Chapter 970 Four Subdued

"Hey, did I say something wrong?" Fen Tianjiu walked in front of Lu Chen and yelled at Hydra, "If you were powerful, you wouldn't be killed by Classic and locked up here! Here, I have not been killed by Classic, which shows that I am much better than you! If you have the ability, you can compare with me!"

Hearing this, the hydra almost exploded with anger. The eyes of the snake became extremely sharp, and the voice was low and gloomy: "Really! You question our Xiangliu's strength so much! I will tear you to pieces!"

The dignity of the great super Warcraft cannot be questioned!Hydra looked at Fen Tianyu's disdainful look, and immediately became furious!

"Okay! I'm going to kill you!"

Hydra roared up to the sky, and then, the huge spirit body breathed out a long breath at the magic tower!


The breath of the hydra rang out in the cave with whining roars and ghost winds, and there was a feeling of howling ghosts and wolves, which made people uneasy.At the same time, the breath he exhaled was exactly the same as the black mist just now, even a little darker, with a huge stench and coldness!

He wants to melt this magic tower and all the people inside it poisonously, and destroy all the people and things in this world who despise Xiangliu!


Simply look at the thick black mist that instantly enveloped the entire magic tower, which was as transparent as crystal, and then corroded layer by layer!

With his naked eyes, he could directly see that the black mist was destroying and soaking the outer layer of the magic tower bit by bit!

"Oh my god!" Jian Jian almost fainted, this is an ancient monster, the helper of the demon god!

Are Lu Chen and Fen Tianjiu brainless?Just trying to have fun with your lips!

Now everyone is going to fall here!

Even the Demon King behind Yu Qingyang has a constipated expression at the moment, to talk to Hydra like this, no, talk to Xiangliu like this, I have to say that Lu Chen's courage is also very perverted!what should I do now!

Yu Qingyang frowned watching the changes in the magic tower, and was shocked in his heart. This is a ninth-level magic tower!It's a level nine magic weapon!To be so easily corrupted by Xiangliu's poisonous mist!This monster is really perverted against the sky!

"Do you know that you are afraid! Hahaha" just when Hydra watched its poisonous breath instantly melt the spire of the nine-level magic tower, and laughed triumphantly.

"Destroy us?"

"It depends on whether you have the ability or not!"

A domineering cold drink interrupted him, followed by Lu Chen's majestic voice!

The cold stone room suddenly became a little hotter. Lu Chen didn't know when and how he got out of the magic tower!

Lu Chen looked at the Hydra coldly, and when the red glow under his feet rose, he appeared beside the Hydra in an instant.

At this moment, Lu Chen has a bright red flame mark between his brows, his long and narrow eyes look extremely sharp, his extremely handsome cheeks are cold and mature, and his upright and proud body makes him more attractive to countless girls. Heartwarming masculinity.

Immediately, the hydra sensed that in an instant, the room was full of heat!

This kind of heat seems to be able to melt the Hydra in a second!

Hydra's pupils shrank for a while. As a monster, his innate intuition made him have irreversible thoughts about the flames around Chen Lu, and he trembled in fear: "This, this flame"

"This flame can blow your soul away!" Ignoring Hydra's panic, Lu Chen stared at him coldly, the terrifying pressure in his eyes made Hydra tremble: "If you have the ability, come and try!"

After the words fell, a ray of fire rushed straight to the top of the stone chamber. Under the horrified gaze of the Hydra, the thick flames formed an extremely huge fire cage, leaving him nowhere to escape. The bottom of the fire cage was extremely beautiful but extremely dangerous. The huge fire lotus is slowly rising, and the red lotus heart fire in the center of the fire lotus is several times hotter than the red lotus fire. This is already the strongest killer move Lu Chen can use at this stage!

This is what he realized. The flame that combines the fire of the law and the fire of burning the sky has not yet been named. It is only because of its huge lethality and great consumption, so Lu Chen rarely uses it. .

This time, obviously, Lu Chen was very annoyed at Hydra's coveting of Fen Tianjiu.And this guy actually wanted to kill everyone present, which Lu Chen definitely couldn't bear!

The hydra was locked by a huge iron chain, and it couldn't move at all, and at Chi's speed, he couldn't dodge it. Seeing the huge red lotus rising below, the hydra felt the huge oppression of the soul flying away.

Immediately, the nine snake heads of the hydra moved together, let out an angry roar, and slammed into the fire cage fiercely!

boom! "

The huge snake head slammed into the fire cage, and suddenly there was a loud noise, countless gravels fell from the top of his head, and the Hydra screamed in pain.

He hit it with all his strength, but failed to break through the solid flame cage, he could only watch the flames rushing to his body, and then turned himself into a roasted snake──

"Ahh! I was wrong!"

The flame directly reached the pain of the demon soul, and Hydra couldn't help crying and begging for mercy. He clearly felt that his power was being lost bit by bit. If the flame really burned him completely, I'm afraid he would Not a single ray of demon soul will be left!

"Who the hell are you! Why is there such a flame!"


"I was wrong, please forgive me!"

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Keep me, I'm useful! I'm useful!"

The hydra rolled over and over in the flame cage in pain, but his huge body and huge energy couldn't help the flame cage at all, and burned himself more and more.

Hearing the Hydra begging for mercy, Fen Tianjiu snorted coldly, and stared at the mourning Hydra: "What use can you do? If you dare to make plans with us, I think it will be burnt to death! Lest you spread poison everywhere! "

Fen Tianjiu is also one of the ancient super monsters. It clearly knows that what the hydra said just now that it ate a Fen Tianjiu is not nonsense. After all, the poisonous power of this hydra is really powerful.

But at this moment, a group of demons in the tower were silent and did not speak.

Because this has shocked them so much that they have nothing to say, even the poison that cannot be resisted by a nine-level magic weapon, Lu Chen can completely eliminate it with his flames, not to mention that Lu Chen can beat them every minute Xiang Liu, who feels like there is an existence against the sky!

Can this still be called a human being?

Although Xiangliu now has only the demon soul left, but they dare to say that with Xiangliu, can he directly corrode all the magic weapons of the ninth level? Afraid of fighting!

Lu Chen can actually beat Xiangliu!

Everyone was shocked to the point of numbness, Lu Chen couldn't be called a cultivator at all, this guy is completely like the illegitimate child of a demon god, that's why he is so favored!

When everyone was shocked, the Hydra's heart was full of turmoil. It was fine to be calculated by classical methods back then. After all, that guy was amazing and brilliant. He was famous in the entire Demon God Continent. Not to mention a demon, even a monster His name is like thunder.

But why would he be defeated in this situation if he casually met an ordinary demon king who was suppressed by this secret realm today?

Who is this guy!

No, he can't just be burned to death!

He wants to live, to live!

"My lord! Please forgive my rudeness. I didn't mean to challenge your majesty. It's because I've stayed in this ancient tomb for too long, and I can't recognize your greatness!" Enduring the severe pain, Jiu The head snake howled tremblingly.

"I am willing to surrender to you. I am Xiangliu. I can help you a lot. Please don't kill me! For the sake of my ancestor being the assistant of the Demon God, I beg you to spare me! I will Contain my poison, I guarantee that without your order, I will never hurt anyone! My poison, even those evil races are afraid of it!"

The hydra was so painful that almost the other eight heads were about to bite together fiercely, even so, he still held back his teeth and said.

Hearing this, Lu Chen's eyebrows twitched fiercely, surprised in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Liu was willing to surrender to him.Listening to him saying that his venom can kill the demon race and evil race, Lu Chen was very moved.

At present, he is being hunted down by the evil clan everywhere, and there is an evil lord behind the scenes staring at the Demon God Continent and him. It would be great if there were multiple such powerful helpers.

"What you said is true?" Chase Lu slowly slowed down the burning speed, and asked the Hydra.

Hydra nodded quickly: "It's true, my lord, I can swear to the sky, with the oldest oath!"

Under the severe pain of this demon soul, Hydra still insisted on answering smoothly, which shows that he is indeed a monster with full perseverance.

"Hydra, I appreciate your perseverance." Lu Chen touched his chin and shrugged: "However, I am really dissatisfied with you eating people everywhere and poisoning everywhere. From now on, I hope you will be absolutely loyal to me, When you encounter something, you can’t make up your own mind, you have to listen to me. If I’m not around, you can ask Fen Tianjiu, you can’t make up your own mind anyway. Do you understand?”

While speaking, Chase Lu has slowly reduced the burning degree of the flame.

Hydra froze for a moment, then nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, I understand! I will definitely listen to the master!"

Then, without waiting for Chase Lu to speak, Hydra directly issued the ancient oath, and then a rule of heaven and earth fell directly from the sky and fell on it.

Seeing this, Fen Tianjiu frowned, and said lightly: "Hydra, I discovered this time that your kung fu of begging for mercy is as powerful as your kung fu of poisoning."

"Okay, what are you talking about?" Lu Chen glanced at Fen Tianjiu, thought for a moment and said, "Now we are all on our own, and the most important thing is that you are not allowed to fight among yourself."

"Yes!" Fen Tianjiu nodded repeatedly upon hearing this.

"Okay, now, you go to my bag first and wait." Lu Chen looked at the hydra, and had a vague plan in his heart, and now it's okay to bring the hydra with him in the form of a demon soul. Inconvenient, Chase Lu decided to put him in Lingtian World first.

"Ah?" Hydra's eyes widened, and it looked at Lu Chen like a ghost: "Master, you said you want me to go to the magic bag?"

"What? Is there a problem?"

"No, no..." The nine heads of Hydra shook their heads together, how dare he have any other questions.It's just that I feel that I am a top-level monster, even if there is only a demon soul, it is still a great existence.Lu Chen went to this classical tomb to find treasures, and he could be regarded as a great help.It never occurred to him that he let himself into the magic bag instead of helping him.

At this moment, Lu Chen didn't bother to pay attention to the shackles on the hydra, he directly wrapped the hydra with his spiritual power, and then moved him directly into Lingtian world with a move of his mind.

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