Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2941 There is a good auction

"So, in the final analysis, all this started because of me, Lu Chen."

Lu Chen looked at the old-looking Dean Shen, and a trace of guilt rose in his heart.

At that time, after Chase Lu burned five unkind comers to death, the dean directly dismissed all the students.

Then he brought Lu Chen over to talk, and explained the ins and outs of the whole thing clearly.

Only then did Lu Chen know that not only Chu Yu, but even Shen Wan'er had disappeared in the classical tomb.

It is said that it was Shen Wan'er who wanted to find herself as soon as possible, so she went to the World of Warcraft Forest alone. In the end, she was forcibly detained by an elder and brought to the classical tomb by the way.

"I can't blame you."

Dean Shen let out a long sigh: "In the final analysis, this ancient tomb is a peerless treasure in front of any power, and no one will not be tempted.

As for you, you have suffered an indiscriminate disaster. "

Lu Chen thought for a while, and finally picked up some things about his disappearance, and told the dean half-truths and half-truths.

For example, he met Yuluan, and then he and her were dragged into the tomb of classics, and came out again by accident.

Of course, Lu Chen also said that he got a little benefit in the tomb.

In the end, the two were teleported to the black domain, and they were delayed for a long time without knowing it, and they just came back.

The dean waved his hand: "This is all your chance, everyone has their own destiny.

Don't worry, I won't say anything casually, what are your plans now?

How could you happen to be accompanied by the younger brother of the Wushuang city lord today?

You said you saved him back then, what is going on? "

"Dean, it's like this." Chase Lu directly told the dean what he heard about the conspiracy and helped the academy solve it.

"So, Dean, I think the black hand behind this matter must be the guy called the evil lord!"

Lu Chen said: "Today, the leader of the man in black was directly transported to a fantasy by me, and he did not die.

I spared his life just to find out who the queen mother was behind this matter. "

"Okay, I will leave this matter to you."

The dean nodded. Now, he has more respect and trust for Lu Chen.

After all, Lu Chen's cultivation talent is unprecedentedly superb.

Not only that, but now Chase Lu's own cultivation has reached a point where even the dean is terrified.

Whether it is Lu Chen's contribution to Ksitigarbha College or his current cultivation level, they are all worthy of his respect.

"Then Wan'er and the elder, what are you going to do?"

The dean asked, "I was planning to find Wan'er in person after I settled in the academy.

But you just mentioned that you have been to the classical tomb, and now there is a conspiracy against the Ksitigarbha Academy, asking me to join hands with the lord of the Peerless City.

Then I can't leave the academy. "

Lu Chen nodded: "President, don't worry, once I settle here, I'll go to the Classical Tomb immediately.

According to my understanding, Gu Gu is a very strange person. As long as there are no people with evil intentions in his tomb, there should be no real accidents.

Wan'er and the others may have many adventures inside, but they shouldn't be too dangerous. "

Lu Chen remembered that Gu Gu said that his tomb was to be left as a place of trial for future generations.

Out of his understanding of the classics, he was still slightly relieved.

"However, Dean, how is my master now, can I go and see him?"

Lu Chen asked.

The dean shook his head: "You don't have to worry about this, your master will be fine.

He was sent by us to the trial of dullness, where there is nothing but boredom, safety must be safe.

I will personally tell him the news of your safe return later, but he still has to stay there for another month.

This time, he was indeed acting too recklessly, and he had to reflect on himself.

When you bring all the elders back, let's go see him together. "

"Okay then." After discussing the business, the atmosphere has obviously relaxed a lot.

The dean said: "Okay, you can take care of that Yu Qingyang first, after all, he is your friend and the younger brother of City Lord Wushuang, so it would be inappropriate for someone else to take care of him."

Lu Chen nodded, and then said: "Dean, the college is now empty, there are conspiracy black hands outside, and ghosts lurking inside.

I will borrow some people from Shaking Sky Auction and the city lord later to help guard the academy. "

"it is good!"

The dean nodded in satisfaction, and now Lu Chen is more and more satisfied with him.

Lu Chen told Yu Qingyang about the dean's arrangement, and asked him to take her to settle down first, and then wait for her brother.

Yu Qingyang agreed, so they quickly walked out of the college with all kinds of surprise, envy and admiration from the students of the Dizang College.

"Huh" out of the gate of the academy, Yu Qingyang rolled his eyes and said, "I think the students in your academy are boring enough to watch us quietly all the way.

What catches your eyes? "

Looking at Yu Qingyang's pretty face, Lu Chen smiled: "You look good, why don't others see it?"

"Bah! Not serious."

A touch of blush flew over Yu Qingyang's pretty face.

Lu Chen looked at the crowded street, and said to Yu Qingyang: "I'm going to borrow some manpower from the Doutian Auction House to look after the Nursing Academy, so why don't we go together now, and I'll ask Yuluan to send more manpower, that's fine too." Take care of you.

After all, the forces in Buluo City are very complicated now, and there are still black hands behind the scenes staring at you. "

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Thinking about what he saw today, Yu Qingyang couldn't help but nodded.

"However, I still want to take a look at the auction house first, is that okay?"

Yu Qingyang asked out.

"Auction house?"

Lu Chen was stunned: "Haven't you seen it before?"

Yu Qingyang shook his head and said: "The black area is so chaotic, there is an auction house, but there is nowhere to go safely.

My brother never let me go. "

When Lu Chen heard it, he understood.

In a place like Heiyu, where would there be any real deals? Apart from this city, things in other places would probably be robbed.

Even if the things bought in the black field auction house, once they leave the city, there are still many people who will be looted.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen said: "Okay, there are many good things that don't fall into the city. I'll take you to the auction house to have a look. If you like it, how about I buy two for you?"


After walking for a long time, Lu Chen pointed to a building and said to Yu Qingyang, "Look, this is it, let's go in first, and find Yuluan after the auction is over."

Yu Qingyang followed Lu Chen's hand, and saw a huge and extremely magnificent domed building. This giant building almost occupied that street, and the crowded trading area around it was only there. It is clean, and no one dares to set up a stall to sell things there.

At the main entrance of the building, several guards in armor stood upright with cold and arrogant expressions. None of these guards were below the level of the Demon King!The gatekeepers all have such strength, this place really makes people dare not underestimate it!Shaking Sky Auction - Seeing the large characters on the craftsman's forehead above the building from a distance, Yu Qingyang couldn't help but admire: "This is really magnificent and domineering."

"My lord, there are too many people at the front door, there is no need to compete with them, let's go to the back, there is a place for treasure appraisal and auction at the back door.

I can sell something, and I am not afraid that there will be no seats, and it is still a privileged seat. "

Behind Yu Qingyang, a demon king who knew a little about the auction venue said directly to Lu Chen.

Chase Lu nodded, then led the three of them to the side, and took out a few black cloaks for them to put on.

Of course, Chase Lu put it on himself.

Firstly, it would be inconvenient for Yu Qingyang's overly stunning appearance, and secondly, it would also avoid the trouble of being found after the auction.

Anyway, for the auction, there are countless people dressed like this, and the four of Chase Lu are extremely inconspicuous.

After dressing up, the four of them were about to walk back when a strong commotion suddenly rang out not far from the main entrance.

"Hey, this is the person from Charming Pavilion in the Southern Territory!"

"Flash, flash, block the road, there is no good fruit to eat!"

"That's the owner of the Wumei Pavilion of the Charming Pavilion, puff, this face is really pretty."

"Hey, are you interested in him?

Don't be disgusting! "

During the whispered conversation, the flow of people gradually dispersed, and a spacious road appeared in front of everyone.

Then, from a distance, the crowd saw four strong brawny brawns embracing a man in a red dress. The man had long blue hair and his face like a fat jade was about to drip water.

Moreover, this person still has some temperament, with a haughty expression, charming eyes with spring, and the whole body's momentum is definitely a devil-level beauty expert!However, a beauty is a beauty, but the flat chest always reminds people that it is a man!Shemale???? The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched and cursed, shaking the goosebumps that appeared on his body.

It really hurts my eyes when I look at it.

It's better to look at Yu Qingyang who is a female companion in men's clothing. Yu Qingyang's beauty is a kind of pleasing delicacy. Dressed as a man, there is a heroic spirit belonging to a man in his eyebrows.

It is very comfortable and likeable.

And what kind of witchcraft, it makes people see that he is a man, but he is more curvaceous than a woman-it is really disgusting!Besides, in terms of appearance, he is far inferior to Lu Chen and the other two.

"What is this guy?

"Seeing that person walk into the auction house, Yu Qingyang's eyes showed some surprise, and he said in a disgusted voice, "It's disgusting! "


Lu Chen asked curiously, "Do you know him?"

"I haven't had any contact with him, but he likes to go to the Black Territory, and he is well-known in the Black Territory, so I naturally know.

"Yu Qingyang stared at the man coldly and snorted: 'This Wumei pavilion master likes to dress up the most, and then compares who is more beautiful with other men. When he sees a man who is prettier than him, he gets upset and insists on arresting him and using perverted methods to torture him." To make others ugly or die is a complete psychopath!"

"It's perverted enough!"

Lu Chen shivered, "Then you are not very dangerous?"

"Hmph, how can this pervert be qualified to see me?

Even if he saw me, he wouldn't have the guts to touch me casually! "

"But" Yu Qingyang suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help frowning, "In addition to comparing beauty, the guy usually likes to collect some good things.

Could it be that there will be something good in this auction?

Otherwise, he wouldn't let go of the opportunity to give himself a beauty treatment every now and then. "

As soon as the words fell, they saw that the crowd that had just calmed down became agitated again.

Immediately afterwards, another group of people came along the road, and this time it was a white-haired old man with a hooked nose that was particularly eye-catching.

But neither Lu Chen nor Yu Qingyang knew this person, not even the two demon kings behind them.

Seeing the demon king-level aura fluctuating on this person, Lu Chen secretly said: "Today's auction, there are probably some good ones."

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