Looking at Lu Chen's smile, the old man felt bad, but it was too late.


With a wave of Lu Chen's hand, a blood-red flame shot out from his palm. The old man couldn't avoid it, and was directly hit in the chest by the flame.

The gray-clothed old man lowered his head in disbelief. He saw a big hole in his chest. Inside was a dark heart, which was now surrounded by fiery red flames and kept burning. The heartbeat burned all over the body together.


The old man hit the black water pool heavily.

However, he didn't sink to the bottom of the water to be corroded. Instead, the flames in his body flowed out of his body along with his blood, and burned into the black water pool, and even the water in the black water pool sizzled into flames!Looking at the gray-clothed old man lying on his back on the black water pool, Lu Chen frowned, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

He closed his eyes, and slowly connected his mental power with the blood-red flame burning on the black water pool, and then slowly activated the magic power.

Gradually, the inexplicable and strange corrosive power in the black water began to weaken little by little with the operation of the magic power in Lu Chen's body. "Huh?"

Yuluan in the distance saw this scene in the pagoda, but felt something in his heart, as if Lu Chen was refining the black water?

The people who were fighting around were also taken aback by the monstrous fire that suddenly ignited in the black water pool.

They couldn't help but paused and stopped.

"Elder Ge!"

"Vice Pavilion Master!"

At this moment of pause, those yellow-robed people noticed that the deputy pavilion master had died tragically in Lu Chen's hands.

Seeing this, a man in yellow robe who was leading the attack on Yuluan was stunned for a while, then sneered like a ghost, his figure turned into a wisp of fuzzy smoke, and appeared above the magic tower as fast as lightning, with a black spear in his hand, With a forceful slash, mixed with billowing magic energy, it slashed down like a huge wave.

"If you kill the deputy pavilion master, I will kill your friend!"

clang!The yellow-robed man slammed heavily on the demon tower with a ferocious blow, and then he closed his eyes. A boundless black evil mist emerged from his body, and began to wrap around the demon tower layer by layer.

Seeing this, Dean Shen couldn't help but shrink his pupils, this is an evil poison technique!This kind of evil poison is the sinful poison of the evil people, it will quickly corrode everything in the world, it is more ruthless than that black water pool!Unexpectedly, there would still be people of the evil clan practicing this evil poison technique! "Be careful, everyone, and be ready to fight at any time!"

Dean Shen hurriedly reminded: "This is evil poison. After the devil is infected, his cultivation base will be corroded. If it is mild, his cultivation base will regress, and if it is serious, his dantian will be destroyed, and he will be seriously injured or die of serious illness!"

Sure enough, after a while, the magic tower also became dim at this time, and then shrunk rapidly.

Oops!If one person wanted to refine the evil poison, he had to kill tens of thousands of creatures.

Moreover, these creatures were tortured to death with the cruelest methods, and their devil souls were refined and concocted in order to accumulate a little bit of evil poison.

However, even that bit of evil poison can directly kill a person in the realm of an ordinary devil king!What's more, this person actually has so many evil poisons!Dean Shen saw that the nine-level magic tower was no match for the infection of this evil poison, and his heart sank immediately.

However, before he and Yuluan and the others were ready to stand up and fight hard, Lu Chen on the side was using the method of turning a thousand thoughts into one thought to separate his golden body of merit and control his condensed body with mental power. The meritorious little sun like a small apple leaped directly to the top of this magic tower!Everyone only saw a small golden sun of merit suddenly appearing above Chen Lu's head, and then, the golden sun of merit flew to the top of the tower, and then stopped steadily, bursting out with golden light! "what!"



As soon as the radiance of the Golden Sun of Merit shines out, the surrounding yellow-robed men who are fighting are like snow meeting fire, not to mention white smoke coming out of their bodies, and some of them are melted in the sun!Obviously, the evil mist on the demon tower was completely dispelled by the golden day of merit.

In the dark, as if there was a Sanskrit sound, the scattered demon souls in the evil mist were taken away.

Everyone stopped their hands involuntarily, stood one by one, staring blankly at this scene.

Finally, Jin Ri completely destroyed the evil poison and the evil people, and the refining on Lu Chen's side was also over.

He suddenly opened his eyes, only to see a pool of black water in front of him, which had now turned into a pool of green water, just like a normal pool of water, without that strange power.

The Deputy Pavilion Master of the Qisha Pavilion, which was originally floating on the water, was completely burned by Lu Chen at this moment, and there was no ashes left.

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, moved his feet, and kicked a stone into the water.

This time, there was no chi chi sound in the water.

The stone fell down quietly without being corroded.

As for the people on the shore, they also gathered together at this moment, faintly, through the surface of the water, they saw the faintly glowing black amber crystal under the water.

"Amber Amber Crystal Stone!"

Someone recognized it at a glance, and immediately yelled loudly.

One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and everyone around was suddenly excited!Amber Amber Crystal Stone!What a precious and precious thing, there are so many below!Everyone's hearts became hot again for a moment. They didn't care about electric eels or electric eels, magic ants or magic ants. Now they just want to get a piece of amber crystal stone, even if they have one, they will send it!What's more, now that the black water pool has no corrosive power, there is nothing to worry about, the situation is much better than before!Just do what you say, some are bold and impatient, and throw a stone at the lake, the result is indeed the same as the stone thrown by Lu Chen, it's nothing at all.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The man suddenly felt relieved, and hurriedly swept towards the middle of the lake.


At this time, the vast lake has become extremely lively, with figures flickering back and forth, slashing and slashing at the magic electric eels in the lake.

There are still some people fighting for the best position and timing, and a scuffle broke out.

While the scuffle broke out, those magic electric eels hiding under the black water were also waiting to move. Once they found a flaw, they would launch a fierce offensive.

Therefore, when the scramble erupted on the lake, all kinds of shrill screams kept ringing out, and figures kept falling from mid-air into the water.

Although the black water has now become ordinary water without corrosive power, when the magic electric eels in the black water also attack, those who fall into it are desperate and frightened.

Lu Chen looked at the scene in front of him indifferently, as if all these battles had nothing to do with him. He first returned to confirm the safety of Yuluan and others, and then he used his speed to the extreme and quickly faced the center of the lake. away from the area.

In just a few minutes, Lu Chen approached the central area of ​​the black water pool. With his eyes fixed, he stepped directly on the water surface, then slowly squatted down, stroked the water surface, and then slowly wrapped it with his majestic demonic power. Looking at the entire lake surface, Lu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately thought "Boom!"

Everyone was startled when they heard the doctor's explosion, and then they saw that the water surface that seemed to be sparkling just now disappeared all of a sudden!Those magic electric eels in the water are gone too!All the water disappeared, leaving only an amber amber crystal at the bottom of the lake!There is also a peculiar lotus bud!Of course, there are still some black magic ants at the bottom of the water.

But the crowd was already crazy, they desperately grabbed those amber and amber crystals and put them in the space ring, as if they had completely forgotten that there were many black magic ants around them that could kill them, especially those who were later passed here. Every one of them even had red eyes!For them, amber crystals are rare treasures that have been seen for tens of thousands of years, and some people have never seen one in 10,000+ years!Now there is actually a pool here!These people are all robbing, fools know it's a treasure!Seeing such a scene as soon as he came up, Lu Chen was naturally angry. He worked hard to pump all the water and magic electric eels to Lingtian World, but he didn't expect these greedy guys to be lucky. I plan to take the whole pot, I don't want to leave it to him at all, and I don't understand any rules! "what!"


While everyone was scrambling for it, several people were gnawed clean by the remaining black magic ants in the pool.

It was only then that everyone noticed that the black magic ants in this pool should not be underestimated!Whether they were bombarded with magic elements or hit with magic weapons, these black magic ants were not afraid at all!Even some racial skills of other races are useless against these guys!Not only that, these black magic ants also swarmed up and engulfed the three people who were cutting them!For a moment, everyone was scrambling to get away from the bottom of the pool.


Seeing the ugly appearance of the people at the bottom of the pool, Lu Chen snorted lightly, his eyes fell on a piece of land where the most densely populated magic ants were, and he raised his hand and flicked the flames out.

With a flash of red light, those magic ants were instantly swallowed by the flames, just as fast as they swallowed the lives of others.

Taking advantage of this gap, everyone crawled out of the bottom of the pool and hid in a slightly safer place.

Lu Chen smiled coldly, immediately wrapped his whole body in flames, and then walked to the bottom of the pool swaggeringly like a leisurely stroll.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lu Chen first picked the strange lotus in a calm manner, then he squatted down, and reached out to stroke the bottom of the pool.

As soon as he closed his eyes, there were screams from many people around him. A faint golden light radiated from Lu Chen's body, enveloping the entire area at the bottom of the pool.


With Lu Chen's low drink, in a blink of an eye, the amber crystals at the bottom of the pool, which were almost the size of a football field, were collected in Lingtian World!Now, there are some black magic ants left at the bottom of the pool, crawling around.

This scene was seen by everyone, and they shouted in surprise.

"I collected so many things without moving!"

"What the hell is that baby?"

"Damn it, that person took it all away!"

Lu Chen took away almost [-]% of the amber crystals, which naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people. They gritted their teeth hard and felt a little psychologically unbalanced.

"I said, your way of holding it seems a bit too much, right?"

A person suddenly said, "So many amber crystals, why did you take them away!"


Lu Chen raised the corners of his lips lightly, and a few strands of sarcasm flashed in his black eyes: "So you can beat the evil clan, or can you beat the magic electric eel and the black magic ant?

Why don't we make gestures?" The words were light and calm, but it made a group of people stand on end, yes, how could they forget, this guy is a peerless killer! Besides, he was the one who saved everyone just now. Everyone was excited by the treasure The enthusiasm gradually calmed down, and once they cleared their minds, facing this murderous Lu Chen, no matter how thick-skinned they were, they couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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