Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2909 Alchemy

It's wonderful!The city lord of Han City, I don't know how he thought of it, but repeatedly refracted it with countless crystal mirrors, and finally transmitted the scene on the ground from the ground to here.

Sitting underground, you can clearly see everything inside and outside the city.

"what is this?"

After scanning all the situation inside and outside the city at a glance, Lu Chen stood beside a blood-red crystal ball protruding from the center of the secret palace.

The city lord of Zhonghan City looked at the various forces in the city who were killing and scrambling for positions, and his black blood was already about to spray.

This city of Seoul is his life's painstaking effort, and it will be ruined like this!After hearing Lu Chen's question, Luo Tian glanced at it: "This is the mechanism of the barrier. There is one outside, and I also have one here. If you move here, the mechanism outside will not work."

After getting the answer, Lu Chen stretched out his hand and stroked it slowly.

"this one?

do you have anything else? "

Lu Chen frowned: "You don't have any way to prevent the enemy from entering?"

Hearing this, the city lord of Zhonghan City paused, and after a while, he heard him say: "That's easy, just poison."

Luo Tian said that there was a peculiar design in this city in the past, that is, the inner wall of the city wall in this city can be poisoned.

However, the design of this wall has not been used for many years, and Luo Tian has not let any poison inside it before, so it is very difficult to find a large amount of poison all of a sudden.

Moreover, Luo Tian, ​​the city lord of Zhonghan City, looked at the screen with a trace of unbearable in his eyes.

Indeed, this is the Black Territory, a world where the strong prey on the weak.

But there are still many innocent people in Seoul, he is a city lord after all.

Even if he is a hero, he really doesn't want to use the method of poisoning all the people with his own hands.

Hearing this, Lu Chen paused: "Whether it's poison or drug, I have plenty here."

"What's the fun in letting them kill and kill?"

Lu Chen looked at the city lord, with a flash of confidence in his eyes: "If you want to play, you can play the big one, do you dare to bet?"

There was a brutal fight in Zhonghan City, and everyone was fighting in full swing.

However, in this blazing heat, the walls of the entire Zhonghan City suddenly emitted silent, densely packed medicinal powder.

There is a cool breeze, and the powder is flying with the wind.

Where the wind blows, no one stands.


The barrier covering Seoul was suddenly lifted with a bang.

All kinds of people who were waiting outside the city were stunned when they heard the sound, and then their expressions changed drastically. Why did Zhonghan City suddenly open?

what happened?

In the surprised eyes of everyone, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the city gate, and took away three people and one beast.

Soon, it returned to calm.

The people at the gate of the city slowly tried to probe into the city of China, but after some people entered the city of China, the city of China, which had just touched the barrier, suddenly sounded another alarm, and the barrier appeared again!No matter what the people outside thought, those who entered the city were terrified. Why is there no living person in the city?

The entire street is full of people lying on the ground in disarray!Are they all dead?

However, their doubts didn't last long. Once again, colorless powder smoke appeared on the wall of the city wall, and no one could stand.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing the well-behaved father standing in front of him and the crowds of people on the street on the screen, Luo Yin's jaws couldn't even close together.

"How is this going?"

Luo Yin asked in surprise, "Father! Are all these people dead?

Has Hancheng become an empty city? "

Looking at his daughter standing in front of him alive, Luo Tian couldn't contain his joy.

He chuckled, and patted Lu Chen on the shoulder: "Yin'er, it's all thanks to Lu Chen!"

Ever since Luo Tian was put under house arrest, his nephew tried every means to kill all his staff.

Therefore, when Lu Chen arrived at the bedroom, not to mention the guards, there was not even a maid close to Luo Tian.

If it weren't for the deadly mechanism in Luo Tian's bedroom, he would have been killed long ago, instead of waiting to die in bed.

Although taking the medicine brought by Lu Chen, Luo Tian's dantian's injuries gradually recovered, but he couldn't recover all his cultivation immediately, and his own hands were all slaughtered.

That's why he asked Chase Lu to help. Originally, he took a fancy to Chase Lu's cultivation and character, and thought that maybe he could think of a perfect plan.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen's brain was too flexible, so he directly reminded Luo Tian to use the mechanism left over from the city's construction in ancient times.

Although the mechanism for placing the poison hadn't been used for a long time, and Luo Tian didn't have a suitable poison in his hands, Lu Chen had refined almost as many sleeping pills as there were piled up in a room.

This kind of elixir is harmless to people and can be effective immediately.

So Luo Tian took this medicine, and as a result, everyone in Seoul, whether they were civilians or soldiers, fell into a coma immediately.

If Chase Lu doesn't wake them up, these people will sleep forever.

Lu Chen said: "These people will be identified later, and those who can live will be selected, and those who can't live will be fine if I burn them.

To avoid the trouble of waking up. "

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Hearing this, Tao Jiang couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth secretly, Master is really cruel, these are human beings, how could they just say that they were burned, as if they were short of firewood!In a flash, three days passed.

Never underestimate a city lord in the realm of a demon king, just like don't underestimate the creative ability of human beings.

It only took three days. On the first day, it was Lu Chen and Fen Tianjiu who followed Luo Tian and Luo Yindao to identify people, and then they were responsible for burning them to death or arresting them.

In the next two days, it was Luo Tian himself who was doing things with the power he had awakened and cultivated the previous day. Then, Luo Tian swiftly delivered the key to the treasure house he had promised, and left a message saying, let him go to another treasure house of medicine in Seoul. Choose any material in the middle, and if the key can be refined to produce the Nine-Turn Pill, then it will be directly given to Lu Chen's three treasures of medicinal materials.

Truly worthy of being a generational hero in the Black Domain, Lu Chen is simply amazed at Luo Tian's ability to cultivate his confidantes and execution ability, and this person is really majestic.

Chase Lu quickly visited the treasure house of medicines in Seoul, the black domain, and there were as many as 32 treasure houses!Lu Chen looked at these medicinal materials in admiration. It is worthy of the black domain and the handwriting of the city lord. It actually has a lot of ancient medicines!Moreover, it really made Lu Chen gather the medicine of Jiuzhuan Pill!What is this concept?

This treasury is equivalent to a collection of more than half of the rare medicinal materials in the Demon God Continent!No wonder so many people like power and black domain. Here, it is indeed a material paradise. If you have strength, you have everything!With such a powerful force, wouldn't it be a matter of course if he wanted to cultivate faster and ascend to the upper realm?

Lu Chen faintly had a new idea in his heart.

However, this idea has to wait until the medicine is successfully refined.

Although all the medicines had been found, Lu Chen didn't rush to refine them immediately.

In fact, the classic Jiuzhuan Pill has already been refined and sealed in the pages of the book.

But he knew that the city lord was cunning and cunning, and he was afraid that taking out the medicine directly would be bad for him, so he still wanted to refine it by himself according to the pill recipe.

Moreover, Lu Chen also wanted to try the classical method of alchemy. He hadn't tried this new alchemy technique yet!But he is really tired recently, and he hasn't practiced properly for a long time.

Alchemy also pays attention to the unity of mind and mind, so Lu Chen directly picked the medicinal materials from the treasure house and went back to the room.

Until the next morning, Lu Chen, who was practicing, slowly opened his eyes, and as his eyes opened, there was a low thunder sound in the small room.

An invisible force bulged Lu Chen's robe, and there was a faint flash of light in those dark eyes.

At this moment, Lu Chen is almost in the peak state after he advanced to the Demon Lord Realm Dzogchen! "it's time."

A low murmuring sound came out of Lu Chen's mouth, and then he stood up slowly, and went directly to a secret room in the city lord's mansion specially for alchemists.

Lu Chen directly walked into the secret room, and asked Fen Tianjiu to guard the outside.

"This is the beginning of alchemy?"

Yuluan's room was next door to Chen Luan's. Sensing the movement of Chen Luan, she walked over immediately.

Fen Tianyu nodded: "Yes, Master has started alchemy."

Looking at the alchemy room, a little awe and respect flashed in the eyes of some passing maids around.

Those who can be personally invited by the city lord must be top-level alchemists. This kind of person, even in the entire continent, can cause quite a commotion.

Yuluan looked at the secret room, smiled slightly, her beautiful eyes were shining with a little sparkle.

"Sister, is this brother Lu Chen starting alchemy?"

Luo Yin, who rushed over after hearing the news, also smiled sweetly, looking towards the alchemy room with full eyes, a little excited in his heart, if Lu Chen could refine the Nine-Turn Pill he mentioned, Dad's injury would be completely healed!Yuluan nodded, looked at Tao Jiang who was walking, and said, "It's just right, let's protect your master!"

When refining alchemy, one should not be disturbed at will. Now that the city of China is not peaceful at all, Yuluan doesn't want anything to disturb Lu Chen's alchemy and distract him, which may cause backlash.

"Huh" At this moment, Lu Chen doesn't know the outside world. He has gathered all his mind and released his spiritual power with all his heart. Gradually learning the methods taught by the ancient Chinese, he began to try to use his mental power to go out. The fire of the law of fusion.

"Huh..." the fiery breath overflowed from Lu Chen's nose. Immediately, an extremely dignified look flashed in his eyes. He ran his magic energy with all his strength, and then controlled his own magic energy to protect his spiritual power, and gradually touched the blood on his palm. Fire of law.



It was just a light touch, but Chase Lu didn't have a good sense of proportion. The fire of law directly burned Chase Lu's mental power!In an instant, the pain that touched the demon soul made Lu Chen unable to help but cry out in pain!After a while, Lu Chen slowly came back to his senses and relieved the pain that had penetrated into the demon soul.

"Hiss" Lu Chen gritted his teeth, and he began to recall the details of ancient alchemy in ancient alchemy at that time.

Lu Chen's demon soul realm is powerful, so he has firmly memorized the details of classical alchemy in his mind. At this moment, recalling bit by bit, Lu Chen suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

That's right, he should try to transform his mental power into flames, and then fuse the flames of spiritual power with the fire of law, and wouldn't he be able to transform thousands of thoughts in one thought?

You can spare a part of your mind to control the flame of spiritual power and the fire of law, and you have to keep a part of your mind to observe the process of flame fusion and alchemy process, and set aside a part of your mind to observe the scene around the alchemy room. Is there any code word for voyeurism here?

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