Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2954 Snow Ganoderma lucidum in hand

The sudden burst of momentum in the sky, the strong wind rubbing against each other made a sharp sound, colliding and impacting, destroying everything, and the sudden energy storm almost overturned everyone around who wanted to rush forward at once!Taking advantage of this time, Lu Chen directly faced the two half-step tribulation-level masters who were about to rush forward at the end!These two old men both have white beards and white hair, so they probably want to fight this time, but it's a pity!They are meant to stay here! "Seal of Thousand Mountains!"

Facing Lu Chen who was rushing towards him, an old man who had crossed the tribulation realm in half a step roared in a low voice, and directly displayed his unique trick, the technique of sealing the demon soul! "boom!"

As the old man spared no effort to launch a huge beam of storm light, the expression of the other old man changed slightly, and the tyrannical skill brewed in his hand was also displayed suddenly during the operation of the magic element.

"Whirlwind tearing!"

As the old man sipped softly, the space in front of him fluctuated slightly, and countless huge white wind blades of more than ten feet flashed out of thin air, and then entangled with each other, like a cylinder full of blades, spiraling high and violently rushing out.


The beam of light and the wind-rolling blade swept towards Lu Chen. Where these two behemoths passed, the space was slightly distorted, and in an instant, they were in front of Lu Chen!Lu Chen frowned, stood still immediately, and then circulated the power of the magic element in his whole body, crazily activated the Dafa of Slaying Monsters, combined with the rules of the Burning Fire that he had comprehended, and poured it into the Red Flame Saber sparing no effort!In Lu Chen's instant action, the two behemoths flashed out like lightning, almost as if flickering, and appeared not far in front of Lu Chen with just two jumps.

"Lu Chen!"

Yuluan's pupils shrank when he saw it, and he was ready to leap over immediately.

"Wow! Let me tell you, this guy must die!"

"That's right! Overthinking one's abilities, it's fine if you beat the Demon King, but you actually want to fight with the half-step tribulation realm!"

At this juncture, those who ran away had no time to watch, but those who watched from a distance could clearly see the situation here.

One by one immediately talked about Chase Lu and others, feeling that now, these four people are destined to die in the hands of everyone.

However, Lu Chen was undisturbed at this juncture. In addition to running the magic yuan crazily, he was also distracted and released his majestic power of the demon soul in an instant! "boom!"

In an instant, Lu Chen shrouded the power of the demon soul in those two half-step crossing tribulation realms!This is a devil soul at the level of a devil saint, just accept it!Lu Chen sneered, the beam of light and the wind scroll are controlled by two old guys' demon souls, they can't move, and this thing will naturally be affected too!Sure enough, just when the two half-step tribulation realms felt a huge coercion like the descending of a demon god enveloped their bodies, the speed of the two behemoths also slowed down instantly.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, seized this opportunity, directly stepped on the void, turned over, and the red flame knife followed him to draw a beautiful arc in the air!This arc also turned into a huge whirlwind of red gold flames, aiming at the beam of light and storm that swirled in the sky!At the same time, his majestic demonic soul power controlled the remaining half-step tribulation realm masters in the sky, and the demonic soul ruthlessly pressed down on the place where the flame whirlwind passed, and the temperature of the forest below suddenly increased!Almost all the trees and flowers were about to burn, and many monsters rushed out of it.

Seeing this change, the demon king who followed to protect Yu Qingyang couldn't help swallowing.


Three gigantic monsters with a roaring sound collided with each other in the air, and at the moment of the collision, the space was almost silent.

This fierce collision caused each other to release terrifying energy crazily. At the junction of the three, the space seemed to be slightly rippling.

The few half-step tribulation masters who were controlled by Lu Chen with the demonic soul disappeared in smoke. The violent energy swept up and rose, as if to tear the sky and the earth apart, leaving forever on the plain outside the monster forest. The next hurricane with deep scars blew the cheeks of those fleeing in fear in mid-air. They didn't dare to look, they could only squint their eyes to find a way out, wishing they could grow two more legs.

At the place where the energy exploded, there was a loud noise as deep as thunder!Under the loud noise containing violent energy, some mountain ranges below were constantly shaking like an earthquake.

Between heaven and earth, there is blood!It wasn't until the violent wind calmed down that those who fled in all directions dared to look back tremblingly.

The energy storm dissipated slightly, and four figures standing in front of the gigantic Fen Tianjiao that lifted the sky could be clearly seen.

One person is wearing ice blue armor, with a beautiful face and an extremely indifferent expression. The power of the cold demon soul and the radiant battle armor are constantly pouring out of the body, forming a crystal clear visual effect, which is extremely beautiful. It almost fooled people's eyes.

The other person was wearing a black robe that fluttered with the wind.

He held a red flame knife in his hand, his black hair fluttered in the air, he was extremely handsome, but he exuded a majestic and overbearing aura.

The other two were wearing hoods, so they couldn't see their faces clearly at all. Lu Chen and Yu Qingyang looked at each other, their eyes shone slightly, reflecting each other's appearance at this time, and each gave admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

Lu Chen sighed that Yu Qingyang's stunning beauty was well-deserved, his current appearance was truly cold and aloof, breathtaking, while Yu Qingyang sighed secretly, Lu Chen's appearance would really make all the young girls cherish spring.

Under their feet, it is completely a Shura hell.

On the horrific battlefield outside the city, there are corpses strewn all over the field, and the ground is full of blood. I'm afraid that before the start of the battle, no one would have thought that it would end in this way.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The thousands of people watching the battle in Buluo City were stunned! "how is this possible?"

"Oh my God!"

"This is not true" After a moment of dead silence, countless exclamations of astonishment almost blurted out, and the voices one after another formed an uproar, and the people watching the battle outside the city were almost scared out of their minds!The few people who thought they would die, not only killed the demon king in the sky, but also summoned a super monster of ancient blood, and directly killed the half-step cross-tribulation master with their own strength!In particular, among these few people, there was a useless demon king who couldn't use his abilities, a first-level demon king, and they actually killed five half-step tribulation-level and twelve demon king-level powerhouses in this way!Under the attack of the terrifying beast Fen Tianyu, there were countless demon kings who were killed or injured at the first level, and countless demon kings!This result almost made everyone stare blankly and terrified.

Do you want to be so scary!This is simply appalling! "I, I just heard that the Witch Demon King yelled before he died, that the Demon King who killed him realized the burning fire at the first level!"

A first-level demon king who had just escaped from the battlefield shouted loudly among the chaotic crowd.

This reminded everyone around that many people heard the Witch Demon King's shout, and at this moment, those who survived the catastrophe began to chatter in disorder.

"Yeah, I heard that too!!"

"And me, I thought it was an illusion, but looking at the results now, I'm afraid it may not be fake.

"It's too exaggerated. Can a demon king who can use the rules be called a demon king at the first level! And he defeated the witch demon king who understood the rules. What kind of freak is this?"

"Damn, I've never seen such a perverted demon king at the first level, from now on I'll call him 'the perverted demon king at the first level!'"

"And Yu Qingyang, who is obviously a waste, actually killed three demon kings at once this time! Did he always pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger before!"

"Who are those two black robes? They are also very powerful! They still haven't shown their true colors!"

"Don't you care how he received the super monster! Just now I was almost paralyzed!"

"My God, I think the Demon God Continent is about to change." Amidst the clamor of thousands of mouths intertwined, the name "Perverted Demon King First Level Realm" has been collectively recognized by the masses. It is about to startle the world. It has never been seen in hundreds of thousands of years that a demon king who can face the first-level realm of half-step crossing the tribulation realm.

However, Lu Chen didn't have the intention to be worshiped by others, so he put away all the trophies, took Fen Tianji away, grabbed Yu Qingyang and Yu Luan, took the demon king with him, and disappeared suddenly in the air.

Looking at the direction where Lu Chen disappeared from a distance, Wan Yan shook her head with a wry smile on the top of the city, also in shock.

She was going to help Lu Chen and Yu Luan because of their familiarity, but she didn't even have a chance to make a move.

Looking up at the sky, she finally smiled: "Okay, pervert, good luck."

Lu Chen still doesn't know that he has become the spokesperson of the word "abnormal" from now on. This war started, and his perversion has been widely known to the world. Using his own speed rules, the devil ran to the depths of the monster forest.

Chase Lu's gains from this kind of war are much smaller than the treasures he got. These people only left a bunch of space rings and a bunch of magic bags.

It is full of low-grade magic crystals and some low-level magic weapons.

As for Yue Ji and Wu Mei, although they barely had magic weapons of level seven and level eight, Lu Chen was not very satisfied.

He is not short of this now.

As for the money, they gave away all their top-grade magic stones, almost tossed by Lu Chen. In the end, he simply threw it to Yu Qingyang and Yuluan, letting them choose what they like, and he only wanted the Holy Spirit. .

Yu Qingyang knew that it was impossible for a refiner like Lu Chen to be short of money, but he couldn't help being moved in his heart.

"Lu Chen, I have always wanted to ask you, although this Holy Spirit Mushroom is a good thing, it can only increase one level of strength after all, and it can be achieved after a few more years of practice. Why do you attach so much importance to it?

You even set up a trap for this thing to wait for the witch, it's not difficult to get herbal medicine or spiritual fruit with the same effect with your financial resources. "

Yu Qingyang was a little strange.

"It's like that for others.

Lu Chen looked at Sheng Shengzhi and smiled slightly, "However, for me, a genius alchemist, it is naturally different.

And this Holy Spirit Mushroom can help Warcraft transform into form. "

This remark had already appeared, and immediately caused Yu Qingyang to cry out in astonishment: "Alchemy, you can actually do alchemy! You are such a pervert! You can do everything!"

"Oh my God, it's actually Transformation Pill! You can also refine this kind of pill?

! ”

The Demon King was also very surprised.

On the other hand, Yuluan was calm and quiet at the moment, and she understood now, no wonder Lu Chen was so eager to ask for Holy Spirit Zhizhi, it turned out to be for Fen Tianjiu.

This guy has always done his best for his monsters and friends. Lu Chen looked at the surprised Yu Qingyang, turned his head and looked at Yu Luan, and the two smiled slightly.

Lu Chen had a premonition that Fen Tianjiu's evolution would undergo great changes this time.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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