Even if Lu Chen is strong, he is just one person.

Now, the elders of the Ksitigarbha College where Chase Lu works, as well as his friends and lovers, are all going to die in the valley.

Maybe Lu Chen was the nemesis of the evil race, but he, Wu Chi, still stabbed a knife in Lu Chen's heart.

"Hahaha" The wild laughter flew up in the sky, combined with Wu Chi's hideous look at the end, it seemed very imposing, "Lu Chen, I know what you came in for, but let me tell you, Your beloved, your beloved mentor of the Ksitigarbha Academy, is probably all dead now! Hahaha!"

His words gave Dean Shen a pause in his heart, and the blood in his chest suddenly surged, and he was about to vomit blood immediately.

However, in such rampant laughter.

Not only was Lu Chen not angry, his cold eyes flashed coldly, and he sneered, "Since you said that, I really can't let you die immediately!"

In the black eyes, there is a glint of light.

Lu Chen gave an order to Fen Tianjiu, and Fen Tianjiu rushed to Wu Chi with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen swiped the knife with his right hand, and directly probed with his left hand.

He easily grabbed the demon soul in Wu Chi's body, and with a single thought, he sent it to the demon prison in Lingtian World.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Fen Tianjiu was a little puzzled.

Lu Chen directly slashed at the howling Xie Clan people below, and the gorgeous flames flashed, and those Xie Clan people were immediately swallowed up by the flames.

Lu Chen smiled coldly and said, "Didn't he say that I lost.

Then I'll keep him and let him see the day when Lu Chen slaughters all the evil spirits! "

The cold voice was still flying in the air, Lu Chen swung his right hand high, and slashed through the air with a red flame knife.

Immediately, a blood-colored sharp light that looked like a crescent moon shot out across the air, and shot out towards the mountain guard formation in the valley below.

As fast as a shooting star chasing the moon, the bloody light blasted into the mountain guard formation in the valley below with the momentum of sparks hitting the earth.


All of a sudden, there was an earth-shattering thunderstorm and dust flew up.

Immediately afterwards, the ground in the entire space shook violently, and the people on the shaking mountain could barely stand.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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