Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2924 The Young Lord of Magic Corner City

The Black Territory, where fish and dragons are mixed, and the strong are like clouds, is the emptiest piece of land in the Demon God Continent.

This piece of land has a size of 2000 million square kilometers, and there are too many strong people in it, and no one has ever been able to dominate the Black Territory.

Excluding China, this area has the most masters at the Demon King level.

In addition to the little people in the black domain who will fight and fight with each other, the large forces in the black domain are also not calm. Dozens of demon kings occupy the territory of the black domain. Multi-party forces are fighting and fighting for their own interests every day.

However, only Zhonghan City, Wancheng City, and Yule City, which are close to the east, are the most peaceful places, and there have been no disputes for almost tens of thousands of years.

One is because the city lords who occupy the territory are really too strong, and they are about to cross into the robbery realm.

Twenty because of the terrain of the black domain.

Among them, Seoul is the closest place to other continents, and the number of people coming and going every day is almost half of that of the four borders of east, west, north and south.

Because this is the main point of the transportation hub, it is tacitly regarded by everyone as the most disciplined place.

Once there is a problem in the transportation hub of Zhong Seoul, people in the entire black region may not be able to travel.

Of course, the rule that people in the Black Territory cannot fly without authorization is a rule set by the five great realms of east, west, north, south, and middle, because the Black Territory is too chaotic, and it almost disturbs the other five realms.

So there have long been experts from the five great realms of ancient times who have joined forces to set up a powerful magic circle at the junction of the black realm and the other five realms. Once people from the black realm travel, if they want to fly forcibly, they will be directly punished by the magic circle. The power of the formation strangled.

Of course, the rebels in the black domain will not listen. For thousands of years, there have always been people who have tried it without believing in evil.

Facts have proved that unless one is at the peak of the Tribulation Crossing Realm, no one can escape the strangulation of this large formation.

Of course, some people can choose to leave, but the territory of the Black Territory is too large. If they only have to walk, it may take two or three months to completely cross the border of the Black Territory.

Therefore, no matter how arrogant a person is, unless they are on a wing boat, they should not even think about flying out of the black domain.

This winged boat is a super magic weapon refined by the ancient expert according to the magic circle, and only by taking this boat can he leave smoothly.

The traffic wing boats in Heiyu and the four borders of east, west, north and south can only be taken in the middle of Seoul. 10,000+ years ago, the experts set up four fixed points in the four borders of east, west, north and south, respectively in the border towns of the four borders.

As for the Middle Realm, the passage there has always been mysterious, few people know about it, and even people from the Four Realms can't enter it casually, let alone the Black Realm.

The material of the wing boat has been carefully worked out, and the speed is more than a hundred times that of ordinary demon kings. Taking the wing boat, it only takes eight days to go in and out of the black area, and back and forth four times a month.

The city where the Wing Boat Station is located has also become the most prosperous place in the Black Territory. There are a lot of people, a lot of wealth, and many rare treasures can be found in these places.

Central Seoul, Yutian site.

This is the starting point of the Wing Boat Station for the communication between East Mirror and Heiyu in Demon God Continent. The Yutian station in the city has been suspended for half a month due to a huge change in Zhonghan City.

The flow of people is already full, and many people who want to go to the various territories in the middle of the mainland are waiting here for the arrival of the wing boat.

Because this Yutian station is a place where various people come and go, a professional existence called "Mo Xiaosheng" was born. They will sell various news, and will also disclose various information for some reasons.

Therefore, if there is any explosive news in the black domain, it will be spread here soon. They even specially made a thing that uses low-level crystals to record messages. stone.

Many people bought it out of admiration for the Yutian site and curiosity about the black domain. Some people in the waiting wing boat were idle and bored, and they also bought it to pass the time. The waiting place outside the building , everywhere you can see people talking and laughing casually discussing recent events.

"The Mowen headlines in this issue are really scary. A human race that has never been heard of, the Demon King's Dzogchen realm, unexpectedly became a blockbuster. He killed the city owner of Wancheng and saved Zhonghan City! He also killed tens of thousands of cities by himself. Killed the three demon king guards directly, and I heard that the sons and daughters of the Wancheng city lord were also killed!"

In a large circle with the largest number of people gathered, several burly men were shouting loudly, surrounded by people with less wealth.

Dozens of them teamed up to buy a Mowen crystal, and then circulated it for discussion together. The scene was very lively.

One person stared and said: "This is too perverted! Even if this human race is powerful, it will not be able to cross the ranks with the Great Perfection of the Demon King Realm! Kill the master of the Demon King Realm! There is also a city lord, how can it be so easy?" kill!"

The man who was scanning the Mowen Crystal with Jingmoyuan added: "Not only that, the City Lord's Mansion of Wancheng was completely destroyed overnight."

The people around them gasped when they heard it!A strong man with bull horns sighed, "Is this an opera?

My God, even the classics many years ago, I have never heard of such a perverted time! "

A human race in the realm of a demon king killed the lord of a city, and even destroyed the city lord's mansion!How is this possible!A group of people next to him nodded and said yes, and everyone couldn't believe it.

Will there still be such a powerful human race in this world?

This can catch up with the number one Yumo clan among the hundreds of clans! "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know.

A disharmonious voice next to him suddenly interrupted everyone's admiration. They looked at him, but he was a young man in very gorgeous clothes. He was followed by a few powerful masters. With long tentacles, it looks like Zerg, but Hei Nian smiled disdainfully and said: "I think this demon is probably false, even if it is true, I am afraid that the strength of the human race is nothing at all, just relying on the demon Things like utensils, talismans, etc. are just powerful, or there are some powerful helpers behind them.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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And he won't be arrogant for long!I want to find him and beat him to death! "

As soon as this person appeared, the surrounding people immediately quieted down, and a few low voices rang out: "This is the young city lord of the Demon Corner City in the center of the Black Territory! The Zerg Race has no sky! He is a master of the ninth level of the Demon King!"

"What is he doing here?

Want to take a wing boat too?

Could it be that he was rushing to the unearthed event of the Classical Tomb? "

"Hey, [-]% of the people who go to Dongjing are going to the classical tomb! Does it need to be said?"

While everyone was discussing in low voices, a faint cold hum suddenly came from afar.

"I am a worthless prodigal, and I think everyone else is like him. How ridiculous! If you look down on this human race, go to Wancheng and compare with him!"

The crowd froze for a moment, and stared in horror. Who would be so bold as to not buy into the account of the young master of Magic Corner City in this dark area?

The young master of Devil's Corner City was also taken aback, how dare someone say that about him!His eyelids twitched slightly, and he squinted his eyes angrily, but when he touched the beautiful figure, his eyebrows stretched out, and the people around him also showed surprise when they looked at it. There was a trace of burning heat.

It was an extremely beautiful woman with two lovely tiger ears, long flowing hair, and a long blue dress. Her bright eyes were like water, her pretty face was like jade, and there was a hint of coldness in her expression. Some people are afraid to approach.

There are many beautiful women, but those who are so beautiful and temperament are rare!The young master of Devil's Corner City immediately put on a gentleman's demeanor, and said with a smile: "Miss, maybe you think this human race is great, so you ignore some facts, let me tell you, now all the demon king realms in the Demon God Continent have received the message , will compete with that human race in the city lord competition a month later.

Do you think he can really win all the demon kings in the Demon God Continent? "

"And, that's not all."

The young master of Demon Corner City shook his head, and continued to pretend to be authentic: "You must not know, this human being seems to have taken away all the treasures of Wancheng, now that the news has leaked out, how can the powerful people in this world not flock here?" Looking for him?"

A stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and the crowd erupted in shock and exclamation.

"All the treasures of Wancheng!"

"Damn, did I hear wrong!"

"All the treasures! All the treasures in the city!"

Satisfied with the reactions of the people around him, the young master of Magic Corner City smiled proudly: "That's why, no matter how strong this human race is and how many cards it has, once people discover it, they will be endlessly pursued." Kill! How long can I be free?

Moreover, the strength of this human race is only at the level of the Great Perfection of the Demon Lord, and it is still very early for him to reach the level of the Demon King. If he is not here, I would like to compete head-to-head with the people! , Speaking of this, the young master of Demon Corner City smiled self-righteously and looked at the long-haired woman with tiger ears, secretly feeling that he was majestic and domineering, and he would definitely be looked at differently by the beautiful woman.

Unexpectedly, the woman with tiger ears and long hair snorted again, and said with a disdainful smile: "So I only thought you were a prodigal, but you are actually an idiot!"

The sneer of the tiger-eared and long-haired female hand made the young master of Demon Horn City's face change.

Before he could get angry, the woman with tiger ears and long hair continued to snort: "Even if this person is missed by everyone, have you seen him?

Do you know his name?

Know what he looks like? "

The young master of Devil's Corner City choked. Indeed, the spies didn't have time to record the scene when they reported back. They only knew it from the description.

"I don't even know the name and appearance, but I just want to arrest and find him. You can be stupid! Maybe you can't recognize him now that he is happy and happy right under your nose! The woman with long hair and tiger ears looked at the young master of Demon Corner City contemptuously." With a glance: "Besides, what can a guy as powerful as you really do in front of that human race.

Don't say that you can't stand the human race using any powerful magic weapon against you, even if he relies on his strength alone, you can only be killed in seconds! "

The woman with long-haired tiger ears spoke unceremoniously. When the words fell, the face of the young master of Demon Corner City was already very ugly. I can bear this breath.

"You dare to insult our young master like this! Court death!"

A demon king's first-level guard next to him showed anger on the spot. He reached forward with one hand, and a dark red light rushed towards the tiger-eared long-haired woman!The woman with tiger ears and long hair looked at the ray of light, raised her beautiful eyes, and said coldly, "Is the level of the devil king great?"

The woman with long-haired tiger ears also waved her hand forward, and the strong magic power shot out!The two wolves collided fiercely in the air, setting off an extremely violent whirlwind!The tiger-eared long-haired woman backed away a few steps, and the demon king's first-level guards didn't get any benefits, but many of the surrounding people suffered. There was a lot of screams, and many people quickly dodged and screamed: "God! ! The realm of the devil! The masters of the realm of the devil are starting to fight, run!"

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