Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2966 Strange forces

As soon as they came to the bottom of the valley, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. On this grassland, there were densely packed skeletons of various animals, many of which were broken and incomplete. Torn in half, all over the ground, there are thousands of heads, all of them are monsters!The further you go into the valley, the more you can see skeletons appearing one after another, including human beings and monsters.

Especially the skeletons of monsters, one can be found every few hundred meters. Each skeleton is terrifyingly huge. Even in the state of death, everyone can feel the dignified pressure from them, and some of them have even reached half a step. The step of crossing the catastrophe.

In the thin white mist, the stench became heavier and heavier, almost to the point of nausea. Everyone frowned and stepped forward step by step, turning a corner.

After that, his eyes finally brightened, and his vision expanded infinitely.

An empty and wide grassland was trapped by the towering peaks all around. In the distance, a faint cold wind and a powerful coercion came from a huge cave.

This coercion carried the familiar feeling of Lu Chen and Yuluan, and they were almost 100% sure that this was the entrance to a classical tomb!But why are there so many corpses of monsters here?

Could it be that someone has tampered with this cave, is there anything weird about it?

Do you want to go in now?

While everyone was hesitating, a huge and tyrannical magic element suddenly fell from the sky!Hey, the magic element directly attacked Lu Chen and his party. Lu Chen frowned, and a blood-red flame the size of a finger popped out and burned them!Everyone turned their heads to look, and as far as Lu Chen could see, there were only two waves of nearly a hundred figures rushing towards them, and finally landed on a huge rock like a hill nearby.

"What are you going to do?"

Before Chase Lu and the others could ask questions, the person who had just arrived was the first to ask.

Lu Chen had never seen the two groups of people before, but Yuluan couldn't help but frowned. These two groups of people were some master guards from Stan City and Yiming College.

There are a lot of people in the two waves, the lineup is strong, and the fluctuation of the magic element is extraordinarily powerful.

"Stan City and Yiming Academy should come here as companions."

Yuluan looked at it with beautiful eyes, and her eyebrows were tightly frowned. If Stan City and Yiming Academy were placed in the entire Dongjing, they would not be regarded as first-class forces, but after all, they are the two most powerful existences in the city.

"So it's them, it's really the enemy's narrow road."

However, Lu Chen has not forgotten that they have enmity with these two major forces.

Yuluan also nodded slightly. She was also a little helpless, always encountering these troubles. Although she was not afraid, she would feel that they were as troublesome as flies.

"You guys, are you deaf?

I didn't hear you talking to you, did you? "

The leader said arrogantly, very dissatisfied with Lu Chen? They didn't reply.

call out!call out!While this person was talking, there was an astonishing sound of breaking wind in the distance. When everyone looked around, they could only see nearly a hundred figures rushing towards them, and finally landed on a mountain peak overwhelmingly.

"This should be the place where the classics fell."

The visitor spoke directly, and the deep voice actually resounded faintly in the valley, slowly echoing between the heaven and the earth.

"Who is this?"

Lu Chen looked in that direction. At the front of the group of people was an old man in a gray robe, and behind him were nearly a hundred figures in yellow robes. Each of them stood quietly. Behind the gray-robed old man, his eyes were sharp as a blade, and he glanced around, deep in those eyes, there was a strong evil spirit surging.

Looking at the figures in yellow robes, Lu Chen frowned slightly subconsciously. The fluctuations of the magic energy surging around these people were not strong, but it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Why do these people feel so disgusted?"

Yu Qingyang seemed to have sensed something too, and a look of disgust flashed across Qiao's face immediately.

Yu Luan immediately looked over, and then his eyebrows twitched slightly. For some reason, Yu Luan felt that these people gave them a very dangerous feeling.

I don't know if the guy who just provoked Chase Lu and the others was frightened by these people. When he saw these people, a trace of discomfort crossed his face. He obviously wanted to say something, but in the end he still I suppressed it, and didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing this scene, Yu Luan and Lu Chen frowned slightly, and the uncomfortable feeling in their hearts became stronger.

"Be careful these people are weird."

Dean Shen whispered quietly, "The aura on them is very strange, a little impure.

It seems to be covered by something. "

Cover breath?

Lu Chen frowned, and his heart was even more vigilant.

When Yu Qingyang, Yuluan and the others were staring at the gray-robed men, the old man also shot his gaze over.

His eyes were sharp and full of chills, looking at Yu Luan and Lu Chen, a slightly eerie and strange smile appeared on his face.

Similarly, when the forces of Nastan City looked over, the old man also smiled strangely, which made the hearts of those people tremble when they saw it, and they felt very uncomfortable and threatened.

Seeing Lu Chen and the people in Nastan City, the old man didn't leave. His eyebrows moved slightly and invisible, but he made a random gesture to the back, telling his subordinates who wanted to go in to wait.

He is familiar with the forces in Nastan City, but he has never seen these young people, but he has never seen them. These people are too young, but they will give him an extremely dangerous feeling. It's better to stay still for the time being and observe them for a while.

After confronting each other for a while, many people came to this valley, almost occupying most of the valley.

It's just that these people are at a stalemate with each other now, everyone wants to go in first, but everyone is afraid that the people behind will stab the knife, so the atmosphere has cooled down.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

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Time passed bit by bit, passing quickly while waiting, and soon, the night was shrouded, a round of full moon hung high in the sky, and the cold moonlight filled the sky and the earth.

Everyone held their breath, and even the conversation was suppressed, and the eyes kept scanning each other.

Of course, some people became a little anxious, what are they doing?

Don't you even go in, do you want to stay here until you die?

Some low, angry curses spread in the night wind.

"There are so many people here."

Jian Jian couldn't help but smacked his lips, looking at this appearance, I am afraid that within a radius of thousands of miles of this valley, some capable forces and strong people are all rushing towards this place, the attraction of the classical tomb is indeed Well-deserved reputation.

"These guys all want to go in, but they are all scruples, so they are willing to look at each other and calculate, but they don't plan to go in immediately."

Yuluan frowned slightly, these guys are really wasting time.

When Lu Chen heard the words, he didn't say a word. They were still a little apprehensive at first, and didn't know what it would be like to go in. Since these people wanted to go in first, let them go in first and be the wayfinders.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen made a sound. He clasped his fists and said, "I and a few friends are naturally interested in the classical tomb, but I don't dare to compete with you. Please take it first, and we will go in last." gone."

Lu Chen made a sound, and all the people around him shot over in an instant, staring at him like searchlights, sizing him up.

Under the moonlight, Lu Chen was dressed in a blue robe, with his head slightly lowered, making it difficult to see clearly.

He smiled slightly: "Is the big guy going to stand here until dawn?

Standing with each other, the treasure is still not available. According to me, there is no difference between going in first and going in later.

Don't you see that so many people entered this classical tomb before, and none of them came out?

It can be seen that this treasure is not something that everyone can get after entering.

Why should everyone be on the defensive outside here, it is better to go in and rely on their own abilities. "

As he said that, Lu Chen glanced at the place of Nastan City and Yiming Academy: "It's not a skill to stop people in front of this ancient tomb. If you have the ability, you can go to the ancient tomb to get the treasure, and then the scenery will come out. That's the ability." .

Do you say so?

Everyone from Stan City and Yiming Academy?

It was too domineering to stop us from entering before, right? "

Lu Chen's words fell to the ground, and everyone quickly turned their eyes away.

Those who didn't know them knew that they were the power of Stan City.

Moreover, they were probably the ones who blocked people from entering at the beginning.


Hearing the words, the former man in Stan City immediately looked over ferociously. It seemed that he wished he could eat Chase Lu immediately!Good boy, I didn't speak before, I thought he was cowardly, but I didn't expect to hold my stomach and wait here!I can't see the skin off him!The man's words were released, and immediately his eyebrows were crossed, and he was about to rush over to strike.

It was the old man in gray robe who snorted faintly: "Stop!"

The faint voice carried an indescribable sense of deterrence and coercion, and it slowly echoed in the valley.

Everyone's face changed slightly, and the guy who was about to make a move also turned pale because of the sound, and suddenly his chest felt tight, and he stopped.

How is this going?

What is the origin of this old guy?

Just one sound made his blood surge!The old man said lightly: "Little brother is right, after entering, each depends on his ability.

Are you blocking people from fighting here because you want everyone not to go in?

idiot! "

As soon as the words fell, the old man rushed out first, took the people behind him, turned into specks of light and shadow, and rushed directly into the huge cave.

The surrounding air suddenly condensed.

"Come on!"

Suddenly someone let out a low growl, and immediately there was a violent riot in the world, and countless figures were seen flying across the sky, and then rushed into that cave like locusts.

The people in Nastan City couldn't care about Chase Lu at the moment, and gave them a hard look, and the man left a sentence: "Wait for me!"

Then he disappeared into the cave with everyone behind him.

"What is this?"

Simply looking straight at the eyes for a moment, how could this happen?

Either don't move, or grab like a bandit.

"Let's go too."

Yuluan smiled: "I think the elders of the Dizang College must be waiting inside."

"These guys go in, I'm afraid they will be more dangerous."

Dean Shen sighed, "That girl Wan'er is also inside, I don't know how she is doing now."

"My intuition tells me that Wan'er and the others will be fine."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, raised his head, and took a deep breath of the cold air. It was not his wish to come to this world, but after all, there are some things that require all his efforts to pursue and strive for.

For example, Shen Wan'er and Zhu's friends who treat him sincerely, and the elders of Ksitigarbha College.

Yuluan also nodded, and reminded: "But everyone should be careful after entering, the degree of danger of the Classical Tomb is no less than that of Longtan and Tiger's Den.

When everyone goes in, hold hands and don't get separated. "

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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